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This record is as complete as possible. It was painstakingly
compiled from official records and personal papers of the individuals who served in the 22ND Virginia Cavalry,
by Jeff Weaver and his wife Patty. It is copyrighted materiel and may not be reproduced or used for commercial purposes or
profit. All I have done is post it here for the knowledge of any who wish to view it. I have posted the records of my ancestors
using their official records and personal family papers. L.R. COMPILED SERVICE RECORDS OF THE
Clarifications on the CSR of the 22ND
Virginia Cavalry, from Jeff Weaver's book, INTRODUCTION TO THE
COMPILED SERVICE RECORD OF THE 22nd VIRGINIA CAVALRY "The compiled service records for
the soldiers who served in the 22nd Virginia Cavalry Regiment have been primarily taken from Record Group 109, Microcopy 324,
Rolls 169-171, located at the National Archives, Washington, D.C. The roster has been supplemented from other official and unofficial sources
including, but not restricted to, family histories, county histories, Hardesty's Histories —Virginia county series,
and cemetery records. The Confederate Veteran, county records, and pension application files at the Virginia State Library,
Richmond, Virginia, also provided valuable information. Since the muster rolls for the 22nd Cavalry,
as well as most other Confederate regiments, are not complete, supplemental sources are vital in determining a complete listing
of the soldiers of Bowen's Regiment. Records for the 22nd Virginia Cavalry are more limited than most. Vital to this effort
was consultation with postwar rosters in the Virginia State Library, which were limited in value for all but a couple of companies.
These rosters are obviously not entirely accurate, but they add valuable data to the roster. Spellings found in these various
sources are not consistent. Every effort has been made to include everyone who should be and to avoid duplications. This effort
may not have been entirely successful, so your comments and additional information are solicited for succeeding editions of
this book. Discrepancies are found in even the "official"
Compiled Service Records. These problems arise from several contemporary organizational problems. Communications were not
always efficient. It is entirely possible that a soldier was listed as being AWOL when in fact he had been captured, wounded,
was in the hospital, was sick, or was on detached service somewhere away from the main body of the regiment. Highlights of each soldier's career are
presented to include date and place of enlistment, periods of sickness, wounds, death, capture, incarceration, physical description,
prewar and postwar residences, and birth and death dates and place of burial where known. Genealogical data, if known, has
generally been omitted unless it would add significantly to the placement of a particular soldier." Jeffrey C. Weaver Copyright © 1991, H.E. Howard, Inc. and Jeffrey C. Weaver Abbreviations used in the CSR: AWOL
Absent Without Official Leave B.
Born ca. circa(approximately) Capt. Captain C.H. Court
House Col. Colonel Cpl. Corporal CSR
Compiled Service Record D. Died DFR Dropped
From the Roll F & S Field
& Staff KIA Killed
In Action Lt. Lieutenant MIA Missing
In Action MW Mortally
Wounded NFR No
Further Record POW
Captured/Prisoner Of War PWR
Post War Record or Roster Sgt. Sergeant VSL Virginia
State Line WIA
Wounded In Action ? Information
not available ****A note concerning the records of the members
of the 22ND Virginia Cavalry. Desertion is defined as being absent from duty for a period exceeding 30 days, of
if it is apparent that an individual has no intention of returning to duty regardless of the period of absence. When it is
noted that a trooper was AWOL, or listed as a deserter, this does not mean that soldier never returned to his unit. He just
may not have been on that very spot when the roll was called. Some soldiers were listed as AWOL or as a deserter when they
were actually on detached duty, or with another unit. Confederate soldiers, especially those from the mountains, were an independent
minded lot. Sometimes, if they became dissatisfied with their unit, they took it upon themselves to “discharge”
themselves from that unit, then go and enlist in another unit., or if they decided to go home for a few days, they felt it
was their right as free men to do so. Most always eventually returned to duty. This was a common occurrence in the Confederate
Army. One can see the evidence of this by closely examining, and comparing, the records of different units.**** ADAMS, C. W.: Company D. PWR. ADAMS, EDWARD T; Company
A. Enlisted on 8/17/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, then NFR. ADAMS, JAMES: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/11/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. AWOL from 12/24/63, then NFR. ADAMS, WILLIAM H.: Company
K. Enlisted on 9/1/64 at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Present on 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. Age 7 per 1850 Montgomery
County Census. AKERS, MADISON T; Company
K. Enlisted on 9/1/64 at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Present on 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. Age 5 per 1850 Montgomery
County Census. AKERS, STEPHEN:
Company G. Enlisted on ? at ?. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 21,59", light complexion, grey eyes, brown
hair. AKERS, THOMAS C.: Company
A. Enlisted on 7/12/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Taken POW in Russell County, Virginia. Took the oath at
Louisa. Lawrence County, Kentucky. Resident of Russell County, dark complexion and hair, black eyes, 5'8". He also served
in the 72nd Virginia Militia from Russell County. ALBERT, JAMES: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 12/31/64. Took the oath in Tazewell County 3/31/69. Age 32,
farmer per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. ALBRIDGE, ISAAC NEWTON: Company
C. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 9/19/64 at Winchester, Virginia. Sent
to Point Lookout, Maryland on 9/23/64 where he was held until exchanged on 2/10/65. Present at Chimborazo Hospital, Richjnond
on 2/17/65. ALEXANDER, B.: Company
C. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. B. ca. 1844/45 in Washington County, Virginia.
He also served in the 48th Virginia Infantry, enlisting in that unit on 6/18/61. Present there thru 10/15/61. No further record
in the 48th until 10/26/64 when he deserted. Apparently he was conscripted into the 22nd and at some point was transferred
back to the 48th. ALLEN, W. F.: Company
G. PWR. Resident of Franklin County, VA ALTIZER, WILLIAM A.: 5th
Sergeant, Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Present on 10/31/64. Absent sick 10/64 in the Hospital at Staunton,
Virginia. Absent sick 12/31/64. B. 1819 in Montgomery County, migrated to Tazewell County in 1832. Resident of Tazewell County,
when he enlisted. Died 1892 at Harmon, Tazewell County, Virginia. A grandson said, "He liked to fight, and on one occasion,
he had been in a fight and ended up with a severe gash in his face. His wife was too squeemish to dress the wound, so he took
a needle and thread and sewed it up in front of a shaving mirror." ANDER, JACKSON: Company
E. Enlisted on 7/25/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63, then NFR. ARCHORY, AMOS: Company
?. Enlisted on ? in Jefferson County, Virginia (Jeffersonville, Tazewell County ?
G. Enlisted on 3/1/64 at Wytheville, VA. Present on 10/31/64. Absent on horse detail 12/31/64. Postwar resident Wythe
County, Hardesty's history reports he was in 20 battles over 2 years with the 22nd Cavalry. Age 4 per the 1850 Wythe County
Census. ARUNDEL, J. T.: Company D. PWR. ASBERRY, JOHN P.: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. AWOL 8/31/64, listed as deserter 12/31/64. On 1898
Tazewell Company Confederate Veterans Roster, then age 59, "served 3 years." On 1920 Tazewell County Pension List. ASBERRY, THOMAS W.: Company
H. Enlisted on 4/11/64 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Taken POW 8/7/64 at Moorefield, Virginia. Sent to Camp Chase 8/12J64,
transferred to City Point, Virginia on 3/4/65. In Wayside Hosp. #9, Richmond, Virginia on 3/18/65. Given 60 day furlough 3/22/65.
B. ca. 1842. Moved to Point, Rains County, Texas in 1881, occupation Farmer. Admitted to Confederate Soldier's Home 4/16/1904,
released by own request 3/9/1905. Previously served in another unit, enlisting 2/12/62. ASBERRY, WILLIAM: Company
H. Enlisted on 9/12/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/62. AWOL 8/31/64. Declared deserter on 9/24/64. Age
27, farmer per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. ASHLEY, J. B.: Company
F. Enlisted 1862, served 3 years per PWR. ASOUE, SPARIAL: Company
C. Enlisted on 5/18/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63. AWOL 5/10/64. ATWELL, JOHN B.: Company
H. Enlisted on 1/1/64 at Saltville. Transferred from 45th Virginia Infantry. Detached 12/11/64. No CSR file in the 45th. AYERS, J. M.: Sergeant
Major, F&S. Enlisted on ?. Paroled 5/10/65 at Lewisburg, West Virginia. BAGBY,
MADISON G.: Company C. Enlisted on 5/10/63 at Kenton, Kentucky. Present on 10/31/63. applied for pension in Kentucky
in 1914. BAGLEY, TOBIAS: Company C. PWR. Resident of
Kentucky. BAILEY, JESSE: 1st Lieutenant, Company F. Enlisted
on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Absent sick 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. Present on commanding company
1/10/65. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 37, 6'1 ½ ", light complexion, black eyes and hair. He was last
paid 12/31/64. B. 7/7/35 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Also served in Company H (I), 29th Virginia Infantry, rising from the
ranks to 1st Lieutenant, but resigned from that unit due to disagreement with Captain of that Company. Age 24, 1860 Tazewell
County Census. BAILEY, JOHN: 2nd Sergeant, Company F. Enlisted
on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. AWOL 8/31/64. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age
29, fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair and whiskers. BAILEY, JOHN: Company C. Enlisted on 6/15/63
in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Absent as a wagoner in Southwestern Virginia 10/31/64. BAILEY, ROBERT: Company G. PWR. BAIN, GEORGE WASHINGTON: Company K, PWR. Resident
of Montgomery County. B. 6/30/45 D. 12/1/1922. Burried Laurel Hill Church Cemetery, Montgomery County, VA BAIRSTICK, JOHN: Company I. Enlisted on 8/11/63
in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. BAKER, GEORGE H.: Company E. Enlisted on 1/1/64
in Scott County, VA. Absent sick 10/31/64. Given clothing at General Hospital, Liberty, Virginia on 10/10/64. Deserted by
12/31/64. Age 15, farm laborer, 1860 Scott County Census. BAKER, ISAAC W.: Company ?.
Enlisted on ?. Taken POW in Scott County, Virginia, fair complexion, light hair, blue eyes, 6'2". Took the
oath at Louisa, Kentucky 5/64. Age 15, farm laborer, 1860 Scott County Census. BALDWIN, CREED F.: Company E. Enlisted on 3/22/62
in Scott County, VA. AWOL 10/31/63. On clothing receipt for 2nd Quarter 1864. BALDWIN, JACOB: Company A. Enlisted on 5/15/64
in Scott County,VA Present on 10/31/64. Taken POW 11/12/64 at Nineveh, Virginia. Sent to Point Lookout, Maryland. Released
6/23/65. Resident of Scott County, fair complexion, hoary hair, blue eyes, 5'10". Age 15, farm laborer, 1860 Scott County
Census. BALDWIN, JAMES: Company D. Enlisted on 5/1/63
in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. BALDWIN, N. L.: Company E. Enlisted 3/1/64.
PWR says "served to the end of the war." Resident of Washington County, Virginia. BALDWIN, RESSE M.: Captain, Company E. Enlisted
on 12/10/61 in Floyd County, Kentucky. On leave 10/31/63. Resigned as Captain 8/31/64, resigned to join a Kentucky Regiment.
Resignation letter dated 6/25/64 in Rockbridge County, Virginia. BALDWIN, WILLIAM MARSHALL: Captain, Baldwin's
Cavalry Squadron. Native of Ashe County, North Carolina. Was a Baptist minister. In his youth he moved to Washington County,
Virginia with his more locally famous brother, Noah. At the outbreak of hostilities he enlisted in the Confederate Army and
served as Chaplain in Humphrey Marshall's Brigade. Apparently he and ‘Marshall did not get along. He sought and received
permission to raise a company of partisan rangers in the summer of 1862. He resigned his commission in July 1863, and returned
to his ministerial duties in Southwest Virginia. After the war, he returned to Ashe County, and was a well respected minister
there until his death. The Baldwin Community of Ashe County was named in his honor. BALL, ALFRED: Company D. Enlisted on 5/1/63
in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Confined to jail at Abingdon for desertion, sent to Wytheville on 12/2/64. Age
36, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census, native of North Carolina. BALL, CHARLES H.: Company D. PWR. BALL, FRANCIS MARION: Company I. Enlisted on
8/11/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia on 6/12/65, age 28, 58", dark
complexion, whiskers and hair, hazel eyes. BALL, JACOB: Company D. Enlisted on 5/1/63
in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. On 1898 Tazewell Company Confed. Vets. Roster, then aged 57, with notation
"served 4 years." BALL, J.M.: Co. D. Post
War Record BALL, JAMES: Co.
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, VA. Previously served in the 37TH VA Infantry, enlisting in the 37TH
on 5/10/61 at Lebanon, VA, deserted on 11/21/62. Age 31, farmer, 1860 Russell County census. BALL, JOHN H.: Co.
D. Post War Record. BALL, JOHN T.: Co.
D. Post War Record. BALL, JOHN WESLEY: 2ND Lt. Co. D.
Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. AWOL 9/23/64. Dropped from the rolls on 12/6/64. Paroled at
Charleston, W VA on 4/15/65. Resident of Russell County, VA, age 23, 6’1”, dark complexion and hair, blue eyes.
Previously served in Co. I, 37TH VA Infantry, enlisted in the 37TH on 5/2/61 at New Garden, VA. Deserted
from the 37TH 8/2/62 at Liberty Mills, Orange County,VA. Born 1842 . Still living in 1911. BALL, LILBURN: Co.
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. Received clothing, 2ND quarter, 1864. Applied
for pension in 1922, then a resident of Honaker, VA. BALL, M.M.: 1ST
Sgt., Co. D. Post War Record. BALL, MARTIN VAN BUREN: Captain,
Co. D. Enlisted on ?. Present on 10/31/63. Cashiered 4/27/64 as a deserter. Took the oath in West Virginia
and sent north on 4/15/65. Fair complexion, dark hair and eyes. Previously served as 1ST Sgt., Co. I, 37TH
VA, enlisting in the 37TH on 5/2/61 at New Garden, VA. Age 21, 1860 Russell County census. BALL, ROBERT S.: Co.
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. Received clothing, 2ND quarter, 1864. Previously
served in Co. G, 37TH VA Infantry, enlisted in the 37TH on 7/13/61 at New Garden, VA. Deserted from
the 37TH 5/1/62 . Age 23, 1860 Russell County census. BALL, SUMMERFIELD: Co.
D. Post War Record. BALL, WILLIAM L.: 2ND
Lt. Co. D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. AWOL 10/64. Dropped from the rolls on 1/10/65. Post-war
Mormon convert and moved to Utah. BANNER, GEORGE M.: Co.
A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County, VA. Absent sick on 10/31/63. BANNER, JOHN: Co.
E. Enlisted on 12/1//62 in Scott County, VA. AWOL 10/31/64. Age 39, farmer, 1860 Scott County census. Father of Thomas Jefferson
E. Enlisted on 12/1//62 in Scott County, VA. AWOL 10/31/64. Age 19, farm laborer, 1860 Scott County census. BARBER, MARTIN: Co.
C. Post War Record. BARGER, CHARLES E.: Co.
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Russell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted before 8/31/64. BARKER, JOHN: Co.
A. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Russell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. Took the oath at Louisa, KY, 5/64. Resident of Russell County,
fair complexion, dark hair, hazel eyes, 5’6”. BARKER, MARTIN: Co. C. Enlisted on 5/3/63 in
Washington County, VA. Status not given for the 10/31/63 muster. AWOL by 5/1/64 per CSA records. Took the oath 7/64 at Knoxville,
TN. Resident of Washington County, VA. Fair complexion, blue eyes, 5’7”, deserted at Liberty Hall, Tazewell County,
VA on 7/8/63 per Federal records. Given pass to Jeffersonville, Indiana. BARNES, CLINTON: Co.
H. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Tazewell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. Absent as Quartermaster Sgt. On 8/31/64. Present on 10/31/64
and 12/31/64. Paroled 6/12/65 at Charleston, W VA, age 37, dark complexion, grey eyes, black hair. On 1898 Tazewell County
Confederate Veterans Roster, then age 74. Roster noted that he served 2 years. Age 32, farmer per 1860 Tazewell County census. BARNES, WILLIAM: Co.
F. Enlisted 8/9/63 in Tazewell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. BARNETT, ROBERT: Co.
D. Enlisted 10/10/63 in Russell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. BARR, ____?_____: 2ND
Lt.. Co. ?. On inspection report as taken POW 10/64, no other file, CS or US BARR, LARKIN: Co.
C. Enlisted on ?. AWOL 8/12/64. (Name Bare on Post War Roster) BARR, WILLIAM: Co.
C. Enlisted on ?. AWOL 8/12/64. BAUGH, MICHAEL: Co.
F. Enlisted 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. Absent, Wounded in Action before 8/31/64. Granted certificate
of disability March, 1886 by Tazewell County Court. Born 12/21/1825, Died 5/18/1890.. Buried in Section 2, Row 1, Burke’s
Garden Central Church Cemetery, Tazewell County, VA. Age 36 on 1860 Tazewell County census. BAYLES, THOMAS R.: Co.
F. Enlisted 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 8/7/64 at Moorefield, W VA. Sent to Camp chase,
Ohio on 8/11/64 where he died of Variola (Smallpox) on 12/23/64. Buried in Grave 650 1/3 mile south of Camp Chase. 5’10”,
dark complexion, black eyes and hair, resident of Smyth County, VA. Farmer age 17 per 1860 Smyth County census. BAYLOR, JOHN G.: Co.
H. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Tazewell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. Absent sick, 8/31/64 through 12/31/64. Elected Justice
Of The Peace for Maiden Springs District, Tazewell County, VA in 1881. Age 40 on 1860 Tazewell County census. BELCHER, GEORGE H.: Co.
I/K Enlisted on 8/17/63 in Russell County, VA. Present in Co. I on 10/31/63. AWOL before 8/31/64 from Co. K. Also served in
72ND Virginia Militia from Russell County, VA. Age 21, farm laborer per 1860 Russell County census. BELCHER, JOSEPH: Co. C. Post War Record. BELCHER, WESLEY: Co.
C. Enlisted on 9/1/63 in Washington County, VA. Present until Mortally Wounded In Action on 7/8/64 at the Battle of Monocacy,
Frederick County, Maryland. Captured at Frederick, MD, taken to US Army Hospital, Frederick, MD where he died of wounds on
7/17/64. Buried in Grave 257 in the Hospital Cemetery, also known as Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Resident of Estilville, Scott County,
VA, age 21 in 1860. BELL, B.D.: Co.
D. Post War Record. BELL, CHARLES H.: Co.
D. Post War Record. BELL, GEORGE H.: Co.
D. Post War Record. BELL, W.W.: Co.
D. Post War Record. BENTON, C.: Co.
A. Enlisted on ?. On list of parolees from Farmville, VA 4/11-21/65 BERGE, WILIAM: Co.
K. Enlisted 8/1/63 at ?. AWOL 8/31/63 BERGER, GEORGE: Co.
K. Enlisted 8/1/63 at ? .Present on 10/31/63. Age 11 per the 1850 Montgomery County, VA census BERGER, JAMES: Co.
K. Enlisted 8/1/63 at ?. Present on 10/31/63. Age 6 per the 1850 Montgomery County, VA census BERTRAM, PLEASANT: Co.
E Post War Record says captured and died at Camp Chase, Ohio. BEVIL, JOHN W.: Co.
G. Enlisted on 7/1/63 in Carroll County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. Born 1820 in North Carolina per 1850 Carroll County census. BHURBMAN, J.E.: Co. ? Enlisted on ?
. Died ca. 1916 in Pulaski County, VA., reference Confederate Veteran Vol. XXIV:181, Post War Record BICLKEY, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Co.
E/A. Enlisted on 9/1/62 in Russell County, VA. Preset on 10/31/63 in Co. E. Absent on horse detail 10/31/64 from Co. A. BICKLEY, BENTON J.: Co.
E/A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Wise County, VA. Present on 10/31/63 as 2ND Sgt. In Co. E. On Co. A muster as Pvt. 10/31/64.
Taken POW, 8/7/64 at Moorefield, W VA. Sent to Atheneum, Wheeling, W VA when age 22, 5’9”, light complexion and
hair, and blue eyes. Resident of Russell County, VA.
. Sent to Camp Chase, Ohio 8/11/64. Died at Camp Chase on 12/27/64 of Erysipelas (Strep infection of the skin). Buried in
Grave 675. BIDDLE, WILLIAM: Co.
E. Enlisted on 7/25/63 in Washington County, VA. AWOL 10/31/63 BIRCHFIELD, CHARLES: Co.
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, VA On leave 10/31/63. BIRCHFIELD, CHARLES: Co.
I. Enlisted on 8/11/63 in Russell County, VA Present 10/31/63. Also served in the 72ND Virginia Militia from Russell
County, VA. (Possibly the same person who served in Co. D.) BIRD, ROBERT: Co.
G. Post War Record. BIRD, WILLIAM: Co.
G. Post War Record. BIRGE, JOHN: Co.
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, VA. Present 10/31/63. Listed as AWOL 10/31/64 and as a deserter 12/31/64. BITTLE, ROBERT F.: Adjutant, Co. C and
F&S. Enlisted on 5/10/63 in Washington County, VA. Present through 10/31/64. Paroled at Lynchburg, VA on 4/13/65. Previously
served in Co. G, 50TH VA Infantry and Co. E, 63RD VA Infantry. BLACKWELL, JAMES M.: Co.
H. Enlisted on 9/7/63 in Tazewell County, VA. Present on 10/13/63. Deserted 11/24/64 in Tazewell County, VA. Married Catherine
Hubble in Russell County, VA in 1860. Age 24, farmer per 1860 Russell County census. BLAIR, GEORGE: Co.
B. Enlisted on ? in Buchanan County, VA. AWOL 10/31/63 BLAIR, ISAAC: Co.
B. Enlisted on ? in Buchanan County, VA. AWOL 10/31/64 BLAIR, JOHN: Co.
D. Enlisted on ? in ? KIA at Forrestville, VA, 6/17/64. Resident of Wythe County, VA per PWR BLAIR, JOHN: Sgt.,
Co. G. Enlisted on ? at Wytheville, VA. KIA at Timberville or Fisher’s Hill, VA, 9/24/64 per 10/31/64
muster. Age 14 per 1850 Carroll County, VA census. BLANKENSHIP, C.W.: Co.
I. Enlisted on 8/11/63 in Tazewell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. May also have served in Co. C, 16TH VA Cavalry.
A C.W. Blankenship was 2ND Lt. of that company, he resigned on 4/5/63. BLANKENSHIP, ELI A.: Co.
F. Enlisted on ? in ? Paroled on 6/12/65 at Charleston, W VA, age 22, 6’, dark complexion, light hair,
G. Enlisted on 7/1/63 in Wythe County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. Absent on horse detail 10/31/64. Present on 12/31/64. Transferred
to Co. B, 51ST VA Infantry. BLIZZARD, JAMES E.: Co. E. Enlisted 0n
8/4/62 in Russell County, VA. AWOL 10/31/63. Enlisted in Co. K, 48TH Virginia Infantry by 1/1/64, deserted 4/22/64,
took the oath and sent to Philadelphia, PA. Age 24, farmer, 1860 Russell County census. BLIZZARD, SIDNER: Co.
E/A. Enlisted 0n 8/4/62 in Russell County, VA. AWOL 10/31/63 from Co. E. Taken POW at Moorefield, W VA on 8/7/64 in Co. A,
age 36, 6’2”, dark complexion, eyes and hair. Resident of Russell County, VA. Sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, 8/11/64.
Transferred to City Point, VA for exchange 3/4/65. In Wayside Hospital in Farmville, VA on 3/15/65. Also served in the 72ND
Virginia Militia from Russell County, VA. BLIZZARD, WILLIAM: Co.
E. Enlisted 0n 8/4/62 in Russell County, VA. AWOL 10/31/63. Age 20 or 22, 1860 Russell County census(two of the same name). BOARDWINE, A.T.: Co.
I. Post War Record. Resident of Russell County, VA. Served 8 months. BOARDWINE, J.E.: Co.
C. Post War Record. Resident of Russell County, VA. BOARDWINE, J.H.: Co.
I. Post War Record. Resident of Washington County, VA. Served 2 years. BOARDWINE, JOHN H.: Co.
E. Enlisted on ? Taken POW at Moorefield, W VA on 8/7/64, age 18, 5’5”, fair complexion, dark hair, blue
eyes, resident of Washington County, VA. Sent to Camp Chase, Ohio 8/15/64. Transferred to Point lookout, Maryland 3/18/65
for exchange. Born 1844 in Washington County, VA. BOBBITT, JOHN H.: 3RD
Cpl., Co. G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Grayson County, VA. Present on 10/31/63 and 12/31/74. Detailed on horse detail on 10/31/64.
Born 1820 in Grayson County, VA. Post-war resident of Greensburg, Indiana where he was lining in 1902. BOCKLY, JAMES S.: Co.
D. Enlisted on ? Paroled at Gordonsville, VA on or about 6/23/65. BOLDON, JORDON: Co.
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, VA. AWOL on 10/31/63. BOLING, WILLIAM G.: Co.
H. Enlisted on 8/17/63 in Tazewell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. BOSSERMAN, WILLIAM H.: Co.
A. Post War Record. Resident of Augusta County, VA. BOSTICK, CHARLES J.: Co.
E. Enlisted 0n 8/4/62 in Scott County, VA. AWOL 10/31/63. Resident of Russell County, VA. Also served in the Scott County,
VA Militia. Age 24, farmer, 1860 Scott County census. BOURN, J.M.: 5TH
Sgt, Co. G. Post War Record only. Also served in the Grayson County, VA Militia. BOWEN, HENRY S.: Colonel,
F & S. Appointed Colonel of Regiment, 8/1/63, confirmed by election 11/18/63. Previously served as Colonel of the 188TH
Virginia Militia in service from 3/27/62--4/3/62. In Hospital at Charlottesville, VA 10/6/64 with chronic dysentery. Furloughed
10/10/64, remained absent at least through 1/10/65. Paroled at Charleston, W VA 6/12/65, age 45, dark complexion, hair and
whiskers, blue eyes, 6’4” tall. Pre-war resident of Tazewell county, VA. Post-war resident of Wythe county, VA.
Hardesty’s history reports Col. Bowen was in 20 or more engagements. Born in Tazewell County, VA 8/3/1820. Resident
in 1884 of Wythe county, VA, occupation farmer. Served as Major and Commissary of Supply in southwest Virginia before serving
in the 22ND Virginia Cavalry. BOWMAN, THOMAS T.: Co.
E. Date of enlistment not on record. Taken POW at Moorefield, W VA 8/7/64, age 20, 5’10”, dark complexion and
hair, brown eyes. Sent to Camp chase, Ohio 8/11/64. Sent to Point Lookout, MD for exchange 3 /4/65. Resident of Patrick County,
VA. BOYD, JOHN L.: 3RD Sgt., Co.
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. On clothing receipt for 2ND quarter 1864.Applied
for pension in Virginia in 1916. Died before 1920. Buried in a family cemetery at New Garden, Russell County, VA. Member of
New Garden Primitive Baptist Church. BOYD, JOESPH: 1ST
Lt., Co. D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. Recommended to be dropped from the roll 12/15/64
as a deserter. So ordered by Special Order 21, dated 1/10/65. Brother of Robert Boyd. BOYD, ROBERT AARON: Co.
D/H. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Russell County, VA. Present as 3RD Cpl. In Co. D On 10/31/63. Present in Co. H on 12/31/64
muster roll. Previously served in Co. I, 37TH Virginia Infantry. Discharged from the 37TH Va. Inf. on
10/30/61. Ordered to furnish 1 slave to work in the Saltworks at Saltville, VA in 1864. Born in Russell County, VA in 1844
and died in Russell County, VA in 1914. BOYER, P.: Co.
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery county, VA. Present on 10/31/63. BRADLEY, EPHRAIM D.: Co. E. Enlisted on
8/4/63 in Russell County, VA. AWOL on 10/31/63. BRADLEY, JOHN A.: Co.
A/K. Enlisted on 8/4/63 in Russell County, VA. AWOL on 10/31/63, in Co. A. Present on 8/312/64 and 12/31/64 in Co. K. On horse
detail 10/31/64. Resident of Scott County, VA. Also served in the 72ND Virginia Militia from Russell County, VA. BRADLEY, WILLIAM: Co.
A. Enlisted on 8/4/63 in Scott County, VA. AWOL 10/31/63. Also served in the Scott County Militia. Age 25, farmer, per 1860
Scott County census. BRANBHAM, JOHN: Co.
?. Enlisted on ?. In CS Army Libby Prison for desertion, released by Federals 4/10/65, no notation of taking
the oath. Possibly this man and J.E. Bhurbman are one and the same person. BRATTON, ROBERT: Co.
G. Enlisted on ? CSR refers to Co. B, 51ST VA Infantry. Taken POW at Waynesboro, VA on 3/2/65 in the 51ST.
Resident of Wythe County, VA. On 1902 pension list. Died in Wythe County, VA prior to 1912. BREEDING, ALFRED H.: 2ND
Sgt./3RD Lt., Co. B. Enlisted on ? In Buchanan County, VA. On leave 10/31/63 as 2ND Sgt. Listed as KIA
1/10/65 per inspection report as Junior 2ND Lt. Previously served in the Co. F(2ND), 21ST
VA Infantry Battalion(Pound Gap Battalion). Age 34, farmer per 1860 Buchanan County census. BREEDLOVE, ROBERT: Co.
?. Enlisted on ?. CSR refers to Co. A, 45TH VA Infantry Battalion. BROADWATER, STEPHEN G.: Co.
A. Enlisted on 7/15/63 in Scott County, VA. Also served in co. A, 48TH Virginia Infantry. Enlisted in the 48TH
7/61., present until AWOL by 2/28/62. Born ca. 1840 in Scott County, VA. BROOKS, BASIL: Co.
H. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Tazewell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. On Post War Roster of Co. H, then a resident of Tazewell
County, VA. Age 35, carpenter per 1860 Tazewell County census. BROOKS, CAMPBELL C.: 3RD
Sgt. Co. H Enlisted on 3/1/64 in Smyth County, VA. Absent sick on 8/31/64. Present on 10/31/64. Absent sick on 12/31/64. Previously
served in another unit, originally enlisting 10/61. Resident of Lee County, VA. BROOKS, GARLAND: 2ND
Sgt. Co. H. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Tazewell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. Absent sick 8/31/64. AWOL 10/31/64. Absent sick
on 12/31/64. BROOKS, SAMUEL W.: 1ST
Lt. Co. H. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Tazewell County, VA. Present through 8/31/64.Absent sick in hospital at Lynchburg, VA 9/7/65,
10/14/64, and 10/31/64. Present on 12/31/64 and 1/10/65. Paroled 6/12/65 at Charleston W VA, age 44, fair hair and complexion,
gray eyes, sandy whiskers. BROWN, J.L.: Co.
H. Post War Record. Resident of Tazewell County, VA. BROWN, JAMES E.: Co.
G. Post War Record. Transferred from Co. B, 51ST VA Infantry. Still living in 1912. BROWN, JAMES M.: Co.
H. Enlisted on 9/20/63 in Tazewell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. Age 25, farm laborer per 1860 Tazewell County census. BROWN, JOHN: Co.
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, VA. Present as a Pvt. On 10/31/63. Absent sick as 3RD Sgt. On 8/31/64
and 12/31/64. Paroled 6/12/65 at Charleston W VA. BROWN, JOHN L.: Co.
F. Enlisted on 6/1/64 in Tazewell County, VA, due $50.00 bounty. Present on 8/312/64 and 12/31/64. Paroled 6/12/65 at Charleston
W VA, age 31, fair complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, black whiskers. BROWN, MILTON: Co.
A. Enlisted on ?. Took the oath at Chattanooga, TN on 4/5/65 as a deserter. Sent north of the Ohio. Resident of Russell
County, VA. Dark complexion and hair, blue eyes, 5’11”. BROWN, THOMAS: Co.
H. Enlisted on 4/20/64 in Tazewell County, VA by transfer from the 45TH VA Infantry. Taken POW at Moorefield, W
VA 8/7/64, age 18, 6’, dark complexion, hair, and eyes. Sent to Camp chase, Ohio 8/11/64. Transferred to City Point,
VA on 3 /4/65.Resident of Tazewell County, VA. BROWN, WILLIAM B.: Co. B. Enlisted
on ?. Paroled 6/12/65 at Charleston, W VA, age 40, dark complexion, gray eyes, brown hair. BROWN, WILLIAM WASHINGTON: Captain,
Co. F. Enlisted on ?. Present through 12/31/64. Present in command of the regiment on 1/10/65.Severely WIA 8/7/64 at
Moorefield, W VA. Paroled 6/12/65 at Charleston, W VA, age 40, light complexion, black hair, blue eyes. Born ca. 1827 probably
in Tazewell County, VA. Died in Tazewell County, VA. 8/19/1899. Also served as 1ST Lt., Co. I, 29TH
VA Infantry. Resigned from the 29TH due to “a difficulty with his Captain which ‘he seems averse
to setting or laying aside.” Family tradition indicates that he was promoted to Colonel, but no contemporary record
found for this. Post War roster indicates he served to the end of the war. Age 33, 1860, farmer, per 1860 Tazewell County
E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell County, VA. Absent sick 10/31/63. BROWNING, JACOB: Co.
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 at Lebanon, VA Present through 12/31/64. BROWNING, JOSIAH: Co. K. Enlisted on 8/1/63
at Lebanon. Present on 10/31/63. Listed as POW on 8/31/64 muster. No Federal record. BROWNING, WILSON: Co.
K. Enlisted on 8/11/63 in Russell County, VA. Present through 8/31/64. WIA 9/19/64 at Winchester, VA. Absent in Russell County,
VA 10/31/64. Present on 12/31/64. BRUMMELL, WILLIAM: Co.
E. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Washington County, VA. Present until went AWOL 5/31/64. BRUMMETT, WILLIAM: Co.
C. PWR. Possibly same man as William Brummell of Company E. BRYANT, JOHN B.: Co.
? Enlisted on 9/5/63 in Washington County, VA. Present until transferred to Co. A, 45TH VA Infantry, 4/64. BUCHANAN, ISRAEL H.: Co. H. Enlisted on 7/1/64
in Tazewell County, VA. Present thru 12/31/64. Age 21, farmer, 1860 Tazewell County Census. BUCHANNON, ARCH T.: Co.
H. Enlisted on 7/1/64 in Tazewell County, VA. Absent sick 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65,
age 41,6', dark complexion, black eyes, grey hair and whiskers. Age 36, farmer per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. BUCHANNON, J. E.: Co H. Enlisted on 7/1/64
in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 8/31/64. BUNDY, JOHN G.:
Co. A. Enlisted on 8/4/63 in Russell County, VA. AWOL 10/31/63. Listed as deserter by 12/31/64. In hospital at Montgomery
White Sulphur Springs, W VA 7/20/63 and again 9/27/64.On clothing receipt roll of 11/12/64. Also served in the 72ND
Virginia Militia from Russell County, VA BURDINE, ROBERT D.: Co.
A. Enlisted on 2/1/63 in Russell County, VA. Taken POW in East Tennessee per CSA before 10/31/63 muster roll, however no Federal
record of incarceration has been found. BURDINE, SAMUEL P.: Co.
A. Enlisted on 6/22/63 in Russell County, VA. Taken POW in East Tennessee per Confederates before 10/31/63 muster. No Federal
record of incarceration, probably paroled or mortally wounded. BURGE, MARTIN: Co. F. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in
Tazewell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. AWOL 8/31/64 and 12/31/64 muster notes, "deserted to the enemy." BURKE, ISAIAH E.: 2ND
Lt.., Co. A. Resident of Russell County, VA. 6'1", fair complexion, light eyes, brown hair. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell
County, VA. Taken POW 8/7/64 at Moorefield, W VA. Sent to Camp Chase, Ohio 8/11/64. Transferred to City Point, Virginia for
exchange 3/2/65. Age 28, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. BURKE, ISAIAH J.: Co.
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Russell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63 as Sergeant. AWOL 5/7/64, reduced to Pvt. BURKE, JESSE: Co.
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. Sent to jail in Christiansburg, VA as a deserter 1/17/65.
Age 4 per 1850 Montgomery County Census. BURKE, JOHN: Company
A. Enlisted on 7/15/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63. Resident of Scott County, VA. Disabled in service
per PWR. Also served in the 72ND Virginia Militia from Russell County, VA. Age 32, farmer, 1860 Russell County
Census. BURKE, JOHN E.: Co.
E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell County, VA. Absent sick 10/31/63. Born 1830 in Russell County, VA. Died, 1889. BURKE, T. T.: Co.
D. Enlisted on 10/10/63 in Russell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. Age 37, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. Native of
Patrick County, VA BURNS, WILLIAM H.: Co.
F. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Smyth County, VA. Taken POW at Lexington, VA 6/11/64. Sent to Wheeling, W VA 6/17/64, then NFR. BUTLER, W. B.: Co.
D. PWR. CAMPBELL, JOHN M.: Co. E. Enlisted on 5/24/63
in Sullivan County, Tennessee. AWOL 10/31/63. CANADA, CHARLES: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in McDowell County, West Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 8/7/64 at Moorefield, W VA then
age 37, 5’5", dark complexion, grey eyes, dark hair. Sent to Camp Chase, Ohio 10/6/64. Died there of chronic diarrhea
12/12/64, buried in grave 693, 1/3 mile south of Camp Chase. Resident of McDowell County. CANADA, ELI.: Co.
B. Enlisted on ? in McDowell County, W VA Present on 10/31/63. CANADA, EPHRAIM: Co.
B.. Enlisted on ? in McDowell County, W VA. Present on 10/31/63. Age 26, farmer, 1860 McDowell County Census, native
of Kentucky. CANADA, JOSEPH: Co.
B. Enlisted on ? in McDowell County, W VA. Present on 10/31/63. CANTERBERY, WADE: Co.
B. Enlisted on ?. Arrested by Federals in Boone County, West Virginia 12/7/63. Sent to Camp Chase, Ohio 12/17/63. Released
by order of the Secretary of War 6/9/64. 6‘2 ½ “, age 25, blue eyes, fair hair and complexion. CARPENTER, JAMES W.: Co.
E. Enlisted on 7/14/63 in Washington County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. Died 1/11/1916. CARPER, HARTLEY V.: Co.
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. AWOL 8/31/64, and listed as deserted before 12/31/64. CART, JOHN: Co.
E. Enlisted on 9/10/63 in Braxton County, (West) Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. On clothing receipt 2ND quarter
1864. CART, LEVI: Co.
E. Enlisted on 8/1/64 at Lebanon, VA. Present on 12/31/64. Paroled 6/13/65 at Charleston, W VA, age 19,5'8", dark complexion,
eyes and hair. CARTER, AARON: Co.
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 In Tazewell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. Age 23, farmer, per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. Brother
of Daniel. CARTER, AUGUSTUS: Co.
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. KIA 5/15/64, location not reported, probably near Lexington,
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 In Tazewell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted before 8/31/64. Paroled at Charleston, W VA, 6/12/65,
age 39, 5’5”, fair complexion, blue eyes, black hair. Age 31, farmer, per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. CARTER, WILLIAM: Co.
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, VA. AWOL per 10/31/63 muster roll. CARTY, JOSEPH F.: Co.
E. Enlisted on 8/4/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63 muster roll. Age 17, farm laborer, 1860 Russell County
K. Enlisted on ? in Montgomery County, VA. Status not stated on 10/31/63 muster roll. CARVER, F. R.: Co.
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 at Christiansburg, Montgomery County. VA. AWOL 10/31/63 and returned. but AWOL again 5/10/64. CASEY, NAPOLEON BONAPARTE: Co.
K. Enlisted on 8/11/63 in Russell County. VA. Present through 12/31/64 muster, but in 7/64 was in Company A, Ward's Battalion
prisoners released at Lynchburg. Was in prison for desertion. Resident of Montgomery County, VA. CASSELL, ADAM L.: Co.
E. Enlisted on 7/1/63 in Washington County. VA. AWOL per the 10/31/63 muster roll. CASSELL, SAMUEL A.: 1st
Sgt., Co. A. Enlisted on 5/24/63 in Washington County, VA. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW at Nineveh or Cedarville. Virginia
11/12/64, sent to Point Lookout, MD, where held until released 6/24/65. Resident of Washington County, VA, dark complexion,
black hair, blue eyes, 5’11 ½” Born, ca. 1829 in Virginia, occupation laborer per the 1850 Washington County
Census. CASTLE, ISAAC: Blacksmith,
Co. A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County, VA On leave 10/31/63. On horse detail 10/31/64 and listed as a deserter 12/31/64.
Age 28, farmer, 1860 Scott County Census. CASTLE, JOHN: Co.
A. PWR. Resident of Russell County, VA. CASTLE, J.: Co.
B. PWR. Resident of Scott County, VA. CASTLE, JONAS: Co.
A. PWR. Resident of Scott County, VA. Also served in the 72ND Virginia Militia from Russell County, VA. CASTLE, SAMUEL P.: Co.
A. Enlisted on 3/1/64 in Scott County, VA On horse detail 10/31/64 and listed as a deserter 12/31/64. Resident of Russell
A. Enlisted on 8/4/63 in Russell County, VA. AWOL 10/31/63. Paroled at Charleston, W VA 6/12/65, age 41,6'4", light complexion,
blue eyes, dark hair and whiskers. CASTLE, Z.: Co.
A. PWR Resident of Scott County, VA CATE, H.: Assistant
Quartermaster, F&S, Assigned per special order 44/65, dated 2/22/65. CAUDILL, JOSIAH: Co.
H. Enlisted on 4/10/64 in Tazewell County, VA. Deserted 10/23/64. Age 14 per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. On the 1920
Tazewell County Pension Roster. CAUDILL, MALACHI C.: Co.
H. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Tazewell County, VA. Present on 10/31/63 as 2ND Corporal-Deserted 6/20/64 in Tazewell
County, Virginia. Married Martha French 9/27/64 in Tazewell County, VA, Age 37, farmer per the 1860 Tazewell County Census.
Father of Josiah. CECIL, SAMUEL W.: Co.
H. Enlisted on 10/6/63 in Tazewell County, VA. Present on 10731/63. Deserted 9/5/64. CHANEY, JOHN W: Co.
A. Enlisted on 8/4/63 in Scott County, VA Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW in Pike County, Kentucky 5/31/64, sent to Rock Island,
Illinois where he died 7/29/64 of acute dysentery. Buried in grave 1353. CHANEY, WILLIAM P.: Co.
B. Enlisted on ? in Tazewell County, VA. AWOL 10/31/63. Taken POW in Pike County, Kentucky 5/13/64 sent to Rock Island,
Illinois where he was held until he joined the U.S. Army for frontier service 10/6/64. CHAPEL, F. J.: Co.
D. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Richmond, VA 510/65. Resident of Mecklenburg County, VA. CHAPMAN, ISAAC E.: Assistant
Quartermaster (AQM). F&S. Appointed AQM 3/6/64. Paroled at Charleston, W VA 6/12/65, age 40, 5’6", dark complexion,
hair and whiskers, hazel eyes. Born, 8/29/1824 in Giles County, VA. Died 5/1/1905 in Tazewell County, VA. Director of the
Northwestern Bank in 1852 for the Tazewell County Branch. CHAPMAN, JASON: 3RD Sgt. Co. E/A.
Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell County, VA. AWOL from Co. E 10/31/63 when reported as 3RD Sgt. Transferred to
Co. A 6/1/64 as a Pvt.. Absent on horse detail 10/31/64. Listed as a deserter on 12/31/64. PWR says he served to the end of
the war. Resident of Washington County, VA. Age 30, farmer per 1860 Russell County census. CHAPMAN, WILLIAM: Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63
in Lebanon, Russell County, VA. Listed as AWOL on all musters. He also served in the 72ND Virginia Militia from
Russell County, Virginia. CHILDRY, S. W.: Company
K. Enlisted on 9/1/64 at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Present thru 12/31/64. CHILDS, BENJAMIN: Company
H. PWR. Resident of Clarke County. CHIRLE, MARTIN: Company
?. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Salisbury, North Carolina 6/9/65. Resident of Smyth County, Virginia. CHISHAM, WILLIAM: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/11/63 in Buchanan County, VA. AWOL 10/31/63. CHITTIX, SAMUEL: Company A. Enlisted on 3/1/64 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/64, but listed as a deserter on 12/31/64 muster. Justice of the Peace in Tazewell County, Virginia post-war in 1865. CHURCH, GEORGE: Company B. Enlisted on ? in Buchanan County. Present on 10/31/63. Age 16, farmer, per the 1860 Buchanan County Census. CIDERS, J.: Company
A. Enlisted on ?. In hospital at Charlottesville, VA 8/17--9/10/64, but NFR. CLARK, JOB H.: Company
C. Enlisted on 10/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. AWOL 9/24/64. Surrendered
at Strawberry Plains, Tennessee 5/16/65. Took the oath in Nashville, Tennessee 5/22/65. Resident of Scott County, VA.
Dark complexion and hair, hazel eyes, 5'10". CLARK, P. L: Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63
in Montgomery County. AWOL 10/31/63, returned and AWOL again beginning 3/24/64. CLARK, PATRICK: Company I. Enlisted on 8/11/63
in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Age 25, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. CLAY, HENRY: Company ?. CSR of Company F, 29th Virginia Infantry says he transferred from the 22nd Cavalry, however, no file
was found for him in the records of the 22nd. Probably erroneous, or served in Baldwin's Squadron, as he was in the 29th by
4/63. CLEMENT, C. R.: Company
A. PWR. WIA at Culpepper C.H. Resident of Bedford County. CLICK, SAMUEL: Company A. Enlisted on ?. Taken POW at Moorefield, Virginia 8/7/64, age 23, 5'10", dark complexion, eyes and hair. Resident of Scott County. Sent to Camp Chase 8/15/64, transferred to Point Lookout 3/18/65 for exchange.
Diagnosed with variola(smallpox), vaccinated and returned to prison duty 10/2/64. CLIFTEN, IRVIN: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/26/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. CLINE, MITCHELL: Company F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Died on 1/10/64 of
unreported cause. CLUMP, JOHN: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/11/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. COE, JAMES: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. COLE, SAMPSON: Company H. Enlisted on 9/10/63 in Washington
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted 6/20/64 in Bland County, Virginia. COLLIER, ELIAS: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/4/63 in Scott County. Absent sick 10/31/63. Age 20, farm laborer, 1860 Scott County Census. COLLINS, JOHN: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Carroll County. Present on 10/31/63. COLLY, DAVID S.: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. B. ca. 1840 Washington County, Virginia. He previously
served in Company B, 48th Virginia Infantry, enlisting there 6/20/61 and was present with the 48th thru 5/24/63. COLLY, JOHN: Company E. Enlisted on 8/1/63
in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. B. ca. 1831 Washington County, Virginia. COLLY, THOMAS: Company E. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. B. ca. 1839 Washington
County, Virginia. COLLY, WILLIAM: Company E. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. B. ca. 1834 Washington County, Virginia. On 1920 Washington County Pension List. "Disabled in service." COMBS, ALEXANDER M.: Company
A. Enlisted on 1/31/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Listed as WIA on10/31/64 muster, no place or date
given. COMBS, CHURCHWELL: Company G. Enlisted on 7/10/63 in Carroll County. AWOL per the 10/31/63 muster. Ordered arrested,
hiding out in Carroll County on 2/6/65, then age 48. Age 26 per 1850 Carroll County Census, occupation farmer. Previously
served in Companies D and E, 29th Virginia Infantry and subsequently served in the 4th Virginia Reserves.
COMBS, JOHN: Company A. Enlisted on 1/13/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Taken POW at unknown time and place. Died at Camp Chase 2/24/65 of general debility. Buried in grave 1416. He also served in the 72nd Virginia Militia
from Russell County, Virginia. Age 29, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. COMPTON, BENJAMIN: 3rd Lieutenant, Company B. Enlisted on ? in Buchanan County. Present on 10/31/63. AWOL from 7/1/64, recommended to be DFR 1/10/65. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/9/65, age 47,5' 7 1/4 ", dark
complexion, hair and whiskers, grey eyes. Age 39, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census. COMPTON, MARTIN W: Company ?. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Louisa, Lawrence County, Kentucky 5/64. Resident
of Scott County, VA, fair complexion, light hair, blue eyes, 5'8". COMPTON, NEWTON FRANKLIN: Company
F. Enlisted on ?. Paroled 6/12/65 at Charleston, West Virginia, age 46,6', fair complexion, black eyes, dark
hair. COMPTON, WILLIAM: Company D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW at Battle of Fisher's Hill, near Strasburg, Virginia 9/23/64. Sent to Point Lookout, Maryland where held
until exchanged 3/17/65. CONLY, ANDREW: Company B. Enlisted on ? in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. On clothing receipt for 2ND quarter of 1864. Age 20, farmer/laborer, 1860 Buchanan County Census. Brother of Isaac. CONLY, ISAAC: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Buchanan County. WIA before 10/31/63 muster. Age 15, farmer 1860 Buchanan County Census. COOK, JOSEPH: Company
C. Enlisted on ? in ?. Absent on horse detail 10/31/64. NFR. COOKSEY, J. W.: Company
D. PWR. COOPER, JACOB: Company K. Enlisted
on 9/1/63 at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Present thru 12/31/64. Age 13 per the 1850 Montgomery County Census. COOPER, JAMES: Company B. Enlisted
on ? in Buchanan County. Present on 10731/63. Age 14,1860 Buchanan County Census, native of North Carolina. COOPER, ROBERT: Company K. Enlisted
on 9/1/63 at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Present thru 12/31/64. Age 19 per the 1850 Montgomery County Census. CORDER, AMOS: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. CORDLE, JEREMIAH: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/11/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. COUCH, N. M.: Company
7/1/64 in Rockville, Maryland. Absent on detached service in Monroe County, West Virginia 10/31/64 and 12/31/64. COUNTS, J.: Company A. PWR. "Died of disease at Camp
Chase as a ROW." No Federal record of incarceration. He also served in the Washington County Virginia Militia. COUNTS, JAMES M.: Company A. Enlisted on 1/1/64 in Russell
County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/64, listed as a deserter 12/31/64. He also served in the 72nd Virginia Militia from Russell County,
Virginia. COUNTS, JOSEPH: Company E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Washington
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW at Moorefield 8/7/64. Sent to Camp Chase 8/11/64 and to Point Lookout where
released 5/18/65. Age 23, resident of Washington County, fair complexion, dark hair, grey eyes, 5'9". COUNTS, LENNICH H.: Company A. Enlisted on 8/13/63
in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. B. ca. 1835 Washington County, Virginia. Brother of Thomas Counts. He also
served in the Washington County Virginia Militia. COUNTS, THOMAS: Company A. Enlisted on 8/13/63 In Washington
County, Virginia. AWOL per the 10/31/63 muster. B. ca. 1845 Washington County, Virginia, occupation farmer. COWAN, ISAAC: Company C. Enlisted on 5/18/63 in Washington
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted 8/10/64. B. ca. 1827 Washington County, Virginia, occupation farmer. COX, JAMES 0.: Company H. Enlisted on 4/1/64 at Saltville.
Present on 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. Transferred from the 45th Virginia Infantry. COX, JOSEPH: Company D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Age 27, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. CRABTREE, ERASTUS P- Company H. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in
Smyth County. AWOL 10/31/63. Returned and then pres. thru 12/31/64. B. ca. 1844 Smyth County, Virginia. Son of Gabriel. CRABTREE, GABRIELS.: Company H. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in
Smyth County. AWOL 10/31/63. Farmer age 34,1850 Smyth County Census. Resident of Tazewell County in 1860. CRABTREE, MITCHELL: Company B. Enlisted on ? in Buchanan
County. AWOL 10/31/63. On clothing receipt for 2nd quarter 64. Applied for pension in Virginia in 1915. Age 31, farmer, 1860
Buchanan County Census. CRABTREE, ZACHARIAH: Company C. Enlisted on ?. Paroled
12/29/64 in E. Tennessee as a deserter. Resident of Washington County, florid complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, 5'8". CRAMER, JONAS: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Present on 10/31/63. Detached duty 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. AWOL on 10/31/64. CRAWFORD, CHARLES: Company
G. Enlisted on 4/15/61 in Hlllsvllle, VA. Taken POW 11/12/64 at Ninevah, Virginia. Sent to Point Lookout, Maryland 11/18/64,
exchanged 2/17/65. CRAWFORD, WARREN: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/26/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted11/19/64 at Front Royal, took the oath
at Knoxville 3/18/65. Resident of Washington County, dark complexion, hair and eyes, 6'. CREGOR, GEORGE WASHINGTON: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Absent WIA 8/31/64. WIA and taken POW 9/19/64 at
Winchester. Left arm amputated on the field. Sent to Point Lookout and to Baltimore Hospital 10/25/64. No release information
in record. Given certificate of disability by Tazewell County Court 3/86.Age 39, farmer per the 1860 Tazewell County Census.
CROCKER, J. W.: 1st
Lieutenant, Company D. PWR. CROFFER, GEORGE E.: Company ?. On Register of Provost
Marshall, Richmond, Virginia. Released 4/10/65. Age 17, dark complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, 5'5". CROSS, JAMES: Company C. Enlisted on ?. On 10/31/64 muster
as "on horse detail." NFR. CUDDY, HENRY F.: 5th
Sergeant, Company C. Enlisted on 5/11/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted 9/10/64. Brother of
John and Lilburn B. Cuddy. B. ca. 1836 Washington County, Virginia. CUDDY, JOHN: Company C. Enlisted on 5/10/63 in Washington
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. WIA 9/10/64. B. ca. 1845 Washington County, Virginia. CUDDY, LILBURN B.: Company
C. Enlisted on 5/3/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 and 10/31/64.Twin to Henry, B. ca. 1836 in Washington
County, Virginia. He also served in the Washington County Virginia Militia. CULBERTSON, EDWARD J.: Company A. Enlisted on 11/1/63
in Russell County, Virginia, (so on the roll). Present on 10/31/63. KIA 6/17/64 at Forest Depot, Virginia. Age 33, merchant,
resident of town of Lebanon, 1860 Russell County Census. He previously served in McFarlane's Squadron Virginia Cavalry and
in the 6th Confederate Cavalry Battalion. CULBERTSON, THOMAS: Company B. Enlisted on 8/4/63 in
Scott County. Absent sick 10/31/63. Resident of Russell County, Virginia. CUNNINGHAM, JERRY: Company C. Enlisted on 5/18/63 in
Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted and took oath at Clarksburg, West Virginia 9/4/64, released in
the North. Age 20, resident of Washington County, fair complexion, dark hair, 5'9", blue eyes. CUNNINGHAM, W. B.: Company
A. PWR. "Served until the end." He also served in the Washington County Virginia Militia. (May be the same as Washington B.) CUNNINGHAM, WASHINGTON B.: Company E. Enlisted
on 3/6/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL10/31/63. B. ca. 1835 Washington County, Virginia. Brother of William
B. He also served in the Washington County Virginia Militia. CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM B.: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Washington County, Virginia. Deserted at Jonesboro,Tennessee 9/18/63. Paroled as a deserter in East
Tennessee 12/29/64. Resident of Washington County, dark complexion, eyes and hair, 5'8". B. ca. 1831 Washington County, Virginia.
He also served in the Washington County Virginia Militia. CYPHERS, JOHN G; Company
H. Enlisted on 9/15/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted3/29/64. CYPHUS, JAMES S.: Company C. Enlisted on 5/18/63 in Washington
County, Virginia. Deserted 5/1/63. (so on the roll). Took the oath at Louisa, Kentucky 4/30/64, enlisted in U.S. Army 4/14/64.
Resident of Washington County, fair complexion, light hair, grey eyes, 5'8". DAN FORD, WESLEY: Company
B. Enlisted on ? at Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. He previously served in Company F2, 21st Virginia
Infantry. DARNELL, JOHN S.: Company B. Enlisted
on ?. Paroled at Lewisburg, West Virginia 5/10/65. DARNETT, WILLIAM: Company A. Enlisted on ?.
Deserted. Taken by Federals 2/25/64 in Wayne County, [West] Virginia. Release on oath 3/1/64. Resident of Russell County,
dark complexion, dark hair, 5'6", hazel eyes. DAUGHERTY, J. S.: Company G. Enlisted on 5/29/63
in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63. DAUGHERTY, L.: Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/63
in Wythe County, Virginia. Taken POW 9/1/63 in East Tennessee, per Confederate muster roll, but no Federal record of incarceration,
probably exchanged or mortally wounded. DAUGHERTY, NATHAN B.: Company A. Enlisted on
8/19/62 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63. He also served in the ScottCounty Militia. Age 25, farmer, 1860 Scott County
on 8/4/62 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63. B. 7/12/29 probably in Scott County, Virginia. D. 5/3/96 Greenville, Hunt
County, Texas, buried in East Mount Cemetery, Greenville, Texas. Widow, Sarah, granted Texas pension 46939. DAUGHERTY, PATTON: Company A. Enlisted on 11/1/63
in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted 12/8/64, took oath and sent to Cincinnati, Ohio. DAUGHERTY, WILLIAM P.: Company A. Enlisted
on 10/26/63 in Scott County. Taken POW 6/21/64 at Salem, Virginia. Sent to Camp Chase 7/11/64, died there of pneumonia 5/15/65.
Resident of Scott County, age 20, 5'9", dark complexion, auburn hair, black eyes. DAUGHERTY, WILLIAM P.: Company H. PWR only.
"Died as a POW at Camp Chase." Age 14,1860 Scott County Census. Probably same as above. DAVIDSON, WILLIAM HENDERSON: Company A. Enlisted
on 5/15/64 in Scott County. On detached service 10/31/64. Listed as deserted 12/31/64 muster. Applied for pension in 1915
in Oklahoma. B. 12/30/45, 0.10/28/1922. DAVIS, BENJAMIN: Company B. Enlisted on ? in
Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. He previously served in Company F(2), 21st Virginia Infantry Battalion. DAVIS, CHAPMAN: Company I. Enlisted on 8/11/63
in Tazewell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. DAVIS, GABRIEL: Company I. Enlisted on 8/11/63
in Tazewell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Md. Lucinda Wells 11/1/55 in Tazewell County, Virginia. DAVIS, HARVEY: Company D. Enlisted on 5/1/63
in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. DAVIS, HENRY F. P.: 5th Sergeant, Company I.
Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. DAVIS, JOHN: Company H. Enlisted on 10/10/63
in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. AWOL 10/31/64. DAVIS, PERRY: Company I. Enlisted on 8/11/63
in Tazewell County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63. Resident of Nebraska post war. DAVIS, TYRE: Company D. Enlisted on 5/1/63
in Russell County, Virginia. Transferred by 10/31/63, entry cancelled. DAWSON, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Company H. Enlisted
on 10/10/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. AWOL 8/31/64, on detached service 10/31/64, deserted 11/16/64.
Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 38, fair complexion, black eyes, brown hair, 6'. Age 30, farmer, per the
1860 Tazewell County Census. DEAL, CONLEY: Company B. Enlisted on ? in Buchanan
County. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted, took the oath at Charleston,West Virginia 2/13/65, age 19, resident of Buchanan County,
dark complexion and hair, grey eyes, 5'6". Age 13, 1860 Buchanan County Census. DEAL, CONLEY, Jr.: Company B. Enlisted on ?
in Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 Age 30, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census. DEAL, HENRY: Company B. Enlisted on ? in Buchanan
County. Present on 10/31/63. DEAL, JOHN: Company B. Enlisted on ? in Buchanan
County. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted, took the oath in Charleston, West Virginia 2/24/65, sent north, age 49, resident of
Buchanan County, light hair, 5'5", grey eyes. Previously served in Company F(2) 21st Virginia Infantry Battalion. DEAL, THOMAS: Company B. Enlisted on ? in Buchanan
County. Present on 10/31/63. Age 33, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census. DEAN, CALVIN: Company E. Enlisted on 8/4/62
in Russell County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63. Age 24, farmer, 1860 Scott County Census. DEAN, DAVID H.: Company A. Enlisted on 2/26/64
in Scott County. Absent sick 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. Age 31,1860 Scott County Census, occupation farmer. DEAN, ELIAS: Company A. Enlisted on 8/4/62
in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63. Detailed as shoemaker in Salem, Virginia 3/64. Absent WIA 10/31/64 and 12/31/64. Resident
of Scott County. DEAN, HENDERSON: Company A. Enlisted on 8/4/62
in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63. Exchanged to Nitre Dept. per10/31/64 muster. Resident of Scott County. DEAN, JOEL: Company A. Enlisted on 8/28/63
in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63, absent sick 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64.Living in Muskogee, OK in 1913. DEAN, JOHN W.: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63. DEAN, LEWIS: Company
A. Enlisted on 7/20/63 in Scott County. Absent sick 10/31/63. Age 25, farmer, 1860 Scott County Census. DEAN, WILLIAM H.: Company
G. Enlisted on 7/10/63 In Carroll County. Present on 10/31/63. Age4,1850 Carroll County Census. DeBOARD, WILLIAM: Company
H. Enlisted on 9/18/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63 and 10/31/64. DICKENSON, HENRY P.: 1st
Sergeant, Company A. Enlisted on 2/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. On horse detail 10/31/64.
Deserted and took the oath 11/29/64, given pass to Jeffersonville, Indiana. Resident of Washington County, fair complexion,
light hair, 5'5", blue eyes. He also served in the 72nd Virginia Militia from Russell County,Virginia. DICKENSON, JAMES P.: Company
G. Enlisted on 5/29/61 in Wytheville in 45th Va. Inf. Taken POW at Ninevah, Virginia 11/12/64. Sent to Point Lookout,
released 6/11/65. Resident of Grayson County, dark complexion and hair, dark hazel eyes, 5’ 9 1/8". B. ca. 1838
in Grayson County. Brother of William M., son of Colonel John Dickenson of 78th Militia. DICKENSON, JAMES JACKSON "JIM JACK": Company
E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Resident of Castlewood Community. DICKENSON, JOHN: Company
A. Enlisted on ?. Pensioner in Fulton County, Arkansas in 1901. DICKENSON, JOHN C.: Company E. Enlisted 9/10/61. WIA
per PWR. Resident of Richmond Soldier's Home in old age. DICKENSON, WILLIAM M.: Company
G. Enlisted on 5/29/61 in Wytheville. Absent on horse detail 10/31/64. Absent attending Medical lectures in Richmond
12/31/64. B. ca. 1842 in Grayson County, Virginia. DICKERSON, E: Company K. Enlisted on 9/1/64 at Christiansburg,
Montgomery County, Virginia. Present on 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. DICKERSON, J.: Company
K. Enlisted on 9/1/64 at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Present on 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. DICKSON, CHARLES B.: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. Deserted at Jeffersonville 5/28/64 and took oath in East Tennessee 12/29/64. Resident of Washington
County, dark complexion, eyes and hair, 5'9". DILLS, WILLIAM: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. DISHMAN, ALBERT: Company C. Enlisted on 10/10/63 in Washington
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. DISNER, ROBERT: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. AWOL 5/1/64. B. ca. 1847 in Washington County, Virginia. DIXON, EDMOND: 2nd
Corporal, Company E. Enlisted on 3/4/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. DIXON, ISAAC W: Company
E. Enlisted on 5/11/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Listed WIA 10/31/63 muster, probably in September 1863 battles
in East Tennessee. He also served in the Washington County Virginia Militia. DOANE, JOHN H. Company
H. Enlisted on 10/10/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted 6/1/64 in Smyth County. DOBBINS, ANDREW P.: Company
K. Enlisted on 9/1/64 in Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Present on 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. Age 6, 1850
Montgomery County Census. Brother of Chester B. DOBBINS, CHESTER B.: Company K. Enlisted on 9/1/64 in
Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Present on 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. Age 6 per the 1850 Montgomery County
C. Enlisted on ?. Deserted 12/22/64. Paroled in East Tennessee on 12/29/64.Resident of Washington County, florid complexion,
dark hair, 6', blue eyes. DODD, JOHN D.: Company
K. Enlisted on ?. Taken POW 6/18/64 near Lynchburg per Federals, NFR Confederate or Federal. DODGINS, WILLIAM: Company
B. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. DODGION, JOHN S.: Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31,63. Taken POW 6/16/64, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio 7/11/64. Released on 5/8/65.
Age 18, resident of Wythe County, fair complexion, light hair, 5'9", blue eyes, occupation hatter. DODSON, E J.: Company
K. PWR. Resident of Franklin County. DODSON, JOHN: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Taken POW 9/19/64 at Winchester. Sent to Point Lookout,
exchanged 2/13/65. DONELSON, JOHN W.: Bugler,
Company A. Enlisted on 8/4/63 in Scott County. Absent sick 10/31/63, absent on horse detail 10/31/54 as 2nd Corporal.
Deserted before 12/31/64. DORAN, MICHAEL: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. DORAN, WILLIAM: Company G. Enlisted on
8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. DOWELL, JAMES: Company C. Enlisted on 8/13/63
in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted 5/10/64. He also served in the Washington County Virginia
Militia. On the post-war roster of Company B, 48th Virginia Infantry, which claimed 3 years of service for him. DOYLE, JAMES B.: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Absent sick 10/31/63 and 10/31/64. Deserted10/15/64. Age 8 per 1850 Montgomery
County Census. DULANEY, LEWIS B.: Company
A. Enlisted on 2/1/63 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63, absent on horse detail 10/31/64. deserted before 12/31/64.
He may have also served in Company C, 48th Virginia Infantry. DULANEY, WILLIAM: Company
K. Enlisted on 9/1/64 at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/64 and 12/31/64. In CSA General
Hospital 1/16-2/10/65. DUNFORD, WILLIAM A.: Company
?. Enlisted on ? in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/64. Paroled 5/11/65 at Charleston, West Virginia, age
23, dark complexion and hair, blue eyes, 5'8". Previously served in Company F(2), 21ST Virginia Infantry
Battalion. On 1898 Tazewell County Confederate Veterans Roster, then age 58, with notation that he enlisted in 1861
and served 3 years and 8 months. No company designation was found on either reference, but may have been Company B. DUNN, JOHN F.: 4th Corporal, Company C. Enlisted
on 5/3/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted on 10/10/64. DUNN, ROBERT H.: Company
C. Enlisted on 5/3/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 and 10/31/64. B. ca.1845 in Washington County, Virginia.
Lieutenant, Company C. Enlisted on 7/18/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Taken POW 9/1/63 at Jonesboro, Tennessee, sent
to Camp Douglass, Illinois where held until released 6/13/65. DUTTON, JAMES: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Smyth County. Present on 10/31/63. Age 16,1850 Smyth County Census. DUTY, JAMES K. P.: Company G. Enlisted on 6/1/64 at Wytheville.
Taken POW at Moorefield 8/7/64, sent to Camp Chase 8/12/64 where held until transferred to Point Lookout for exchange 3/18/65.
DYE, ALFRED: Company
D. PWR. DYE, CREED F.: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. Deserted at Liberty Hill, Virginia 8/10/64, took the oath 11/29/64 at Knoxville, given pass to Jeffersonville,
Indiana. Resident of Washington County, fair complexion, light hair, dark eyes, 5'8". DYE, HENRY: Company
D. Enlisted on 10/10/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Age 28, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. Brother
of William. DYE, JEFFERSON: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. AWOL 10/31/63. DYE, PRYOR: Company
D. Enlisted on 10/10/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Age 23, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. DYE, WILLIAM: Company D. Enlisted on 10/10/63 in Tazewell
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted 12/24/63. Age 31, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. EAST, JOSEPH R: Company F. Enlisted
on 8/1/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Absent sick 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age
19, fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair, 5'10". EDWARDS, J. N.: Company ?. Enlisted on ?. Surrendered
at Petersburg, VA 4/3/65, paroled on oath 4/11/65 in Washington. D.C. Sent to Baltimore, Maryland. EDWARDS, J. R.: Company C. Enlisted on ?. Absent
on horse detail from 10/20/64 per 10/31/64 muster. EDWARDS, THOMAS JEFFERSON: Company G. Enlisted
on 7/10/63 in Carroll County. Present on 10/31/63. B. ca. 1835 in Grayson County, resident of Grayson County in 1860. Born
ca. 1845 probably in Patrick County. Died in Carroll County on 10/7/1919. Enlisted in Company E, 29th Virginia Infantry, enlisting
in that unit on 11/19/63 at Blountville, Tennessee. EDWARDS, WILLIAM H.: Company G. Enlisted on
7/10/63 in Carroll County. Present on 10/31/63. Resident of Carroll County.Age 4,1850 Carroll County Census. ELKINS, THOMAS AUGUSTUS: Company D. Enlisted
on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Age 15, farm laborer, 1860 Russell County Census. ELKINS, C. F.: Company D. PWR. Resident of
Russell County, Virginia. ELKINS, DAVID: Company I. Enlisted on 8/11/63
in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Age 26, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. ELKINS, WILLIAM O.: Company D. Enlisted on
?. On undated deserter roster for Abingdon, Virginia jail. Previously served in Company I, 37th Virginia Infantry. Enlisted
on there 5/2/61 at New Garden, Russell County, Virginia. B. ca. 1837, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. ELLIOTT, IRA: Company I. Enlisted on 8/11/63
in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Age 14, 1860 Russell County Census. ELLIOTT, JESSE: Company K. Enlisted on 8/31/63
in Montgomery County. Taken POW in East Tennessee per 10/31/63 muster,no Federal Record. ELMORE, JAMES: Company H. Enlisted on 9/15/63
in Smyth County. Taken POW 10/31/63. Deserted 3/23/64. Resident of Tazewell County, Virginia. ELSWICK, ROBERT: Company D. Enlisted on 5/1/63
in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. ELSWICK, TALBERT: Company I. Enlisted on 8/11/63
in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. ELSWICK, T. J.: Company D. On 1898 Tazewell
Company Confed. Vets Roster, then age 61, with notation that he enlisted in1862 and served 3 years. ELSWICK, WILLIAM G.: Company B. PWR. Resident
of Tazewell County, Virginia. Also on 1898 Tazewell County Confederate Veterans Roster, then age 54, and it was noted that
he enlisted in 1862 and served 3 years. EPPERSON, JOSEPH:4th Sergeant, Company E/A.
Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County, Virginia AWOL 10/31/63. Transferred to Company A 6/1/64. Present on 10/31/64 as 4th
Sergeant. Deserted before 12/31/64. Age 21, farmer, 1860 Scott County Census. EUBANKS, DAVID LUMPKIN: Company K. Enlisted
on 1863. Previously served in Company B 28th Georgia Infantry. WIA at Chancellorsville and transferred to 22nd Virginia Cavalry.
B. 2/9/1845 Mayfield, Georgia. D. 8/16/1912 Sandersville. Georgia. Wrote memoir about his experiences used in this work. Resident
of Sandersville, Georgia. FAEDEN, CALVIN M.: Company G. PWR. Transferred
to Company B, 51st Virginia Infantry. FAIRFAX, ISAAC: Company D. PWR. FARMER, ELIJAH: Company H. Enlisted on 8/15/63
in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted 3/23/64 in Tazewell County, Virginia. He also served in the 188th
Virginia Militia Regiment from Tazewell County, Virginia and in Company I, 29th Virginia Infantry. Age 36, farmer per the
1860 Tazewell County Census. B. in Virginia. FARMER, GORDON F.: Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63
in Montgomery County. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted 4/10/64. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 5/24/65, age 18, fair complexion,
brown hair, grey eyes, 5'5". B. ca. 1845 in Montgomery County, Virginia. FARRISS, LEWIS: Company H. Enlisted on 10/9/63
in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63 and 10/31/64. FAULKNER, GEORGE T: Blacksmith,
Company F. Enlisted on 6/1/64 in Tazewell County, due bounty. Present on 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. Paroled at Charleston, West
Virginia 6/12/65, age 29,5'10", fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair. Born, Smyth County. Resident of Tazewell County, age
24, blacksmith per the 1860 Tazewell County Census.- FAULKNER, T. G.: Company D. PWR, Probably
the same as George T. FELTS, JOHN W.: Company G. Enlisted on
8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 8/31/63 and 12/31/64. Absent on horse detail 10/31/64. Fought in 20 battles per
PWR. Resident of Wythe County, Virginia. Age 21 per the 1850 Carroll County Census. FERGUSON, JACKSON: Company K. Enlisted
on 8/1/63 at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. WIA and taken POW 11/12/64 at Ninevah, Virginia. In U.S. Army Field
Hospital at Winchester, Virginia, gunshot wound to the head, (flesh wound). Sent to Fort McHenry 1/5/65, exchanged 2/20/65.
In Jackson Hospital, Richmond with debility 3/2/65, given 30 day furlough 3/8/65. Belonged to McElhaney Camp Confederate Veterans.
Resident of Russell County, Virginia postwar. FICKEL, AUSTIN: Company C. Enlisted on
10/10/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL from 6/1/64. 8. ca. 1844, Washington County, Virginia. FINKE, J. H.: Company ?. Hardesty History reference.
Resident of Montgomery County, Virginia. FIELDS, CHARLES C.: Company
I. Enlisted on ?. On clothing receipt 9/10/64, but NFR. FIELDS, JOHN: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. FITZ, Z.
W.: Company B. PWR. WIA. Resident of Wythe County, Virginia. FITZWATER, HENRY M.: Company
E. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Lewisburg, West Virginia 5/10/65. FITZWATER, T. J.: Company
E. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Lewisburg, West Virginia 5/10/65. FLANERY, H.: Company C. Enlisted on ?. On list of prisoners
confined in E.D.M. Prison, Richmond. Volunteered in Winder's Legion for defense of Richmond against Sheridan's 1864 raid.
Pardoned by the President on 8/3/64. FLEENOR, JAMES F.: Company C. Enlisted on ?. Took the
oath in East Tennessee 12/29/64 as a deserter. Deserted at Jones-boro, Tennessee 6/21/63. Resident of Washington County, dark
complexion, light hair, blue eyes, 5'10". He also served in the Washington County Virginia Militia. FLEENOR, JOHN: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. FLEENOR, MOSES L: 4th
Sergeant, Company E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/64. Deserted at Bristol 1/64. Paroled 11/29/64
at Knoxville. Resident of Washington County, fair complexion, light hair, grey eyes, 5’8". He also served in the Washington
County Virginia Militia. FLEENOR, THOMAS: Company
C. Enlisted on 6/6/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. AWOL 8/10/64. Took the oath in East Tennessee 12/29/64.
Resident of Washington County, dark complexion and hair, grey eyes, 5'7". FLEMMING, JOHN: Company
C. PWR. FLEMMING, WILLIAM S.: Company C. Enlisted on 5/10/63
in Kenton, Kentucky. Present on 10/31/63. By 10/31/64 transferred to 4th Kentucky Cavalry. FLETCHER, GEORGE: Company A. Enlisted on 5/15/64 in Scott
County, due $50 bounty. Taken POW at Lynchburg 6/18/64 per Confederates. No Federal record. FLETCHER, LORENZO DOW: Company I. Enlisted on 10/10/63
in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Age33, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. FORD, W. E.: Company
D. PWR. FOSTER, R. B.: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. FOUNTAIN, SIRO: Company F. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Tazewell
County, Virginia. No record of status on 10/31/63. Deserted before 10/31/64. Age 29, farm laborer per the 1860 Tazewell County
Census. FOX, MATHIAS: Company F. Enlisted on 6/1/64 in Tazewell
County, Virginia. Absent sick 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 45,6', dark complexion,
blue eyes, gray hair. Age 25, farmer, per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. FRALEY, NELSON H.: Company D. Enlisted on 8/19/63 in
Russell County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63. Taken POW at Monocacy Junction, Maryland 7/9/64, sent to Old Capitol Prison,
Washington, D.C. 7/17/64. Released on 6/19/65. Resident of Abingdon, Washington County, fair complexion, dark hair, blue eyes,
5'9". FRANCHER, CHARLES: Company C. PWR. According to Captain
Stanfield, "This man belonged to the United States Army. His brother was shot for sleeping on post, and he came South for
revenge." FRANCIS, MILES APPERSON: Captain, Company K. Enlisted
on 8/1/63 in Pulaski County. Present on 10/31/63 and 8/31/64. Absent sick 10/31/64, then present on 12/31/64 and 1/10/65.
He was paid 12/31/64 for period 3/1/64 to 12/31/64. PWR says WIA in Giles County. His brother, John, served in Company D,
63rd Virginia Infantry and was member of "Heroes of America", Union sympathizing organization, and was sheriff of Montgomery
County in 1864-5. B. ca. 1842 in Montgomery County, Virginia, D. 5/1915 in Giles County, Virginia. Family tradition indicates
that "Upon returning home alter the war Miles found his county under Federal authority. Wounded and weary and by no means
reconstructed he left the distasteful condition in Montgomery County and came to White Gate [Giles County, Virginia] to work
in a general store ..." FRANCISCO, ELISHA E.: 4th Sergeant, Company F. Enlisted
on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted before 8/31/64. Took the oath at Charleston, West Virginia
3/11/65, age 20, 5'9", dark complexion, black eyes, brown hair. Married Nancy Mitchell 2/24/64 in Tazewell County, Virginia.
Age 16, farm laborer per the 1860Tazewell County Census. FRENCH, CHARLES: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, then NFR. FRIEND, WILLIAM A.: Company G. Transferred to Company
B, 51st Virginia Infantry. Taken POW at Waynesboro 3/2/65 with 51st. Resident of Washington County, Virginia. Died after 1912.
Previously served in Company B, 63rd Virginia Infantry. Discharged from the 63rd on 5/25/63. FUGATE, JACOB E.: Company D. Enlisted on 5/1/64 in Russell
County, Virginia. Absent on horse detail 10/31/64. Deserted before 12/31/64. He also enlisted in Company G, 48th Virginia
Infantry on 7/15/61 but was absent from 7/17/61 until dropped from the rolls on 3/30/62. Age 13,1860 Russell County Census. FUGATE, JOHN C.: Company A. Enlisted
on 2/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Absent WIA 10/31/64 and 12/31/64, shot in left leg, date and place not
noted in record. In Charlottesville Hospital 9/25/64 for this wound. He also served in the 72nd Virginia Militia from Russell
County, Virginia. Age 19, 1860 Russell County Census FUGATE, ROBERT B.: Company A.
Enlisted on 6/20/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. WIA before 10/31/64 when absent. Deserted before 12/31/64.
Age 20,1860 Russell County Census. FULCHER, MADISON P.: 2nd Corporal,
Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 9/25/64 at Gain's Cross Roads. Sent to
Point Lookout 10/13/64. Released 6/12/65. Resident of Montgomery County; fair complexion, light hair, grey eyes, 5' 71/4". FULFORD, JAMES: Company G. Enlisted
on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Born ca. 1839 in North Carolina per the 1850 Wythe County Census. FULLER, ABRAM: 1st Lieutenant/Captain,
Company A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63 and 10/31/64. Deserted before 12/31/64. DFR 2/1/65 by special
order 26. Resident of Russell County, Virginia. B. 1830 in Russell County, Virginia. D. 1919, in Washington County, Virginia.
He also served in Company E, 48th Virginia Infantry, enlisting there at Nicklesville, Scott County 7/2/61, transferred to
Baldwin's Squadron on or about 8/4/62. Post-war supervisor of Elk Gardens District, Russell County and member of Elk Garden
Methodist Episcopal Church South. FULLER, GEORGE: Company I. Enlisted
on ? in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Previously served in Company F(2), 21st Virginia Infantry Battalion. FULLER, HIRAM: Company F. Enlisted
on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/64. Deserted, took oath 3/30/64 at Louisa, Kentucky. He had been
taken POW in Russell County. Virginia. Resident of Russell County, fair complexion, dark hair, hazel eyes, 6'2". He also served
in Company F, 48th Virginia Infantry, enlisting there 6/15/61, served until 8/14/62. B. ca. 1838 in Russell County, Virginia.
Ordered, on 2/12/63 to supply two slaves to government to work on defenses at Richmond. Ordered to supply 1 slave to work
at the Saltville salt works in 1864. FULTON, AB: Company A. PWR. Resident of Washington
County, Virginia. GALISPIE, ROBERT: Company D. Enlisted on 5/21/63
in Russell County, Virginia. Status not stated on 10/31/63. GALLOWAY, GEORGE C.: Company H. Enlisted on
8/15/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Absent sick 8/31/64. Deserted 10/24/64 in Tazewell County, Virginia.
GARMEND, J. A.: Company K. Enlisted on ?. Paroled
at Charleston, West Virginia 6/10/65, age 19, 5'6", light complexion and hair, dark eyes. GARNAN, CALVIN: Company K. Enlisted on 8/31/63
in Montgomery County. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL on 10/31/64. GARNAN, JOHN: Company K. Enlisted on 8/31/63
in Montgomery County. Present on 10/31/63. Discharged on 6/1/64 by General W. E. Jones. GARRISON, HENRY CLAY: Company G. Enlisted on
8/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, absent sick 10/31/64 and 12/31/64. Entered Richmond Soldier's Home
12/22/1919, age 73. Died 3/11/1926, buried Hollywood Cemetery,Richmond, Virginia. GATES, GEORGE C.: Company H. Enlisted on 8/15/63
in Washington County, Virginia. Transferred to 36th Virginia Infantry by 8/31/64. GATES, WILLIAM:Company C. Enlisted on ?. Taken
POW9/19/64 in Winchester, Virginia. Sent to Ft. McHenry. Released 5/9/65. GEASCOCK, W. A.: 2nd Lieutenant, Company G.
PWR only. GEORGE, BENJAMIN R.: Company H. Enlisted on
8/15/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Transferred to Company A, 4th Virginia Infantry on 9/16/64. WIA and taken POW while
with the 4th Virginia Infantry, held at Point Lookout until paroled 6/26/65. GHEEN, GEORGE: Company D. PWR. GIBSON, ALEXANDER: Company B. Enlisted on ?
in Buchanan County. Present on 10/31/63. Age 12, 1860 Buchanan County Census. GIBSON, CALVIN: Company B. Enlisted on ? in
Buchanan County. Present on 10/31/63. On clothing receipt 2 quarter 64. Age 13,1860 Buchanan County Census. GIBSON, CHARLES: 2nd Sergeant, Company A. Enlisted
on 8/6/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Absent sick 10/31/64. Deserted before 12/31/64. GIBSON, CONLEY: Company B. Enlisted on ? in
Buchanan County. Present on 10/31/63. Age 14,1860 Buchanan County Census. GIBSON, EDWARD B.: Company F. Enlisted
on ?. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 17, light hair and complexion, blue eyes, 6'. Age 14 per the 1860
Tazewell County Census. GIBSON, FIELDING P.: Company A. Enlisted on
2/1/63 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63, absent sick 10/31/64, deserted before 12/31/64. GIBSON, JAMES: Company B. Enlisted on ? in
Buchanan County. Present on 10/31/63. Age 22,1860 Buchanan County Census.Occupation farmer. GIBSON, JEREMIAH: 1st Lieutenant, Company B.
Enlisted on ? in Jeffersonville, Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on10/31/63. DFR 1/10/65 for deserting 6/20/64. GIBSON, JOEL: Company B. Enlisted on ? in Buchanan
County. Present on 10/31/63. Paroled as deserted in Charleston, West Virginia 2/65, age 26, resident of Buchanan County, fair
complexion, dark hair, blue eyes. GIBSON, JOHN: 1st Lieutenant, Company B. Enlisted
on ?. Deserted 6/64, DFR 12/6/64 by special order 289. Age 25, farmer,1860 Buchanan County Census. GIBSON, LEWIS: Company B. Enlisted on ? in
Buchanan County. Deserted, took oath in Charleston, West Virginia 2/65, age 16, resident of Buchanan County, fair complexion,
light hair, grey eyes, 5'1". GIBSON, NOAH: Company B. Enlisted on ? in Buchanan
County. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. GIBSON, OSCAR J.: Company A. Enlisted on 8/8/63
in Scott County. Absent sick 10/31/64, deserted before 12/31/64. GIBSON, RICHARD: Company B. Enlisted
on ? in Buchanan County. Present on 10/31/63. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 8/31/65, resident of Kanawha County, age
24, dark hair and complexion, 5‘. GIBSON, SAMUEL H.: Company
A. Enlisted on 5/14/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. AWOL 10/3164 Deserted by 12/31/64. GIBSON, SPENCER: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. He also served in the 72nd Virginia Militia from Russell
County, Virginia. GIBSON, THOMAS: Company
G or C. Enlisted on ?. Taken POW on 8/7/64 at Moorefield, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio 8/11/64. Sent to Point Lookout for
exchange 3/18/65. GIBSON, WILLIAM: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Buchanan County. Present on 10/31/63. Took oath as deserted in Charleston West Virginia 2/12/65, age 51,
resident of Buchanan County, fair complexion, light hair, blue eyes, 5’6". GILBERT, NAPOLEON BONAPARTE: Company
J. Enlisted on 10/10/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. GILES, BENJAMIN: Company
C. Enlisted on 10/10/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Deserted 9/21/63, "so on the roll." B. ca.1840, Washington County,
Virginia. GILLESPIE, CHARLES S.: Company
A. Enlisted on 2/1/63 in Bath County, Kentucky. Present on 10/31/63. GILLESPIE, JOHN C.: 1st
Lieutenant, Company I. Enlisted on 8/11/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. DFR1/10/65. On 1898 Tazewell
Company Confed. Vets. Roster, then age 70, noted that he enlisted in 1862 and served 3 years. GILLESPIE, ROBERT S.: 3rd
Lieutenant, Company I. Enlisted on 8/11/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Absent sick 8/31/64. AWOL 1/10/65,
DFR 2/1/65. Born in Tazewell County on 1/23/1837, married Kate Vail in Tazewell on 3/22/1859 GILLESPIE, THOMAS A.: 1st
Lieutenant, Company I/D. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/3163 Originally enlisted in Company
K, 45th Virginia Infantry. Served as 1st Lieutenant in Company D, 22nd Cavalry per PWR. PWR also says taken POW at Winchester
9/19/64 but escaped prior to arrival at POW camp. Post-war served as Deputy Clerk of Court for Buchanan County, Post-master
at Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia for 8 years, and Buchanan County Treasurer for 7 years. B. 1/10/1841 in Tazewell County,
Virginia. D. 3/1920 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Son of William Bowen Gillespie. GILLESPIE, WILLIAM BOWEN: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Lee County. On leave 10/31/63. B. 2/14/1810 in Tazewell County, Virginia. "He only served a short
while, his age made him unfit for field service, as well as being over age for even the militia." GILLIMAN, WILLIAM: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 muster roll. GILMER, WILLIAM: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63, absent sick 8/31/64, furloughed for 60 days by medical board
on or about 10/31/63. He also served in the 72nd Virginia Militia from Russell County, Virginia GILPIN, JOHN: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 7/16/64 in Loudoun County, Virginia. Sent
to Old Capitol Prison then transferred to Elmira, New York 7/25/64. Due to be exchanged 10/11/64 but died 10/14 or 15/64.
Age 36, farmer, 1860 Tazewell County Census. GLASSCOCK, WILLIAM A.: Company
G. Enlisted on 7/3/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/64. Taken POW 11/1/64 at Nineveh, Virginia, sent to Fort
Delaware 11/17/64. Released 6/16/65. Resident of Marlboro District, South Carolina, dark complexion and hair, grey eyes, 55".
A. Enlisted on 4/9/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 10/31/64, deserted c. 12/31/64. GLENN, ROBERT: Company
A. Enlisted on 4/9/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 10/31/64, deserted 12/31/64. He also served in
the 72nd Virginia Militia from Russell County, Virginia. Age 16,1860 Russell County Census. GOBBLE, A.: Company I.
PWR. Resident of Washington County, Virginia. GOBBLE, ABNER: Company
A. Enlisted on 7/26/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Listed as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. GOBBLE, CHARLES: Company
A. Enlisted on 7/26/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. He also served in the Washington County Virginia
Militia. GOINS, A.: Company
G. PWR. "Died as POW in prison." Probably same as below. GOINS, AMBROSE: Company
G. Enlisted on 1/1/64 at Wytheville. Taken POW 9/19/64 at Winchester, sent to Point Lookout, Maryland 9/23/64. Exchanged 10/30/64.
Resident of Patrick County. GOINS, ENOCH: Company
G. Enlisted on ?. Taken POW 9/19/64 at Winchester, sent to Point Lookout 9/23/64. Died there 10/24/64 of acute diarrhea, buried
in grave 558. GOODMAN, RUFUS F.: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 10/3164 deserted by 12/31/64. Age 36, carpenter,
per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. GOODMAN, TIMOTHY: Company
C. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL (deserted) 9/21/63. GOSE, GEORGE: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Tazewell County, due $50 reenlistment bounty. Present on 10/31/64 and 12/31/64. Age 38, farmer, per
the 1860 Tazewell County Census. Born 1/28/1822 in Tazewell County, died there on 11/24/1890, resident of Burke's Garden.
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Absent sick 8/31-12/31/64 Patient in Montgomery Springs
General Hospital 2/10/64 and 9/27/64. Listed as deserter 1/17/65. B. ca. 1840 in Montgomery County, Virginia. GRAHAM, R. B.: Company
D. Enlisted on 10/20/63 in Smyth County. Present on 10/31/63. GRAHAM, THOMAS: Company
C. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. AWOL from 9/21/64 B. ca. 1849 in Washington County,
Virginia. GRAHAM, WILLIAM L.: Company
C. PWR. GRAY, JAMES H.: Company
A. Enlisted on 2/10/64 in Russell County, Virginia. Absent on horse detail 10/31/64, deserted 12/31/64. Age 15,1860 Russell
County Census. GRAYSON, EPHRAIM: 4th
Corporal, Company K. Enlisted on 8/1,63 in Montgomery County. Present on 10/31/63 as Private, absent sick 8/31-12/31/64 as
4th Corporal. GREELY, JOHN: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. GREEN, D.: Company
H. PWR only. Listed on 1898 Tazewell County Confederate Veterans Roster, then age 51, "served 1 year." GREEN, J. G.: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Absent sick on 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. GREEVER, THOMPSON H.: Company F. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Taken POW 8/7/64 at Moorefield, West Virginia sent to Camp
Chase 8/11/64. Released on oath 6/10/65, age 19, resident of Tazewell County, fair complexion, light hair, blue eyes, 59".
Age 14, per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. Family tradition indicates he also served in Company G, 45th Virginia Infantry.
Post-war roster of that company lists a Thomas H. Greever, probably the same person. GREGORY, SAMUEL T.: Company
H. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Deserted by 8/20/64. GRIFFITH, A. R.: Company
K. Enlisted on 9/1/64 at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Absent sick 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. In Confederate Hospital
#3, Greensboro, North Carolina 4/65. GRIFFITH, JEHU: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. He also served in Company G, 72nd Virginia Militia
from Russell County, Virginia. Age 30, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. Born 6/1826 in Patrick County per family genealogy,
died 7/3/99 in Russell County. Brother-in-law of the Boyd's of Company D. Married Luvenia Boyd in 5/52 in Russell County.
Member of the New Garden Primitive Baptist Church. GRIGSBY, H. G.: Company
D. PWR. GRIGSBY, T. M.: 2nd
Lieutenant, Company D. PWR. GROSS, JOHN: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. GROSS, WILLIAM: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. GRUBB, JAMES H.:
Company I. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/64 and 12/31/64. GRUBB, JOHN WESLEY: Company
?. The CSR of Company B, 29th Virginia Infantry, indicates that he left that unit and enlisted in the 22nd Virginia Cavalry,
however, there is no record for service in the 22nd Cavalry. B. 8/18/1834 in Wythe County. Died on 12/23/1891, buried in the
Zion Lutheran Church Cemetery, Wythe County, Virginia. GRUBB, JOSEPH D.: Company
H. Enlisted on 9/12/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, absent sick 8/31- 12/31/64. Age 33, fanner per the
1860 Tazewell County Census. GUNNELL, O. W.: Company D. PWR. HABERLAN, THOMAS: Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63
at Lebanon. Deserted 2/1/64. HAGAR, JOHN J.: Farrier, Company E. Enlisted
on 8/4/62 in Scott County. On leave 10/31/63. HAINES, J. D.: 2nd Lieutenant, Company ?. DFR per Special Order 26, dated 2/1/65
for desertion. HAINES, WILLIAM N.: Company I. Unlisted on
?. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 3/30/65, sent north. Then age 25, fair complexion and hair, hazel eyes, 59". HALE, JOHN I.: Company I. Enlisted on 8/15/63
in Tazewell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. HALE, SPARIL H.: Company I. Enlisted on 8/15/63
in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Resident of Buchanan County. HALL, A.: Company C. Enlisted on ?. On horse
detail 10/31/64. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 4/11/65, age 28, resident of Tazewell County, dark complexion and hair,
blue eyes, 6'. HALL, ANDREW JACKSON: Company K. Enlisted on
8/1/63 at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Taken POW 6/11/64 at Lexington, sent to Camp Chase 10/7/64, age 18,
resident of Montgomery County, fair complexion, light hair, blue eyes, 55". Enlisted in Company E, 5th U.S. Volunteer Infantry,
U.S. Army 4/22/65. Age 6 per the 1850 Montgomery County Census. Brother of John F. HALL, ALEXANDER: Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63
at Lebanon. Present on 12/31/64. In Charlottesville Hospital 1/11/65 with syphilis consest. HALL, J. WESLEY: 2nd Lieutenant, Company H.
Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Resigned 3/29/64, "since I am a Kentuckian, I want
to serve in a Kentucky Regiment." HALL, JOHN F.: Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63
in Montgomery County. Present on all musters thru 12/31/64, except AWOL 10/31/64. Age 10 per 1850 Montgomery County Census.
HALL, JOHN M.: Company K. Enlisted on ?. Paroled
at Charleston, West Virginia 4/6/65, resident of Montgomery County, dark hair and complexion, grey eyes, 5'4". HALL, WILLIAM A.: 1st Corporal, Company K.
Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Present thru 12/31/64. Resident of Smyth County. Laborer, father's blacksmith shop
age 15,1850 Smyth County Census. HALSEY, JAMES C.: Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/63
in Grayson County. AWOL 10/31/63. B. ca. 1837 in Grayson County, resident there in 1860. Occupation: Farmer. HAMILTON, BRANDON: Company C. PWR. He also
served in the Washington County, Virginia Militia. HAMILTON, J. B.: 2nd Lieutenant, Company D.
PWR. HAMILTON, JOHN B.: 1st Lieutenant, Company
B. (PWR indicated Company C). Enlisted on 4/29/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, absent on horse detail
10/31/64. Deserted 10/25/64 at Milford, Virginia. Took the oath 12/17/64 in East Tennessee. DFR Confederate 1/30/65 by special
order 24. Resident of Washington Co., light hair, fair complexion, blue eyes, 510". B. ca. 1841 in Washington County, Virginia.
He also served in Company I,48th Virginia Infantry, enlisting there 6/18/61, age 16 and served until wounded at the Battle
of McDowell on 5/8/62. HAMILTON, ROBERT: Company C. PWR. B. ca. 1825
prob. in Washington County, Virginia. HAMILTON, THOMAS N.: Company C. Enlisted on
5/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted 9/10/64 at Staunton, Virginia. Took the oath in East
Tennessee 12/29/64, resident of Washington County, dark complexion and hair, blue eyes, 5'10". B. ca. 1843 in Washington County,
Virginia. HAMMOND, GODFREY: Company C. Enlisted on 9/1/63
in Washington County, Virginia. On leave 10/31/63, AWOL 10/31/64. HANES, WILLIAM N.: Company I. Enlisted on ?.
Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 3/30/65 as a deserter, resident of Monroe County, West Virginia, age 25, fair complexion
and hair, hazel eyes, 59". HANNABASS, JOHN H.: Company B. PWR. Resident
of Franklin County. HANSHAW, DAVID: 1st Corporal/Private, Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Smyth County. Deserted 1/15/64. Resident of Tazewell County, Virginia. HANSHEW, CHARLES: Company
F. Enlisted on 5/1/64 in Tazewell County, Virginia. AWOL 8/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. Age 12, per the 1860 Tazewell County
Census. HANSHUE, SAMUEL: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 at Lebanon, Virginia. Absent sick 8/31-12/31/64. HARLESS, WILLIAM A.: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/26/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63. HARMAN, GODFREY: Company
H. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Smyth County. AWOL 10/31/63. Farm Laborer, age 26,1850 Smyth County Census. First cousin of William
Rush Harman. HARMAN, JAMES: 2nd
Sergeant, Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Status not stated 8/31/64, sick at
Staunton 10/31/64 and 12/31/64. Surrendered and took oath as a deserter 5/65 in Charleston, West Virginia. Then age 28, resident
of Smyth County, light complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, 59". Applied for pension in Virginia in 1916. HARMAN, JAMES A. C.: Company
A. PWR. Resident of Tazewell County, Virginia. His will was probated in Tazewell County in 1923. HARMAN, WILLIAM RUSH: Company
F. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 34, black hair and eyes, dark complexion, 5'11". Age 28,
farmer, 1860 Tazewell County Census. He also served in Company H, 45th Virginia Infantry, apparently for most of the war.
He was taken POW while in the 45th at Piedmont on 6/5/64, sent to Camp Morton and held there until exchanged on 3/4/65. HARRIS, CHARLES W. S.: Company
A. Enlisted on 7/13/63 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63, absent on horse detail 10/31/64. deserted before 12/31/64. Age
23, farmer, 1860 Scott County Census. Brother of John D. HARRIS, JAMES A.: Company
A. PWR. Resident of Scott County. Age 25, farmer, 1860 Scott County Census. HARRIS, JAMES H- Company
E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County. Detailed to nitre department 10/31/63. HARRIS, JOHN: Company
D. Enlisted on 6/29/63 in Smyth County. Present on 10/31/63. Age 11,1850 Smyth County Census. HARRIS, JOHN D., Jr.: 2nd
Lieutenant, Company A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63, absent on horse detail 10/31/64, deserted
by 12/31/64. DFR 2/1/65. Age 21, farm laborer, 1860 Scott County Census. HARRIS, ROBERT J.: Company
A. Enlisted on 9/1/63 in Carroll County. Present on 10/31/64 and 12/31/64. Paroled at Charleston. West Virginia 4/4/65, sent
north 4/10/65, age 30, resident of Surry County, North Carolina, dark complexion and hair, blue eyes, 57". HARRISON, G. H.: Company
A. PWR. Resident of Washington County, Virginia. HARRISON, MOSES: Company
A. Enlisted on 12/1/63 in Wythe County, due $50 bounty. Taken POW 12/9/63 in Logan County. sent to Camp Chase and then transferred
to Fort Delaware 3/17/64, where he died 4/24/65 of chronic diarrhea. Buried on the Jersey Shore. When captured age 32, resident
of McDowell County, West Virginia, fair complexion, auburn hair, blue eyes, 5' 11 1/2 ". HART, JOHN E.: 3rd
Lieutenant, Company D. PWR. HARTSOCK, CHARLES: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. On horse detail 10/31/64. HARTSOCK, GEORGE H.: Company
D. PWR. Died in Federal prison at Elmira, New York, buried in Woodlawn Cemetery. HARTSOCK, HENDERSON: Company
A. Enlisted on 7/13/63 in Scott County, absent sick 10/31/63 and 10/31/64, deserted 12/31/64. He also served in the Scott
County Militia. Age 32, farmer, 1860 Scott County Census. HARTSOCK, HENRY: Company
A. Enlisted on 2/28/64 in Russell County, Virginia. Died of unspecified disease on 10/20/64. HARTSOCK, JAMES: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/4/63 in Scott County. AWOL on 10/31/64 muster and listed as a deserter on the 12/31/64 muster. HARTSOCK, NOAH B.: 4th
Sergeant, Company A. Enlisted on 8/4/63 in Scott County. AWOL 10/31/64, deserted 12/31/64. Age 16, farm laborer, 1860 Scott
County Census. HARTSOCK, SAMUEL: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/4/63 in Scott County, present on 10/31/63, absent sick 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. He also served in
the Scott County Militia. HARTSOCK, THOMAS: Company
C. PWR. B. ca. 1839, Washington County, Virginia. He also served in the 48th Virginia Infantry until he was reported AWOL
by 1/13/63, arrested and jailed at Abingdon by 1/20/63. HAVENS, GEORGE: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 9/19/64 at Winchester, sent to Point Lookout
9/23/64. Died there of consumption 2/26/65, buried near hospital at Camp Chase. Age 23, farm laborer per the 1860 Tazewell
County Census. HAW, HY: Company
F. Enlisted on ?. Taken POW 10/2/64 in the Shenandoah Valley, sent to Point Lookout. Joined the U.S. Army 10/17/64. HAWKS, JACOB: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Grayson County. Present on 10/31/63. AWOL 10/31/64. Age 28 per the 1850 Carroll County Census. HAYMAKER, GEORGE: Company
K. Enlisted on ? in Montgomery County. AWOL 10/31/63. HAYMAKER, JOHN: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. AWOL 10/31/63. Age 21 per 1850 Montgomery County Census. HAYNES, WILLIAM P.: Company
H. Enlisted on 2/1/64 in Smyth County. Taken POW 8/7/64 at Moorefield, sent to Camp Chase 8/11/64. Sent to Point Lookout,
Maryland 3/18/65 for exchange, age 18, resident of Washington County, fair complexion, light hair, blue eyes, 5'. HAYWOOD, JOHN: Company
A. PWR. Resident of Wise County. HEATH, J. B.: Company
D. PWR. HELBERT, BENJAMIN H.: 2nd Lieutenant, Company
H. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, absent sick 8/31/64, died in the hospital at Staunton
10/15/64 of chronic diarrhea. Age 37, farmer per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. HELBERT, RUFUS: Company
H. Enlisted on 2/29/64 in Smyth County. Taken POW 8/7/64 at Moorefield, sent to Camp Chase 8/11/64, released 6/11/65. Age
18, resident of Tazewell County, dark complexion and hair, grey eyes, 5' 7 1/2". Age 14, per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. HELDOLANDER, GEORGE: Company
F. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 48, fair hair, dark complexion, gray eyes, 6'. HELTON, AUSTON: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. On horse detail 10/31/64. HENDERSON, ALBERT P.: Company
A. Enlisted on 5/15/64 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/64, deserted 12/31/64. HENDERSON, JAMES D.: Company
A. Enlisted on 5/15/64 in Scott County, detached 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. PWR indicates "Disabled in service by disease."
Resident of Scott County. HENDERSON, JOHN: Company
C. Enlisted on 9/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL from 12/21/63. Resident of Nicholas County, West Virginia. HENDERSON, JOHN C.: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Smyth County. AWOL 10/31/63. HENDRICKS, JOHN: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. HENESLEY, WILLIAM: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. Taken POW 8/1/64 per Confederates. No Federal record of incarceration. On the 1920 Washington County Pension
F. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Smyth County. AWOL 8/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. Previously served in Company G, 54th Virginia Infantry.
Discharged in Monroe County, West Virginia. Resident of Smyth County. HENNIGAR, GEORGE WASHINGTON; Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Absent sick 10/31/63, AWOL by 10/31/64. HENSLEY, JOHN P.: 4th
Corporal, Company A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. HERIN, ISAAC J.: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Smyth County. AWOL 10/31/63. HERRINGTON, JOSEPH: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. AWOL 12/21/63. HESS, HARVEY: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Previously served in Company I, 37th Virginia Infantry,
enlisted on there 5/2/61 at New Garden. B. ca. 1837 in Missouri. HESS, JAMES: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Previously served in Company I, 37TH Virginia
Infantry. B. ca. 1843. HESS, JOHN D.: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. HIGGINBOTHAM, BAILEY: Captain,
Company E. PWR. Resident of Washington County, Virginia. Probably in error, and should be Balaam, below, however, this is
Company H. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, 8/31/64 and 12/31/64 musters, absent sick
10/31/64. B. in Tazewell County, Virginia 10/2/1822, D. in Thompson's Valley, Tazewell County, Virginia 1/21/1889, occupation
farmer. HIGGINBOTHAM, JAMES J.: Company H. Enlisted on 10/6/63 in Tazewell
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63,10/31/64 and 12/31/64 musters, absent sick 8/31/64. Age 40, farmer per the 1860 Tazewell
Lieutenant/lst Lieutenant, Company H. Enlisted on 10/6/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on all musters thru 1/10/65.
Son of Captain Balaam W., Bro. of William B. Born in Tazewell County, Virginia 8/16/41, Died in Greenbrier County,
West Virginia before 1922. On post-war roster of Company K. HIGGINBOTHAM, WILLIAM BARTON: 3rd
Corporal, Company H. Enlisted on 9/28/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, absent sick 8/31/64 thru 12/31/64.
In Hospital at Liberty Hill, Virginia 8/15/64. B. 4/12/1845, son of Captain Balaam W. Age 15,1860 Tazewell County Census.
Lieutenant, Company G. Enlisted on 5/29/61 in Wytheville. Present on 10/31/63, absent sick 10/31/64 and 12/31/64. Prom, to
2nd Lieutenant 6/25/64. Age 15 per the 1850 Wythe County Census. HILL, EDWARD T; Company
F. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Deserted 6/1/64. HILLMAN, GEORGE WASHINGTON: Company
A. PWR. Resident of Scott County. B. 9/8/1827 in Scott County. Apparently this post-war record may be in error. He also served
in "Company B, First Virginia(State Line) Regiment, under General John B. Floyd." HILLMAN, JOHN WESLEY: 5th
Sergeant, Company A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63 and 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. PWR says
"disabled by disease in service." Resident of Scott County. B. 1/24/1835 in Scott County. D. 1/15/1910 at Nicklesville, Scott
A. Enlisted on 6/15/63 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63. He also served in Company E, 48th Virginia Infantry. B. 6/14/39
D. 9/6/1896 in Scott County. HILTON, THOMAS C.: Company
A. Enlisted on 4/9/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, on horse detail 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64.
B. ca. 1847 in Washington County, Virginia. HILTON, WILLIAM: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County. Virginia. Entry cancelled, apparently never served in this company. HILTON, WILLIAM H.: 2nd
Corporal, Company I. Enlisted on 8/11/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. HINSLEY, J. P.: Company
A. PWR. Resident of Scott County. HITE, JOHN T- Company
K. Enlisted on ? in Montgomery County. Taken POW 11/12/64 in Ninevah, sent to Point Lookout, held there until released 5/13/65.
Age 12 per the 1850 Montgomery County Census. HOBBS, GEORGE: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/33. Age 30, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census. HOBBS, SAMUEL: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Grundy, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Paroled Charleston, West Virginia 4/24/65, age 26, resident of Tazewell
County, fair complexion and hair, blue eyes, 5'9". Age 23,1860 Buchanan County Census, occupation farmer. HOLLANDSWORTH, JOHN J.: Company K. Enlisted
on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Taken ROW 9/23/64 at Strasburg, sent to Point Lookout 9/30/64, held there until exchanged
3/17/65. Resident of Franklin County. HOLLANDSWORTH, JOSEPH WESLEY: Private
/ lst Corporal / 5th Sergeant, Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Taken ROW 8/7/64 at
Moorefield, sent to Camp Chase, held there until exchanged 3/18/65. When taken ROW age 19, resident of Wythe County, red complexion,
dark hair, grey eyes, 5'9". Died 5/3/1920, age 74. Buried in Family Cemetery, Wythe County, Virginia. HOLLY, H. C.: Company
E. Enlisted 8/63, "served to the end of the war" per PWR. Res. Washington County, Virginia. HOLSTEAD, GEORGE: Company
C/D. Enlisted on ?. Taken POW as a "bushwhacker" 10/24/63 in Nicholas County, Wes! Virginia, sent to Camp Chase and then to
Fort Delaware by 3/3/64, no record of release. When captured, age 18, resident of Fayette County, fair complexion, dark hair
and eyes. HONAKER, AUGUSTUS A.: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. HONAKER, JOHN: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1(363 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Paroled 4/65 in Charleston. West Virginia as a deserter,
then age 32, brown hair, dark complexion and eyes, 6'. HONAKER, JONATHAN: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Buchanan County. Present on 10/31/63. HONAKER, NICHOLAS: Company
A. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63. Age 30,1860 Russell County Census. Resident of Copper
Creek. HOPKINS, WILLIAM P.: Company
K. Enlisted on 9/1/63 at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 and 12/31/64 but AWOL 10/31/64. HORN, HENRY: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. On leave 10/31/63. Previously served in Company F(2), 21st Virginia
Infantry Battalion. Age 22, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census. HORN, WILLIAM D.: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. He also served in the 72ND Virginia Militia from
Russell County, Virginia. Age 20, farm laborer, 1860 Russell County Census. HORTON, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on all musters thru 12/31/64. He also served in Company C, 37th
Virginia Infantry, discharged from that unit 10/1/62, had been sick with acute diarrhea. HORTON, CHARLES W.: Company
A. Enlisted on 5/15/64 in Scott County, due $50 bounty. Present on 8/31/64, detailed to Division Headquarters 12/31/64. HORTON, DAVID M.: Company
A. Enlisted on 6/1/63 in Scott County. Absent sick on 10/31/63 and 10/31/64. Deserted by 12/31/64. HORTON, JOHN: Company
D. Enlisted on 10/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Age 34, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census.
I. Enlisted on 10/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Age 14, 1860 Russell County Census. HORTON, NATHANIEL: 3rd
Corporal, Company C. Enlisted on 6/1/63 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL on 8/7/64, date of Moorefield Battle, possibly
KIA. Age 33, farmer, 1860 Scott County Census. HORTON, ROBERT H.: 3rd
Lieutenant/2nd Lieutenant, Company C. Enlisted on 2/23/63 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63. absent on horse detail 10/31/64,
AWOL 1/10/65. DFR 2/1/65 per special order 26/6. Age 22, farmer, 1860 Scott County Census. HORTON, WILLIAM P.: 2nd
Lieutenant/lst Lieutenant, Company A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County. Present Thru 12/31/64. Filed claim for killed or
captured horse 1/1905. He also served in the Scott County Militia. HOWARD, GEORGE: Company
C. Enlisted on 9/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 9/63. HOWARD, HENRY CLAY: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Present on 10/31/63, status not stated 8/31/64. on horse detail 10/5/64 and deserted
11/1/64. Age 3,1850 Montgomery County Census. HOWARD, JAMES: Company
C. Enlisted on 7/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Deserted 9/63. B. ca. 1842 in Virginia per 1850 Washington County Census. HOWELL, L. T.: Company
I. PWR. Resident of Montgomery County. HOWERY, CALEB: Company
B. PWR, Resident of Allegheny County, Virginia. HUBBARD, ISAIAH: Company
C. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63, deserted 3/10/64. HUBBERTIN, THOMAS: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. HUCHINSON, J.: Company K. Enlisted on ? in Montgomery
County. Took the oath in Charleston, West Virginia 4/17/65 as a deserter, age 20, resident of Pittsylvania County, fair complexion
and hair, dark eyes, 5’9". HUETT, MALACHI: Company
C. PWR. See Hunter, Malachi. HUGHS, BROOKS H.: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Smyth County. Present on 10/31/63. HUGHS, WILLIAM A.: 1st
Lieutenant, Company E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 8/7/64 at Moorefield,
sent to Camp Chase 8/11/64 held there until he died 2/12/65 of pneumonia. When captured, age 32, resident of Washington County,
Virginia, fair complexion, red hair, blue eyes, 5'10". HUMES, J. L: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 at Lebanon. On leave 8/31/64, horse detail 12/31/64. HUNNELL, THOMAS: 4th
Corporal, Company H. Enlisted on 9/15/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Deserted 5/23/64. HUNT, JAMES B.: Company
D. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Charleston. West Virginia 4/15/65 as a deserter, age 36. resident of Russell County, fair complexion
and hair, blue eyes, 6'. HUNTER, GEORGE L.:
2nd Lieutenant, Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Present on 10/31/63. HUNTER, MALACHI: Company
C. Enlisted on 7/1/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 12/15/63. HURST, JAMES M.: Company
G. Transferred in from Company B, 51st Virginia Infantry. Living in Wythe County, Virginia in1912. Listed on the 1920 Wythe
County Pension list. HURST, MONROE: Company
G. Enlisted on 7/1/63 at Wytheville. Absent sick 10/31/64, status not stated 12/31/64. HURST, RUFUS F.: Company
G. Enlisted on 7/1/63 at Wytheville. On horse detail 10/31/64, present on 12/31/64. Transferred from Company B, 51st Virginia.
Living in Wythe County, 1912. On 1920 Wythe County Pension List. HURT, CHARLES: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Previously served as 3rd Lieutenant, Company G, 37th
Virginia Infantry, enlisted on there 7/13/61 at New Garden. B. ca. 1826 D. 1898. HURT, JOHN G.: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. HURT, MIEHER: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. May be same as Meekin Hurt who served in Company I,
37th Virginia Infantry. Age 29, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. HURT, STEPHEN: Company E. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Smyth County. Present on 10/31/63. INGLE, JOHN W.: Company C. Enlisted on 10/10/63
in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 9/64. B. ca. 1845 in Washington County, Virginia. ISAACS, F. A.: Company A. PWR. He also served
in the 72nd Virginia Militia from Russell County, Virginia. JACKSON, FREEBORN: Company H. Enlisted
on 8/15/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Deserted 4/10/64 at Marion. JACKSON, HARDEY: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. JACKSON, HENRY: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 at Lebanon. AWOL 10/31/63, deserted 2/1/64. JACKSON, J.: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. In Wayside Hospital, #9. Richmond, Virginia 3/9-18/65. JACKSON, JAMES F.: Company
E. Enlisted on 12/1/62 in Carter County, Kentucky. Present on 10/31/63, on clothing receipt 2nd Quarter 1864. JACKSON, JOHN CALHOUN: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. JACKSON, LOGAN W.: 4th
Sergeant, Company D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. On clothing receipt 2nd Quarter
64. On 1920 Russell County Pension List, with notation that his funeral expenses were paid within the year. JACKSON, W. C.: Company
G. Enlisted on 7/1/61 in Wytheville. Transferred from Company B, 51st Virginia infantry. Present on 10/31/64 and 12/31/64.
D. Enlisted on ?. On clothing receipt 2nd Quarter 64. Previously served in Company G, 37TH Virginia Infantry, enlisted
on there 5/2/61 at New Garden, deserted that unit 12/1/62. On the 1920 Russell County Pension list. JAMERSON, WILLIAM H.: Company
F. Enlisted on ? in Bland County. Present on 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. Transferred from 36th Virginia 4/15/64. Paroled at Charleston,
West Virginia 6/12/65, age 33, fair complexion, dark hair, sandy whiskers, 6'. Age 26, farmer per the 1860 Tazewell County
Census. JENKINS, JAMES F.: Company
D. Enlisted on ?. Paroled 6/12/65 at Charleston, West Virginia, age 48, gray hair, light complexion, blue eyes, 6'1 1/2 ". JENKINS, JOHN J.: Company
C. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Taken POW 7/9/64 at Monocacy, sent to Fort McHenry 10/26/64. WIA at
Monocacy, Maryland in U.S. Army General Hospital, Frederick, Maryland 7/10/64. Exchanged on 10/30/64. JESSEE, ANDREW JACKSON: Company
A. Enlisted on 7/1/64 in Russell County, Virginia. Absent on horse detail 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. JESSEE, ARCHER L.: Company
A. Enlisted on 7/1/64 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. Age 45, farmer, 1860 Russell
County Census. JESSEE, CHARLES B.: 4th
Sergeant, Company A. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Russell County. Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 as 4TH Sergeant, present
on 10/31/64 as a private, deserted by 12/31/64. He also served in the 72nd Virginia Militia from Russell County, Virginia.
A. Enlisted on 7/1/64 in Russell County, due $50 reenlistment bounty. Present on 10/31/64 and 12/31/64. JESSEE, MARTIN VAN BUREN: 5th Sergeant, Company
A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 as a Private, present on 10/31/64 as 5th Sergeant,
deserted by 12/31/64. He also served in the 72nd Virginia Militia from Russell County, Virginia. Age 31, farmer, 1860 Russell
County Census. JESSEE, O. L: Company
A. Enlisted on 2/15/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/64. Age 35, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. JESSEE, VINCENT: 2nd
Sergeant, Company D. Enlisted on 9/1/63 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63, took the oath at Louisa, Kentucky 3/30/64
as a deserter. Resident of Scott County, fair complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, 5'6". He also served in Company C, 48th
Virginia Infantry. Age 16, farm laborer, 1860 Russell County Census. JEWELL, GREENE: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County, present on 10/31/63, AWOL 10/31/64 in Patrick County. JEWELL, WHITE: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Absent sick 10/31/63. JOHNSON, A. H.: Company
A. PWR. Resident of Russell County, Virginia. JOHNSON, A. S.: Asst.
Surgeon, F&S. Enlisted on ?, present on 1/10/65. JOHNSON, ANDREW JACKSON: Company
B. Enlisted on ? at Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. He was taken POW 9/3/64 at Berryville, Virginia
and was sent to Camp Chase 9/11/64. Died there of pneumonia 1/22/65 and was buried in grave 821. Resident of Buchanan County.
C. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 30, dark hair and complexion, blue eyes, 5'4". On post-war
roster of Company D. PWR. JOHNSON, JAMES: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell County, Virginia. Reported as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. JOHNSON, JAMES H.: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Age 42, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. JOHNSON, JOHN F.: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. AWOL since 10/12/64 per 10/31/64 muster. JOHNSON, JOSEPH: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. B. ca. 1841 in Russell County D. 1922. JOHNSTON, JAMES M.: Company K. Enlisted on
8/1/63 at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Pres. thru 12/31/64. JONES, ANDREW L: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on the.10/31/63 muster roll. JONES, DAVID C.: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63. Previously served in Company I, 37th Virginia Infantry,
enlisted on there 5/2/61 at New Garden. B. ca. 1836/7. JONES, G. C.: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Smyth County. AWOL 10/31/63. JONES, JAMES: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. JONES, ROBERT T.: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Reported as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. JONES, W. P.: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. KAZY, NAPOLEON BONAPARTE: Company K. Enlisted
on ? in Montgomery County. Reported as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. KEEN, HENRY: Company B. Enlisted on ? in Grundy,
Buchanan County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Age 34, farmer, 1860Buchanan County Census. KEEN, JEFFERSON: Company B. Enlisted on ? in
Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Age 28, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census. KEEN, JOHN: Company B. Enlisted on ? in Grundy,
Buchanan County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Age 27, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census. KEEN, JOHN: Company I. PWR. Resident of Wise
County. KEEN, JOHN P.: Company B. Enlisted on ? in
Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. On leave 10/31/63. KEEN, LOGAN: Company B. Enlisted on ? in Grundy,
Buchanan County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. KEEN, THOMAS: Company D. Enlisted on 5/1/63
in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Previously served in Company F(2), 21st Virginia Infantry Battalion. KEEN, WILLIAM: Company B. Enlisted on ? in
Tazewell County, Virginia. On leave 10/31/63. Age 12, 1860 Buchanan County Census. KEITH, JAMES P.: Company A. Enlisted on 6/1/63
in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Age 19, farm laborer, 1860 Russell County Census. KEITH, JESSE: Company A. Enlisted on 8/20/63
in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. KELLY, JOHN: Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/63
in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Transferred to Company B. 51ST Virginia Infantry by special order
175/29, dated 7/26/64. Taken POW with 51st at Waynesboro, Virginia 3/2/65. Resident of Wythe County, Virginia. KENDRICK, HARVEY F.: Major, F&S. Enlisted
on ?. Appointed major on 10/23/63. Taken POW 7/9/64 at Monocacy, sent to Fort McHenry 7/10/64, sent to Point Lookout 2/20/65
for exchange. WIA 7/9/64 at Monocacy in the left hip and left thigh. His brother, in Cincinnati, Ohio wrote General Lew Wallace,
stated that his brother was not a rebel at heart and asked for special treatment for him. Petitioned in 10/64 to take the
oath and go live with his mother in Cincinnati, Ohio, claiming he was "never a rebel in principle" and forced into Confederate
service by fear of conscription. B. 1/7/1832 in Russell County, Virginia. D. 1/29/1907 in Washington County, Virginia. Buried
Aston Cemetery. KENDRICK, JAMES P.: Company A. Enlisted on
4/10/63 in Sullivan County, Tennessee. Absent sick 10/31/63 and 10/31/64. Deserted by 12/31/64. KENDRICK, JOHN M.: Company I. Enlisted on 8/13/63
in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Post-war resident of Old Honaker Community. KENDRICK, JOHN T.: Company A. Enlisted on 3/1/64
in Scott County. Detached 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. Age 19, farm laborer, 1860 Scott County Census. KENDRICK, THOMAS A.: Company I. Enlisted ?.
Taken POW 8/7/64 at Moorefield, sent to Camp Chase 8/11/64. Released 6/11/65, then age 18, resident of Tazewell County, fair
complexion, brown hair, 5'6". Post-war resident of Russell County, Virginia. KENEDA, MARK J.: Company C. Enlisted on 9/15/63
in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, absent on horse detail 10/31/64. KENEDA, WILEY F.: Company A. Enlisted on 8/4/63
in Russell County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63. KENNEDY, CHARLES: Company B. PWR. Died as POW
Camp Chase, but no official record of the event. KENNEDY, JAMES V.: Company F. Enlisted on 8/8/63
in Tazewell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Taken POW 5/7/64 in Abb's Valley, sent to Camp Chase 5/26/64. Died there of phthisis
1/12/65, buried in grave 761. KERBY, JAMES: Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63
in Montgomery County. Present on 10/31/63. Age 16 per 1850 Montgomery County Census. KEYS, J. S.: Company D. PWR. KILGORE, JOSEPH: Company E. Enlisted on 8/4/62
in Scott County. AWOL 10/31/63. Age 24, farmer, 1860 Scott County Census. KILGORE, WILLIAM A.: Company E. Enlisted on
8/4/62 in Scott County. AWOL 10/31/63. He also served in the Scott County Militia. Age 18, farm laborer, 1860 Scott County
Census. KIMBLETON, CALVIN: Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63
at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63, deserted 2/1/64. KIMBLETON, CHARLES T.: Company K. Enlisted
on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Present on 10/31/63. Resident of Pulaski County. KINCHELOE, J. C.: 3rd Corporal, Company D.
PWR. KING, CHARLES: Company G. PWR. WIA at Washington,
D.C. 7/12/64. KING, GEORGE: Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 at Lebanon. Absent sick 8/31-12/31/64. KING, GEORGE: Company F. Enlisted on 8/8/63
in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. KING, HARVEY: Company H. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Charleston,
West Virginia 6/12/65, age 29, brown hair, dark complexion, hazel eyes, 5'8". Age 24, farmer per the 1860 Tazewell
County Census. KING, S.: Company
G. PWR. KING, THOMAS C.: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Deserted 2/1/64. Age 16, farm laborer, resident of Lebanon
Community, 1860 Russell County Census. KING, WILLIAM: Company
G. Enlisted on 7/1/64 at Rockville, Maryland. WIA and left with the enemy near Washington 7/12/64. No Federal record of this
event. B. ca. 1829 in North Carolina per the 1860 Grayson County Census. KIRBY, GEORGE F.: Company
D. PWR. KIRBY, W. H.: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63. He also served in the 72ND Virginia Militia
from Russell County, Virginia. LAMBERT, HENRY: Company D. Enlisted on 8/1/63
in Tazewell County, Virginia. Taken POW 8/7/64 at Moorefield, sent to Camp Chase 8/11/64, transferred to Point Lookout for
exchange 3/18/65. LAMBERT, JAMES C.: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 10/31/64. deserted by 12/31/64. Paroled at Charleston,
West Virginia 6/12/65, age 39, light complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, 58". Age 28, farmer, 1860 Tazewell County Census. LAMBERT, JOHN W.: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 9/22/64 at Fisher's Hill, sent to Point
Lookout. Joined U.S. Army 10/18/64. LAMBERT, W. H.: Company
A. PWR. Resident of Russell County, Virginia. LAMBERT, WILLIAM M.: Company F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in
Tazewell County, Virginia. Absent all musters, deserted by 12/31/64. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 21,
light complexion and hair, blue eyes, 5'5". LAMPKINS, JOHN H.: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/26/62 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Age 25, farmer, native of Tennessee per the 1860 Russell
County Census. LANDERS, ROBERT: Company
G. Enlisted on 2/1/64 in Wytheville, due $50 reenlistment bounty. Present thru 12/31/64. LANDRETH, ROBERT W.: Company
G. Enlisted on 1863 at Wytheville. Born 9/30/47 Died 6/25/1939, buried in Fleming Church Cemetery. Fought in 13 battles per
C. PWR. Previously served in Company 1(1), 63rd Virginia Infantry. GSR of the 63rd noted transfer to the 22nd Virginia Cavalry,
however, no file in the 22nd Cavalry. B. ca. 1841 in Washington County, Virginia. LANGLEY, WILLIAM: Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Russell
County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63, deserted 1/1/64. LAW, J.: Company H. PWR only. "Died as a POW at Camp Chase." LAW, JAMES: Company
K. Enlisted on ?. WIA at some point immediately before 9/1/64. Wounded in chest, in CSA Hospital at Charlottesville 9/1-3/64,
given 60 day furlough. LAWRENCE, WILLIAM E.: Company
E. Enlisted on 10/6/62 in Braxton County, West Virginia. Absent WIA 10/31/63, no date or place noted, probably in battles
in East Tennessee in 9/63. LAWSON, RICHARD: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 9/24/64 at Timberville per Confederates. No
Federal Record of incarceration. LAWSON, RILEY: Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/63
in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. LEE, DAVID: Company A. Enlisted on 8/4/63 in Russell
County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63, he later served in Owen's Kentucky Cavalry. Captured in Morgan County, Kentucky 11/8/63 sent
to Camp Chase. Applied for pension in 1915 in Kentucky. LEFTWICH, ELIAS: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Carroll County. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll, but no further record. LEONARD, ROBERT: Company
C. Enlisted on 10/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, on horse detail 10/31/64. LESTER, JACOB R.: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. LESTER, JOHN: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Absent sick when the 10/31/63 muster roll was taken. LESTER, SAMUEL: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Reported as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. LEWIS, FLEMMING: Company
H. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 8/7/64 at Moorefield, sent to Camp Chase
8/11/64. Died there 2/17/65 of pneumonia. Buried in grave 1300. When captured age 43, resident of Russell County, dark complexion,
black hair and eyes, 6‘2“. Married Ann Ratliff in Tazewell County, Virginia 7/14/1853. Age 32, farmer per the
1860 Tazewell County Census. LEWIS, RUFUS: 3rd
Corporal. Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. LILLY, ABRAM: Company
A. Enlisted on 7/26/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Reported as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. LILLY, CHARLES: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Absent sick on the 10/31/63 muster roll. LILLY, DAVID: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Absent sick on the 10/31/63 muster roll. LILLY, JOHN H.: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/26/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. B. ca. 1845 Washington County, Virginia. LINKOUS, JOHN F.: 1st
Sergeant, Company F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 8/31/64 and deserted by 12/31/64.
Age 29, farmer per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. LITTON, WILLIAM: Company E. Enlisted on 6/1/63
in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. On clothing receipt 2ND Quarter 1864. Resident of Washington
County, Virginia. He also served in the 72nd Virginia Militia from Russell County, Virginia. LITZ, JOHN THOMAS: 3rd
Lieutenant, Company F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 8/7/64 in Moorefield,
sent to Camp Chase 8/11/64, held there until released 5/8/65. When captured, age 30, resident of Virginia, dark complexion,
light hair, gray eyes, 6'. B. 4/18/34 D. 2/11/1901 in Tazewell County, occupation farmer. Bro. of William S. On 1898 Tazewell
Company Confederate Veterans Roster, then age 64, served "1 year 8 months." LITZ, WILLIAM S.: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present thru 12/31/64. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age
29, dark complexion, black hair, black eyes, 6'. B. 4/23/37 in Tazewell County, Virginia. LLOYD, WILLIAM C.: 1st Corporal. Enlisted on
8/13/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. Detailed as a wagoner in Southwest Virginia 10/31/64.
A miller, age 22,1850 Washington County Census. LOCKETT, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: 4th
Corporal, Company G. Enlisted on 7/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. WIA 8/15/64 at Charles Town, West
Virginia, left in the hands of the enemy per 10/31/64 muster. 12/31/64 muster says "leg amputated, now at home in Wythe County,
Virginia." Age 5 per the 1850 Wythe County Census. LOCKETT, SAMUEL D.: 1st
Lieutenant, Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. KIA on 6/18/64 at
Lynchburg. B. ca. 1832, occupation merchant per the 1860 Grayson County Census. LOCKHART, JOHN C.: Company
D. Enlisted on 10/10/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Age 22, farm laborer. 1860 Russell County Census.
LOCKHART, PATTON J.: Chaplain, Company H/ F&S. Enlisted
on 9/23/63 in Company H in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Appointed regimental chaplain 11/16/63. B. Tazewell
County, Virginia 6/8/31. Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. LOCKHART, WILLIAM: Company
G. Enlisted on ?. Paroled Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 18, light complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, 5'. LOUDER, ANDREW JACKSON: 3rd
Lieutenant, Company K. Enlisted 8/1/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted 5/1/64, DFR 12/6/64 per
special order 289. LOUDER, PHILIPG.: Company F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. KIA 8/1/64 in Shenandoah Valley. LOUTHIAN, JOHN: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 at Lebanon. Present on 10/31/63, deserted 1/1/64. LOW, JAMES: Company
H. Enlisted on 1864. Only on 1898 Tazewell Confed. Vets. Roster, with notation, "served 1 year and WIA at Moorefield." Age
12, per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. Son of John B. On 1920 Tazewell County Pension List. LOW, JOHN B.: Company
H. Enlisted on 9/15/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 8/31/64, WIA by 10/31/64. Deserted 11/20/64
in Tazewell County, Virginia. On the 1920 Tazewell County Pension Roster, Age 39, farmer per the 1860 Tazewell
County Census. Farmer of Jonas. LOW, JONAS: Company H. Enlisted on 4/30/64
in Smyth County. Taken POW9/24/64 at Berryville, sent to Camp Chase 9/11/64. Died there of pneumonia 2/14/65. Age 14 per the
1860 Tazewell County Census. LOW, WHITT: Company
H. Enlisted on 5/1/64 at Tazewell County, Virginia. Deserted 10/19/64 in Tazewell County, Virginia. LUNDY, AZARIAH: 1st
Corporal/Sergeant, Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wytheville. Present on 10/31/63 and 12/31/64, absent horse detail 10/31/64.
Applied for pension in 1915 in Missouri. Resident of Carroll County pre-war. On 1898 Tazewell Company Confederate Vets Roster,
then age 52, with notation, "served 1 year 9 months." LUSTER, DAVID: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. LUSTER, SAMUEL: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. LUSTER, TIMOTHY: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. LYDLE, ROBERT: Company
G. PWR. LYON, JOHN A.: Company
A. Enlisted on 4/9/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 10/31/64, listed as a deserter on 12/31/64 muster.
Age 14, 1850 Washington County Census. LYON, JOSEPH: Company
A. Enlisted on 10/15/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, absent on horse detail 10/31/64, deserted 12/31/64. LYTLE, THOMAS R.: Company
G. Enlisted on 4/1/64 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/64 and 12/31/64. MALLORY, THOMAS: Company G. Enlisted on 5/29/61
in Wytheville. Absent sick 10/31/64, present on 12/31/64. PWR says he was WIA at Cedar Mountain, and served in 10 battles
over 4 years. He was a resident of Wythe County, Virginia. Transferred from Company B, 51st Virginia Infantry. Living in 1912.
Age 10 per the 1850 Wythe County Census. MANN, RICHARD: Company
E. Enlisted on 3/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. MARRS, SAMUEL: Company
?. Paroled 6/12/65 at Charleston, West Virginia, age 38, light complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, 59". MARSHALL, ISAAC: Company
A. Enlisted on 7/20/63 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63. He also served in the Scott County Militia. Age 24, farmer, 1860
Scott County Census. MARSHALL, N. H.: Company
A. PWR. Resident of Scott County. MARSHALL, REUBEN: Company
A. Enlisted on 7/20/63 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63, detached 10/31/64, deserted before 12/31/64. He also served in
the Scott County Militia. Age 31, farmer, 1860 Scott County Census. MARSHALL, ROBERT W.: Company
A. Enlisted on 2/26/64 in Scott County. Absent sick 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. PWR says "disabled by exposure." Age 14,1860
Scott County Census. MARTIN, LOUIS: Company
?. Enlisted on ?. Paroled 6/9/65 at Salisbury, North Carolina. Resident of Smyth County. MARTIN, MULLINS: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Buchanan County. Reported as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. MASSEY, JOHN: Company
C. Enlisted on 10/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. MASSINGILL, HENRY: Company C. Enlisted on 9/15/63
in Washington County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63, AWOL 10/31/64. MASSINGILL. R. H.: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. Charged with horse stealing 9/4/64, jailed at Abingdon. The trial was held 9/22/64, verdict not given in
the record. May be the same person as Henry Massingill. MATNEY, DAVID: 3rd
Corporal, Company B. Enlisted on ? in Buchanan County. Present on 10/31/63. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 5/30/65,
age 21, sandy complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, 6'. On 1898 Buchanan Company Confederate Veterans Roster, then age 53, with
notation that he served 3 years 6 months. Age 14,1860 Buchanan County Census. MATNEY, JOHN: Company
B. Enlisted on ? at Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Age 22, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census. MATTHEWS, ANDREW JACKSON: Company
G. PWR. Transferred from Company B, 51st Virginia Infantry. MATTHEWS, C. X.: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present thru the 12/31/64 muster roll. MAYS, LUTHER: Company
G. PWR. Me___________ (illegible): FRANK: Company D.
F. Enlisted on ?. Deserted, paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 3/6/65, age 25, resident of Tazewell County, fair
complexion, light hair, blue eyes, 6'1". MCCARTY, caperton: Company
F. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 5/10/65, age 39, dark complexion and hair, grey eyes, 5'10". McCAULEY, WILLIAM: Company
B. Enlisted on ? at Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 5/30/65,
age 22, light complexion, dark hair, hazel eyes, 5BV2". Age 18, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census. McCLINTIC, DAVID: Company
A. Enlisted on 01/8/62 in Nicholas County, West Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Taken ROW 8/9/64 at Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, held
in Chambersburg jail then sent to York- Pennsylvania, U.S. Hospital 9/29/64. No record of release. (MWIA?) McCLURE, ABRAM: Company
A. Enlisted on 7/30/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, absent on horse detail 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64.
Age 15, farm laborer, 1860 Russell County Census. McCONNELL, JOHN F.: Company
A. Enlisted on 2/1/63 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW8/7/64 at Moorefield, sent to Camp Chase 8/11/64. Transferred
to Point Lookout for exchange 3/18/65. At capture, age 22, black hair, fair complexion, hazel eyes, 57", resident of Scott
County. McCRAVEN, JOHN B.: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. McCULLOCK, JOHN: Company
C. Enlisted on 8/3/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Age 9 per 1850 Washington County Census. McDANIEL, J. T.: Company
K. PWR. Resident of Montgomery County. McDONALD, ANGUS: Company
K. Enlisted on ?. Conscripted, deserted, arrested Pocahontas, Virginia 11/7/63, sent to Camp Chase, age 26, florid complexion,
grey eyes, 59". Enlisted in U.S. Navy 7/20/64. McELROY, GEORGE H.: Company
A. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 25, dark hair, light complexion, grey eyes, 59". McELYEA, C. S.: Company
K. Enlisted on ?. Taken POW per 10/31/64 muster. No Federal record of incarceration. Resident of Russell County, Virginia.
Lieutenant, Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present thru 1/10/65 inspection roster. McFARLAND, JAMES A.: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Listed as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. McFARLAND, LILBERN: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Buchanan County. Reported as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. McFARLAND, WILLIAM ALEXANDER: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Buchanan County. Listed as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. McGAVOCK, JAMES H.: Company
H. Enlisted on 5/11/61 in Company A, 4th Virginia Infantry. Arm amputated a/28152 after battle of Groveton. Elected
2nd Lieutenant 9/1/63. Transferred to 22nd Cavalry in 1864, absent on horse detail 10/31/64, present on 12/31/64. Born 6/14/43,
died 5/1/1913, buried at Fort Chiswell, Wythe County, Virginia. McGRAW, JAMES: Company
A. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. On leave when the 10/31/63 muster roll was taken. McGRAW, WILLIAM: Company
K. Enlisted on 9/1/64 at Lebanon. Present on 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. McGUIRE, THOMAS S.: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. McGUIRE, WILLIAM F.: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age
25, brown hair, dark complexion, grey eyes, 5'10". He also served in Company A, 45th Virginia Infantry. He was listed on a
clothing receipt for the 4th quarter, 1864 in the 45th. On 1898 Tazewell County Confederate Veterans Roster, then age 57.
On Tazewell County Pension list for 1920. McHENRY, WILLIAM A.: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. Present on 10/31/64 per Confederates. Deserted at Milford, Virginia on 10/25/64 and took the oath 12/17/64
in East Tennessee. Release at Knoxville, dark hair, fair complexion, blue eyes, 6'3", resident of Washington County, Virginia.
Age 11, native of Virginia per 1850 Washington County Census. McMULLEN, JACKSON: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Buchanan County. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. McMULLIN, JAMES H.: 4th
Corporal, Company F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 8/31/64, deserted 12/31/64.
Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 38, black hair, dark complexion and wiiiskers, hazel eyes, 59". McMULLIN, MATHEW B.: Company
A. Enlisted on 5/15/64 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/64, but listed as having deserted by 12/31/64. McNEAL, AUSTON: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Farmer, age 33, 1850 Washington County Census. McNEW, TOBIAS: 2nd
Sergeant, Company H. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Deserted 9/15/64 at Port Republic. McOUEEN, GEORGE: Lieutenant,
Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. KIA at Charlestown, West Virginia 8/15/64. Buried
in Jefferson County, West Virginia. McROBERTS, JOHN: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 and 12/31/64. Absent on horse detail 10/31/64. Resident
of Smyth County. McROBERTS, THOMAS: Company
G. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 36, black hair, dark complexion, grey eyes, 6'. MEAD, GEORGE WASHINGTON: Company
?. Took the oath 5/64 at Louisa, Kentucky. Resident of Russell County, fair complexion, light hair, blue eyes, 57". MEAD, JAMES M.: 4th Corporal, Company A. Enlisted
on 8/4/62 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 and 12/31/64, Absent sick 10/31/64. MEAD, JOHN: 3rd
Corporal, Company A. Enlisted on 8/4/63 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/64. He also served in the Scott County Militia.
Age 17, farm laborer, 1860 Scott County Census. MEADE, ARCHER lj Company
A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, horse detail 10/31/64. deserted by 12/31/64. Resident
of Russell County, Virginia. MEADE, CHARLES C.: Company
A. Enlisted on 4/1/63 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63. Age 28, farmer, 1860 Scott County Census. MEADE, J. W.: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County. AWOL 10/31/63. Took the oath 5/64 at Louisville, Kentucky. resident of Scott County,
dark hair and complexion, black eyes, 5'10". Age 18, farm laborer. 1860 Scott County Census. MEADE, TYRE: Company A. Enlisted on 7/1/63 in Russell
County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. MEADOWS, JAMES A.: 2nd
Corporal, Company H. Enlisted on 8/16/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 10/31/64. Age 13 per the
1860 Tazewell County Census. MEADOWS, RALEIGH: Company
H. Enlisted on 4/1/64 in Smyth County. AWOL 8/31/64, deserted 10/19/64 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Applied for pension in
1915 in Kentucky. MELTON, IRA: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Carroll County. Present on 10/31/63. Transferred to Company C, 29th Virginia Infantry, probably in
late 1863. Born in Carroll County ca. 1845. Died 12/7/83, probably in Wythe County. MENTLE, WILLIAM: Company ?. In prison guard house 5/9-10/63.
NFR. MEREDITH, J. A.: Company f. Enlisted on ?. KIA
10/19/64 at Third Battle of Winchester. PWR. MICHELL, W. A.: Company
K. PWR only which states he was "in Hospital Winchester, Virginia 7/64." MILES, ISHAM J.: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 at Lebanon. Present on 12/31/64. Previously served in 42nd Va. Inf. MILES, JOHN H.: Company
C. Enlisted on 9/15/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63, AWOL 12/31/64. B. ca. 1814 per 1850 Washington County
Census, occupation coppersmith. MILLER, JACOB H. B.: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. He also served in the 72ND Virginia Militia from
Russell County, Virginia. MILLER, JESSE: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. AWOL 10/31/64. He previously served in the Washington County Virginia Militia. MILLER, JOHN: 4th
Sergeant, Company H. Enlisted on 9/12/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. MITCHELL, HIRAM: Company
B/E. Enlisted on ? in Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63 on Company B's muster roll. Took the oath in
Charleston, West Virginia as a deserter, sent north 3/13/65, age 20, dark complexion, sandy hair, grey eyes, 5'4". MITCHELL, JAMES: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. Deserted on 12/29/63 per 10/31/64 muster. B. ca. 1831 per 1850 Washington County Census. MITCHELL, JOHN: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. Deserted 12/29/63. B. ca. 1833 in Washington County Census. MITCHELL, LEVI: Company
C. Enlisted on 7/15/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted 5/28/64. Age 8, 1850 Washington County
Census. Brother of John and James. MITCHELL, M. F. C.: 4th
Sergeant, Company G. Enlisted on 7/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present thru 12/31/64. Resident of Carroll County. MITCHELL, MOSES M.: Company
H. Enlisted on ?. Taken POW 6/11/64 in Lexington, Virginia. Sent to Wheeling, where released on oath 7/3/64, age 16, he was
a resident of Tazewell County, fair complexion, light hair, blue eyes, 5'6". MITCHELL, ROBERT F.: Company E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in
Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. He also served in the 72nd Virginia Militia from Russell County, Virginia.
E (Company C, per PWR). Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. On clothing receipt 2nd Quarter
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Taken POW by 8/31/64 per Confederates but was listed as AWOL 10/31/64. In Winchester
Hospital 7/25/64. MITCHELL, WILLIAM J.: 3rd
Corporal, Company H. Enlisted on 10/10/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 6/10/64 per Confederates,
but no Federal record of incarceration. Age 34, farmer per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. MONGLE, JEREMIAH B.: 5th
Sergeant, Company E, Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Washington County, Virginia. Absent WIA on 10/31/63 muster. Given light duty by
Medical Board at Marion, Va. on 1/4/65. He also served in the Washington County Virginia Militia. MONROE, J. B.: 3rd
Sergeant, Company D. PWR. MONROE, FRANK: Company
G. Enlisted on 9/1/63 at Wytheville. Present on 10/31/64 and 12/31/64. MOORE, JACOB M.:2nd Lieutenant/1st
Lieutenant, Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Promoted to 1STLieutenant 6/25/64, after S.
D. Lockett was killed. Present thru 12/31/64. Age. 12 per the 1850 Wythe County Census. Brother of William Orville. MOORE, JOHN M.: 2nd
Sergeant, Company I. Enlisted on 8/11/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. On leave 10/31/63. Taken POW 9/24/64 at Harrisonburg,
sent to Point Lookout 10/1/64. He joined the U.S. Army 10/18/64. Died at Pocahontas, Tazewell County in 1922. MOORE, JOHN W.: Company
G. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 39, fair complexion, black hair, grey eyes, 56". MOORE, OLIVER: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 8/31/64, Deserted by 12/31/64. MOORE, SAMUEL: Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63
at ?. AWOL 10/31/63. MOORE, THOMAS B.: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County. Absent sick on the 10/31/63 muster roll. MOORE, THOMAS: Company
G. Enlisted on 7/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63, absent on horse detail 10/31/64 and 12/31/64. Paroled at Charleston,
West Virginia 6/12/65, age 18, dark hair, light complexion, grey eyes, 6'. Age 23 per the 1850 Wythe County Census. MOORE, WILLIAM: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Previously served in Company F, 37th Virginia Infantry.
Company G. Enlisted on 5/29/62 at Wytheville, in Company A. 29th Virginia Infantry as 3rd Lieutenant. Promoted to adjutant
of 29th. Raised a troop of Cavalry which became Company G, 22nd Virginia Cavalry. Present on in Company G, 22nd Cavalry thru
10/31/64, present on commanding regiment 12/31/64, present in arrest 1/10/65. B. 2/17/41 in Wythe Company D. 10/31/1913 in
Wythe County, buried in the East End Cemetery. Post-war was farmer in Wythe and member of the Commonwealth's legislature.
B. ca. 1840 in Wythe County per the 1850 Wythe County Census. MORELL, JACOB B.: Farrier,
Company A. Enlisted on 2/11/63 rh Scott County. Present on 10/31/63 and 10/31/64. Deserted by 12/31/64. MORGAN, JOHN:
Company C. Enlisted on ?. Taken POW 10/1/64 at Port Republic, sent to Point Lookout 10/15/64, but no record of death or release.
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County, AWOL 10/31/63. Listed as having deserted on 1/18/64. MORRELL, J. B.: Company
A. PWR "Died in Service". Resident of Montgomery County. MORRIS, NEWTON: Company
G. Enlisted on 4/1/61 at Wytheville. Absent on horse detail 10/31/64, deserted 12/31/64. Age 6 per the 1850 Wythe County Census.
MORRIS, THOMAS: Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Carroll
County. Present on 10/31/63, absent on horse detail 10/31/64, taken POW before 12/31/64 per CSA muster, but no Federal Record
of incarceration. KIA per contemporary letter. MORRISON, RUFUS: Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in ?.
Present on 10/31/63. MOSEBY, WILLIAM: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Buchanan County. Reported as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. MOSELY, WILLIAM: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Age 33, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census, native
of North Carolina. MOYERS, LUTHER N.: Company
G. Enlisted on 3/1/64 at Wytheville. Absent on horse detail 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. MULLER, ROBERT: Company
H. Enlisted on 10/6/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Listed as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. MULLINS, HARVEY: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Previously served in Company F(2), 21st Virginia Infantry
Battalion. Age 22, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census. MULLINS, JACKSON: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. On leave 10/31/63. Age 20, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census. MULLINS, JOHN: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. Listed as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. MURPHEY, PAT: Company G.
PWR. MUSIC, THOMAS: Company C. Enlisted on 6/21/63 in Washington
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 10/31/64. Age 7, 1850 Washington County Census. On the 1920 Washington County
Pension List. MUSIC, WILLIAM Y. C.: Company
C. Enlisted on 6/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Pres. 10/31/63. Taken POW 8/7/64 atMoorefield, sent to Camp Chase 8/11/64,
transferred to Point Lookout 3/18/65 for exchange. When captured age 18, resident of Washington County, fair complexion, dark
hair, brown eyes, 5'5V2". MUTTER, JESSE: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. He also served in the 72nd Virginia Militia
from Russell County, Virginia. MUTTER, ROBERT: 2nd
Corporal, Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 at ?. Present on 10/31/63. Applied for pension in 1915 in Virginia. Pre-war resident
of Montgomery County. Post-war resident of Buchanan County. MYERS, LUTHER M.: Company
K. PWR. Resident of Smyth County. MYERS, SAMUEL: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Absent sick 10/31/63. NEAL, GRANVILLE: 2nd Lieutenant, Company F.
Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, deserted before 1/10/65. NECESSARY, CHARLES W.: Company
A. Enlisted on 1/1/64 in Russell County, AWOL 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. Age 17, farm laborer, 1860 Russell County Census.
Brother of Elbert S. NECESSARY, ELBERT S.: Company
A. Enlisted on 7/15/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. Age 26, farmer,
1860 Russell County Census. NECESSARY, OSCAR C.: Company
A. Enlisted on 7/15/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. NECESSARY, THOMAS JEFFERSON: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Tazewell County, due $50 bounty. Present thru 12/31/64. On 1898 Tazewell Company Confederate Veterans
Roster, then age 63, "served 3 years." NEEL, CALEB C.: Company
H. Enlisted on 10/4/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 9/19/64 at Winchester, sent to Point Lookout
9/23/64. Joined the U.S. Army 10/18/64. Post-war resident of Smyth County. NEEL, JOSEPH M.: Company
H. Enlisted on 10/4/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/64, but also noted that he transferred to Company A,
4th Virginia Infantry, Stonewall Brigade, 9/16/64. NEEL, WILLIAM M.: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Transferred to 36th Virginia Infantry on 4/14/64,
however no file in the 36th. Age 33, farmer, 1860 Tazewell County Census. NEFF, JACOB M.: Company
G. Enlisted on 5/12/61 in Company B, 45th Virginia Infantry. Discharged 5/62 in Giles County. Enlisted on 5/62 in Tazewell
County in Company B, 19th Virginia Infantry. WIA 4/63 at Suffolk, Virginia. Transferred to Company G, 22nd Virginia Cavalry
in 1864 in Wythe County, Virginia. Absent on horse detail 10/31/64, present on 12/31/64. B. in Wythe County, Virginia 7/8/34
D. 12/10/1916, buried Fairview Cemetery, Wythe County, Virginia. NEIGHBORS, WILSON: Company K. PWR. "Died as
POW in Camp Chase." NELSON, H. H.: Company
D. PWR. NELSON, J. W.: 2nd
Sergeant, Company D. PWR. NELSON, JOSEPH H.: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Tazewell County (family bible record says he enlisted on 1/1/64). KIA 8/5/64, in the battle of New
Creek Station, Virginia. B. 12/14/22. NICHOLS, HENRY K.: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/4/63 in Scott County. Absent sick on the 10/31/63 muster roll. NICHOLS, PETER N.: Company A. Enlisted on ?. Given disability
discharge at Saltville 5/18/63 from Baldwin's Squadron. PWR says served four years. Resident of Scott County. He also served
in the Scott County Militia. Age 25, farmer, 1860 Scott County Census. NORTHON, NATHAN: Company
C. PWR. NUNLEY, J. H.: Company
H. PWR only. Resident of Washington County, Virginia. NUNLEY, JAMES: Company C/K. Enlisted on 8/9/63 at Lebanon.
Present on in Company C 10/31/64, and pres. in Company K. 12/31/64. On 1920 Washington County Pension List, disabled in service. NUNLEY, JAMES M.: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Absent sick on the 10/31/63 muster roll. NUNLEY, OSBORN: Company
C. Enlisted on 6/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. POW per 10/31/63 muster, but deserted 5/15/64 per 10/31/64 muster. No
Federal record of incarceration. O'NEIL, M. A.: Company G. PWR. Resident of
Franklin County. OGLESBY, NICHOLAS PERKINS: Company
H. Enlisted on 1/1/62 at Wytheville. Present on 8/31/64 per muster, but transferred from 4th Virginia Infantry 9/16/64 (CSR
of the 4th says detailed to the 22nd as baggage guard). Absent on horse detail 10/31/64, present on 12/31/64. D. in Wythe
County, Virginia 2/15/92, buried in the Oglesby Family Cemetery, Wythe County, Virginia. ORCUTT, ALBERT: 1st
Corporal, Company D. PWR. OSBORNE, SOLOMON: Company
I. Enlisted on 7/15/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Age 16, 1860 Russell County Census. OSBORNE, WILLIAM: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63, Previously served in Company F(2), 21st Virginia Infantry
Battalion. Age 24, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census, native of Kentucky. OSBORNE, WILLIAM J.: Company
E. Enlisted on 7/15/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Age 29, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. OSBORNE, W. H.: Company
E. Enlisted in 1861 per PWR, which also indicated that he served until the end of the war. Resident of Smyth County. OWENS, ANDREW JACKSON: Company
D. Enlisted on 10/10/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. ln, Charlottesville Hospital with debilitas 8/17-9/27/64.
OWENS, JOSEPH W. H.: Company
A. Enlisted on 2/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, absent on horse detail 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64.
Age 13, 1860 Russell County Census, son of Nathan. OWENS, NATHAN E.: Company
A. Enlisted on 3/23/64 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. He also served as 1st Sergeant, Company K, 48th
Virginia Infantry, went AWOL from that unit. Age 26, farmer 1860 Russell County Census. Age 25, 1860 Russell County Census.
Brother of Rufus M. OWENS, RUFUS M.: Company
A. Enlisted on 3/23/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Age 35, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. OWENS, SAMUEL BRACKEN: Company
A. Enlisted on 4/963 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. He previously served as 4th Sergeant, Company K, 48th Virginia
Infantry. Roster of the 48th indicates that he was POW at Fort Delaware at the end of the war. Age 19, farmer on the 1860
Russell County Census. D. of typhoid fever at Mendota, Washington County, Virginia on 1/13/88. OWNSLY, MONROE: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Reported as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. PAINE, JAMES L.: 3rd Sergeant, Company B. Enlisted
on ? in Buchanan County. Present on 10/31/63. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 5/30/65, age 38, brown hair, dark complexion,
grey eyes, light whiskers, 6'2". Previously served in Company F(2), 21st Virginia Infantry Battalion.
Age 33, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census. PAINE, JOHN: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Buchanan County. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. PALMER, EDEN: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. PANNEL, JAMES: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted 1/12/64. Age 8, 1850 Montgomery County Census. PARKER, HENRY: Company F. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Absent WIA 8/31/64. Deserted by 12/31/64. Took the oath a deserter 3/24/65 at Charleston, West Virginia, age 37, resident of Tazewell County, fair complexion, light
hair, blue eyes, 55". PARKER, HENRY: Company F. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Tazewell County. Virginia/Absent WIA 8/31/64. Deserted by 12/31/64. Took the oath a deserter 3/24/65 at Charleston, West Virginia, age 20, resident of Bland County, fair complexion and hair,
hazel eyes, 6'. PARKS, AUG: Company G. Enlisted on 3/1/64 in Wytheville. WIA 8/7/64 at Moorefield. In CSA Hospital at Charlottesville with gunshot wound in the chest. Furloughed for 30 days. PARRIS, JOHN: Company G. Enlisted on 10/1/64 at Luray, Virginia. Present on 10/31/64 and 12/31/64. He also served in the Wythe County Militia. PASTON, JOHN: Corporal,
Company D. Enlisted on 6/27/63 in Smyth County. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. PATE, ALEXANDER G.: Company G. Enlisted on
8/1/63 in Carroll County. He was present on 10/31/63 muster, AWOL on 10/31/64 muster, absent sick on the 12/31/64 muster.
Also mentioned on the 1898 Tazewell County Confederate Veterans Roster, then age 55, notation, "served 2 years." May have
also served in Company D, this regiment. PATE, IRA J.: Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Carroll
County. Present thru the 12/31/64 muster roll. PATRICK, ALEXANDER: Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in
Russell County, Virginia. AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. PATRICK, GEORGE: Company C. Enlisted on 5/20/63 in Washington
County, Virginia. Taken POW 9/21/63 per 10/31/63 CSA Muster, but no Federal record. PATRICK, ISAAC F.: Company E. Enlisted on 6/1/63 in Russell
County, Virginia. Taken POW in East Tennessee before 10/31/63 muster, but no Federal record. PATRICK, SAMUEL: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. AWOL 10/10/64. PATRICK, THOMAS M.: Company F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in
Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 8/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. PATRICK, WILLIAM: Company E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell
County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Resident of Russell County, Virginia. He was on pension list for the 48th Virginia Infantry.
Age 30, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. Died ca. 1908 of Bright's disease. PATTON, EDWIN FRANKLIN: Company
A. Enlisted on ?. Mentioned in Roy Bird Manuscripts at University of West Virginia. PEERY, HIRAM: Company F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell
County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Age 20, farm laborer, native of North Carolina per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. PEERY, JESSE: Company F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell
County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63, present on 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. Age 37, farmer per the 1860 Tazewell County Census.
PEERY, JOHN: Company I. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Charleston,
West Virginia 6/12/65, age 36, dark hair and complexion, hazel eyes, 62". PEERY, MATHEWS hj Company
I. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 41, blond hair, dark complexion, hazel eyes, 6'. PEERY, REECE: Company F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell
County, Virginia. Present thru 12/31/64. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/23/65, age 46, light hair, florid complexion,
blue eyes, 5'11". On 1898 Tazewell Company Confederate Veterans Roster, then age 71, originally enlisted in 4/61, and served
4 yrs. per this reference. PEERY, WILLIAM: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Absent sick on the 10/31/63 muster roll. PERKINS, ANDREW JACKSON: Company E. Enlisted in 1861
per PWR, which indicates that he served until the end of the war and that he was a resident of Washington County, Virginia. PERKINS, HIRAM J.: Company
F. Enlisted on 2/1/64 in Grayson County, due $50 reenlistment bounty. Transferred from Company E, 21st Virginia Cavalry. No
record in 21st Virginia Cavalry. PERKINS, JACKSON: Company E. Enlisted on 9/28/62 in Braxton
County. Present on 10/31/63. On clothing receipt 2nd Quarter 1864. PERRY, M. C.: Company H. Enlisted on 7/1/64 in Tazewell
County, Virginia. Transferred from Company I, 21st Virginia Cavalry 12/31/64. He has no file in the records of the 21st. PETERMAN, JAMES W.: Company K. Enlisted on 9/1/64 at
Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/64 and 12/31/64. PETTRESS, PETER: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Washington County, Tennessee. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. PEVERLER, DAVID: Company C. Enlisted on ?. Deserted 5/25/64.
PHELPS, JAMES: Company E. Enlisted on 2/23/63 in Washington
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Farmer, age 20,1850 Washington County Census. Brother of Martin S. Pheips. PHELPS, MARTIN S.: Company A. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in
Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Age 5, 1850 Washington County Census. PHILIPS, ROBERT: Company C. PWR PHILLIPS, CHRISTOPHER: Company C. Enlisted on ?. Deserted
4/10/64, paroled in East Tennessee 12/29/64, resident of Washington County, dark complexion and hair, blue eyes, 5'11". PHILLIPS, JOHN W.: Company G. PWR. PHILLIPS, MEREDITH: Company C. Enlisted on ?. Deserted
12/23/64. Paroled in East Tennessee 12/29/64, resident of Washington County, dark complexion and hair, blue eyes, 5B". He
also served in the Washington County Virginia Militia. PHILLIPS, THOMAS: Company C. Enlisted on 6/1/63 in Washington
County, Virginia. Reported as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. PHILLIPS, ZACHARIAH: Company B. Enlisted on ? in Grundy,
Buchanan County, Virginia. Reported as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. PICKETTS, J. T.: Company
A. PWR. Post-war resident of Dickenson County. PIERSON, W. H.: Company D. PWR. PIPER,_______ : Company
E. Enlisted on 2/23/63 in Washington County, Virginia. In Hospital per the 10/31/63 muster roll. PIPPIN, THOMAS: Company
A/E. Enlisted on 8/26/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63 from Company A. Deserted at Saltville 3/20/64 from
Company E. Paroled in East Tennessee on 12/29/64, resident of Washington County, dark complexion, hair and eyes, 5'11". POFF, ANDREW: Company C. Enlisted on 10/10/63 in Washington
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. In hosp. 6/10/64. Taken POW 6/18/64 at Lynchburg, Virginia. No record of death or release. PORTER, ANDREW JACKSON: Company E. Enlisted on 12/1/62 in
Russell County, Virginia (originally in Baldwin's Squadron). AWOL 10/31/63. He previously served as Lieutenant Colonel of
the 78th Virginia Militia, Grayson County. Born in 1822 in Wythe County, Virginia. Resident of Grayson County. Son, Levi,
served in Company G. PORTER, DANIEL M.: Company E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell County,
Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63. Age 20, farm laborer, 1860 Russell County Census. PORTER, HUGH E.: Corporal, Company E. Enlisted on 1/31/63 in Russell
County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Taken POW 8/7/64 at Moorefield, sent to Camp Chase. Transferred to Point Lookout for exchange
3/18/65. When captured, age 19, resident of Russell County, light complexion, brown hair and grey eyes, 6'. PORTER, JOHN P; Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County,
Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 10/31/64, deserted 12/31/64. He also served in the Carroll County Militia. PORTER, LEVI: Company
G. Enlisted on 5/1/64 at Wytheville. Taken POW 9/19/64 at Winchester, Virginia. Sent to Harper's Ferry and from there to Point
Lookout, Maryland. Exchanged 3/15/65. B. 1/12/1845 in Grayson County. PORTER, MELVIN G.: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/4/63 in Scott County. Absent sick 10/31/63. PORTER, PARK: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell County, Virginia. Absent sick on the 10/31/63 muster roll. PORTER, WILLIAM B.: Company
G. Enlisted on 1/1/64at Wytheville, due $50 bounty. Present thru 12/31/64. He also served in the Wythe County Militia. PORTER, WILLIAM D.: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/4/63 in Scott County. Absent sick 10/31/63. He also served in the 72nd Virginia Militia from Russell County,
Virginia. Age 40, farmer, 1860 Scott County Census. POSTEN, J. T.: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Smyth County. Present on 10/31/63. Perhaps John Posten, age 11,1850 Smyth County Census. POSTEN, WILLIAM H.: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Smyth County. Present on 10/31/63. Previously served in Company E, 21st Virginia Cavalry. Discharged
5/64 per PWR. B. ca. 1832 in Virginia per 1850 Smyth County Census. POWERS, PRATER (PETER?): Company
C. Enlisted on ?. Deserted 12/29/63. He also served in the Washington County Virginia Militia. PRATER, JOHN G.: Company
B. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 48, light complexion and hair, blue eyes, 57". PRESTON, CHARLES HENRY CAMPBELL: Lieutenant,
Company I. Enlisted on ?. Taken POW 12/14/64 at Glade Springs. Charged with violation of Stoneman's parole by Federals when
recaptured 2/7/65. No record of disposition. Student at the Virginia Military Institute in 1862. PRICE, ELISHA F.: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. Deserted 4/6/64 at Abingdon. Paroled in East Tennessee on 12/31/64, resident of Washington County, dark
complexion and hair, gray eyes. He also served in the Washington County Virginia Militia. PRICE, JOHN S.: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. PRICE, O. ROBERT: Company
Sergeant, Company C. Enlisted on 5/10/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. WIA at Moorefield 8/7/64. Paroled
in West Virginia 4/27/65, age 20, light complexion and hair, blue eyes, 58". Age 8, per 1850 Washington County Census. PROFFITT, EDWARD: Company
D. Enlisted on 8/10/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. On clothing receipt for 2nd Quarter 1864. PUCKETT, GEORGE WASHINGTON: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. He previously
served in the 72nd Virginia Militia from Russell County, Virginia. Age 38, farmer, resident of Lebanon Community, 1860 Russell
County Census. PUCKETT, JOHN W.: Company
A. Enlisted on 5/15/64 in Russell County, Virginia. On horse detail 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. Resident of Russell County,
Virginia. Age 14, 1860 Russell County Census. PUGH, ANDREW JACKSON: Company
A. Enlisted on 5/25/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Died of disease 4/26/64. Born in Russell County ca.
1845. QUESENBERRY, JAMES G.: 5th Sergeant, Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 as Private, then present thru 12/31/64 as 5th Sergeant.
A. Enlisted on 2/1/63 in Scott County. AWOL 10/31/63, present on 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. Age 26, farmer, 1860 Scott
County Census. QUILLEN, EZEKIEL B.: Company
A. Enlisted on 5/15/64 in Scott County. On horse detail 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. Age 13, 1860 Scott County Census.
A. Enlisted on 5/15/64 in Scott County. Taken POW 8/7/64 at Moorefield, sent to Camp Chase 8/16/64, then sent to Point Lookout
for exchange 3/18/65. QUILLEN, JAMES
H.: Company E/A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County. Absent, WIA 10/31/63. Sick 10/31/64, deserted 12/31/64. He also served
in the Scott County Militia. Age 32, farmer, 1860 Scott County Census. QUILLEN, S. P.: Company
A. PWR. "Disabled by exposure." RACKLEY, JAMES S.: Company D. Enlisted on ?.
Paroled at Gordonsville, Virginia 5/25/65. RADFORD, JOHN TAYLOR: Lieutenant
Colonel, F&S. Enlisted on ?. Appointed Lieutenant Colonel on 11/18/63, but formerly served as an aide-de-camp to Brigadier
General Gabriel Wharton. KIA 11/12/64 at Ninevah. B. 7/4/38 in Montgomery County. Graduate of the University of Virginia.
Previously served as Captain of Company K, 24th Virginia Infantry. RAMEY, ANDREW: Company I/K.
Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Absent in hospital on 8/31/64 as member of Company K, had been WIA prior
to muster. Present on 10/31/64 in Company I. Absent sick 12/31/64. Age 19, farmer. 1860 Buchanan County Census. Brother of
Miles and Sylvester. RAMEY, JACOB: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. RAMEY, MILES: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Pike County, Kentucky. Absent sick 10/31/63. Age 15, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census. RAMEY, SYLVESTER: Company B. Enlisted on
? in Pike County, Kentucky. Present on 10/31/63. Age 13,1860 Buchanan County Census. RATCLIFFE, C. W.: 4th Corporal, Company
D. PWR. RATCLIFF, JAMES A.: Company F. Enlisted
on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. AWOL 8/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. Paroled at Charleston, West
Virginia 12/17/64, age 25, light complexion and hair, blue eyes, 6'2". Previously served in Company F(2), 21st Virginia Infantry
Battalion. RATCLIFF, LEWIS: Company F. Enlisted on
6/1/64 in Tazewell County, Virginia. AWOL 8/31/64, deserted 12/31/64, paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 50,
florid complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, 5'5". Age 44 farmer per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. RATCLIFF, RICHARD: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. RAY, HENRY: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Previously served in Company I/G, 37th Virginia Infantry,
enlisted on there 5/2/61 at New Garden, deserted from the 37th on 6/6/62. B. 1840 D. 1923. Occupation farmer, resident of
Rosedale Community, 1860 Russell County Census. RAY, IRA: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Previously served in Company I, 37th Virginia Infantry,
enlisted on there 7/13/61 at New Garden. AWOL from the 37th after 11/62. Age 28, farmer, resident of Rosedale Community, 1860
Russell County Census. REED, E. C.: Company D. PWR. REED, JACKSON: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. Reported as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. REED, W. H.: Company
A. Enlisted on 12/20/63 in Scott County. In Winchester, Virginia Hospital 7/29-8/4/64 with erysipelas. Present on 10/31/64.
Deserted by 12/31/64. WIA at unknown time and place per PWR. REPASS, ALBERT: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. Taken POW 8/1/64 in Maryland per Confederates, no Federal record of incarceration. REPASS, FRANK: Company
G. Enlisted on 6/1/64 at Wytheville. Taken POW 8/1/64 in Maryland per Confederates, however, no Federal records. REYNOLDS, EZRA: Company
B. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 2/65, age 18, resident of Tazewell County, dark complexion and hair,
brown eyes, 5'6". REYNOLDS, PETER J.: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, on clothing receipt 2nd Quarter 64. PWR says he served
2 years 8 months. REYNOLDS, PHILIP J.: 2nd
Lieutenant, Company E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell County, Virginia. WIA before 10/31/63. Retired to the Invalid Corps on
12/2/64. Age 30, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. REYNOLDS, REUBEN A.: Company
E. Enlisted on 6/9/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Absent sick on the 10/31/63 muster roll. He also served in the 72nd Virginia
Militia from Russell County. Virginia. Age 28, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. RICHARDS, GEORGE: 2nd
Sergeant, Company G. Enlisted on 7/15/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 as 2nd Sergeant, deserted before 10/31/64
as a private. RICHARDSON, WILLIAM C.: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/64. Applied for pension in Virginia in 1916. Age 29, New
Garden Community, farmer. 1860 Russell County Census. RICHARDSON, WILLIAM D.: Company
D. Enlisted 5/1/63 probably in Russell County. PWR only. RIFFE, GORDON W.: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, WIA 9/19/64 at Winchester, remained in Hospital
at least thru 1/10/65. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 5/30/65, age 22, fair complexion, blue eyes, brown hair, 6'. Age
21, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census, native of Kentucky. RIFFE, LEWIS: 4th Corporal,
Company B. Enlisted on ? in Buchanan County. Present on 10/31/63. Age 13,1860 Buchanan County Census. RIGNEY, HENLEY C.: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Carroll County. Present on 10/31/63. He also served in the Carroll County Militia. RIGSBY, MATTISON: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. RITTER, GEORGE S.: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, detached 12/31/64. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia
6/12/65, age 46, dark complexion, light hair, blue eyes, 5 "8". ROBBINS, EPPERSON: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present thru the 10/31/64 muster roll. Paroled 4/15/65 at Lynchburg, Virginia.
Formerly served in Co. I, 37TH Virginia Infantry, enlisting in that unit on 5/2/61 at New Garden, Russell County,
Virginia.. Also served in Mounted Company, 2ND Regiment, Virginia State Line, 10/62 to 5/63. Brother of Hiram.
Resident of Rosedale Township, Russell County, Virginia, age 26, farmer, per 1860 Russell County Census. Same person as James
Epperson Robbins on Co. I, 37TH Virginia roster. ROBBINS, HIRAM S. : Corporal,
Company D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 8/7/64 at Moorefield, West Virginia.
Sent to Camp Chase, Ohio 8/11/64, Contracted “Brain Fever” (Encephalitis) while a prisoner at Camp Chase. Sent
to Point Lookout, Maryland for exchange 3/18/65. Formerly served in Co. I, 37TH Virginia Infantry, enlisting in
that unit on 5/2/61 at New Garden, Russell County, Virginia. Also served in Mounted Company, 2ND Regiment, Virginia
State Line, 10/62 to 5/63. Resident of Rosedale Township, Russell County, Virginia, age 22, farmer, per 1860 Russell County
Census. On Virginia 1900 Pension rolls for disability caused by brain fever while a POW at Camp Chase, Ohio. Born 1838, Died
ca. 1905, Russell County, Virginia. ROBERTS, GEORGE WASHINGTON: Company
H. Enlisted on 9/12/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. ROBERTS, JAMES: Company
C. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. KIA 9/24/64 per 10/31/64 muster. Federals reported
taken POW at Harrisonburg, Virginia 9/24/64, sent to Point Lookout, severely wounded, died there of the effects of his wounds
4/14/65. ROBERTS, THOMAS: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63 He also served in the Washington County Virginia Militia. ROBERTS, WILLIAM H.: Company
H. Enlisted on 9/29/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Age 19, farm laborer per the 1860 Tazewell County
Census. ROBINETT, PATTON G.: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. AWOL 8/31/64. deserted before 12/31/64. Age 39, farmer
per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. ROBINSON, JOHN WESLEY: Company
A. PWR. Resident of Russell County, Virginia. He also served in the 72nd Virginia Militia from Russell County, Virginia. ROLLINS, RICHARD: Company
K. Enlisted on ?. Deserted 5/20/64, processed 9/64 in St. Mary's County, Maryland, age 20, 5'8". Record filed with those of
the 40th Virginia Infantry. ROOP, HENRY: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Listed as AWOL onall musters. Resident of Montgomery County. ROOP, JACOB: Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63
at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Taken POW 9/19/64 at Winchester, sent to Point Lookout 9/23/64. Exchanged
3/19/65. Resident of Montgomery County. Age 5 per the 1850 Montgomery County Census. ROSE, EDWARD: Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/63
in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Transferred to Company B. 51st Virginia Infantry 7/26/64 per special order
171-29. Taken POW at Shepardstown, West Virginia, sent to Camp Chase where he died of variola 1/24/65. ROSE, SOLOMON T.: Company D. Enlisted on
5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Reported as AWOLon the 10/31/63 muster roll. RUBLE, JOSEPH: Company
C. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, deserted 8/10/64. RUBLE, CHRISTOPHER: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 8/31/64 deserted 12/31/64. Paroled at Charleston,
West Virginia 6/12/65, age 48, dark complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, 6"2". Age 38. farmer, 1860 Tazewell County Census. RUSSELL, JOSEPH: Company
C. PWR. RUSSELL, W. R.: Company
E. Enlisted on ?. Taken POW 6/11/64 at Lexington, Virginia, sent to Wheeling, West Virginia 6/17/64. then NFR. SAFFER, J. W.: 4th Sergeant, Company D. PWR. SAIR, A,: Company
E. Enlisted on ?. In Chimborazo Hospital on 1/22/65 with "PP", but NFR. SALYER, ANANIAS: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63, absent on horse detail 10/31/64. Deserted by 12/31/64. Age 22,
farmer, 1860 Scott County Census. SALYER, DAVID J.: Company
?. Enlisted on ?. Took the oath at Louisa, Kentucky 5/64, resident of Scott County, fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair,
5'11". SALYER, ELISHA M.: Company
A. Enlisted on 6/16/63 in Scott County. Absent WIA before 10/31/63 at Jonesboro, Tennessiee. Resident of Wise County. SALYER, HENRY M.: Company
?. Enlisted on ?. Took the oath at Louisa, Kentucky 5/64, resident of Scott County, fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair,
5'7". SALYER, JEREMIAH: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/4/63 in Scott County. AWOL 10/31/63. Resident of Washington County. Virginia. SALYER, JOHN h.: Company
A. Enlisted on 6/16/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63. In Winchester Huspita 7/23/64 with debilitas. Given
disability discharge 5/13/63 at Saltville, from Baldwin's Squadron, Virginia Cavalry. Resident of Scott County. He previously
served in the 72nd Virginia Militia from Russell County, Virginia. Age 30, farmer, Dickensonville Community, 1860 Russell
County Census. SALYER, JOSEPH: Company
A. Enlisted on 4/15/64 in Scott County. Absent on horse detail 10/31/64, deserted 12/31/64. Age 21. farm laborer, 1860
Scott County Census. SALYER, SAMUEL P.: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County. AWOL 10/31/63, absent on horse detail 10/31/63. Desertec by 12/31/64. Age 14,1860 Scott
County Census. SAMPLES, LARKIN J.: 2nd Lieutenant, Company I. Enlisted
on 8/12/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31-63 deserted on 9/21/64. DFR 1/10/65, per special order 289, dated
12/6/64. Age 19, farm laborer, 1860 Russell County Census resident of New Garden Community. SAMPLES, WILLIAM P.: Captain,
Company I. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 and 1/10/65 Absent on horse detail 12/15/64.
Age 30, farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. SANDERS, ROBERT: Company
G. Enlisted on 3/1/64 in Wytheville. Taken POW 9/4/64 at Martinsburg, West Virginia, Sent to Chambersburg, Pennsylvania 9/9/64,
then transferred to Fort Delaware 9/12/64, but no record of death, parole or release. SARGER, J.: Company
A. PWR. Resident of Scott County. SARVER, JOHN: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 8/31/64, deserted C;. 12/31/64. Paroled at Charleston,
West Virginia 6/12/65, age 48, dark complexion, grey eyes, blond hair, 5'3". Resident of Tazewell County, Virginia. SAUL, EDMOND: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. AWOL 10/31/63. SAULS, EDMOND: Company I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Russell
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. SAUNDERS, FIELDEN C.: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Previously served in Company I, 37th Virginia
Infantry, enlisted in the 37TH on 5/2/61 at New Garden. Deserted 4/28/62. SAUNDERS, HENRY: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll SAYERS, N. O.: Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Absent on horse detail 10/31 and 12/31/64. Paroled at Lynchburg, Virginia 4/13/65.
G. Enlisted on 7/1/61 at Wytheville. Present on 10/31/64 and 12/31/64. Transferred from Company .B, 51st Virginia Infantry.
Living in 1912. SCATES, W. H. C.,: Company
I. Enlisted on ?. Deserted 10/12/64 at Fisher's Hill. Virginia. Took the oath at Knoxville, Tennessee 4/22/65, resident of
Smyth County, fair complexion, light hair, blue eyes, 5'8". Sent North of the Ohio River. SCOTT, BOSTON: Company
I/H. Enlisted on 6/1/64 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 12/31/64 in Company H, as a transfer from Company I. Applied
for pension in 1915 in Oklahoma. SCOTT, FLOYD: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. Deserted 4/1/64. SCOTT, GEORGE WASHINGTON: Company
C. Enlisted on 2/23/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Age 6- per 1850 Washington County Census. SEMONIS, A.: Company
G. Enlisted on 9/1/61 at Hillsville. Present thru 12/31/64. SHAFFER, CLOYD: Company G. PWR. "Served until the end".
G. Enlisted on 2/1/63 at Wytheville. Absent on horse detail 10/31/64, present on 12/31/64. Transferred from Company B, 51st
Virginia Infantry. SHAFFER, WILLIAM H.: Company G. PWR. WIA in
Maryland. SHAWVER, JOHN: 2nd
Corporal, Company F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken ROW at Moorefield, West Virginia,
sent to Camp Chase 8/11/64, died there of variola 2/12/65. When captured age 38, resident of Tazewell County, brown eyes,
dark hair and complexion, 5'11". SHELTON, E.
C.: Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Reported as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. SHELTON, GEORGE WASHINGTON: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Present on 10/31/63, 8/31/64 and 12/31/64, but AWOL 10/31/64. SHELTON, JOHN: Company
A. Enlisted on 5/15/64 in Scott County. Absent on horse detail 10/31/64, deserted 12/31/64. Age 30, farmer, 1860 Scott County
Census. SHELTON, P. M.: Company
G. Enlisted on 5/1/61 in Patrick County. Absent on horse detail on the 10/31/64 muster roll. SHELTON, R. S.: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/64 at Winchester. Reported as deserted before the 12/31/64 muster roll. SHELTON, S. C.: Company
K. PWR. Resident of Montgomery County. SHEPHERD, JAMES: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/16/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Age 13 per the 1850 Montgomery County Census. SHEPHERD, JOHN F.: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 at Lebanon. AWOL 10/31/63, deserted 1/10/64. Age 8 per the 1850 Montgomery County Census. SHEPHERD, W. H.: 2nd
Corporal, Company G. PWR. SHEPHERD, WILLIAM A.: Company
G. Enlisted on 7/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. SILVERS, JOHN H.: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Taken POW 6/18/64 at Lynchburg, sent to Camp Chase 7/11/64,
paroled there 5/13/65, age 35, resident of Montgomery County, fair complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, 5'9". Age 12 per the
1850 Montgomery County Census. SIMMONDS, ADDISON: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. AWOL 10/31/63. SIMMONDS, CALVIN: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted 2/5/64. SIMMONS, A.: Company
G. PWR. Resident of Wythe County, Virginia. SIMPKINS, GEORGE: Company
B. PWR. Died as POW at Camp Chase. SIMPSON, JAMES MADISON: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Applied for pension in 1916 in Virginia. SIMPSON, WILLIAM P.: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Deserted to the enemy on or about 10/1/64. SINGLETON, E: Company
A. PWR. Resident of Russell County, Virginia. SINGLETON, ELIJAH: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. SIRA, FOUNTAIN: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. SLAUGHTER, JOHN: Company
C. Enlisted on 10/10/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. He served in Company K, 11th U.S. Infantry (Captain
A. C. Cummings' Company) during the Mexican-American War. He also served as 1st Lieutenant in Company B, 63rd Virginia Infantry.
He resigned on 12/10/62 and discharged on surgeon's certificate. Age 24, 1850 Washington County Census. Died at Banhams, Virginia
in 1898. SMELTZER, FAYETTE: Company
G. PWR. SMITH, A. M.: Company
C. Enlisted on 10/10/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. Deserted 6/1/64. SMITH, CHESTERFIELD: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. In hosp. 10/10/64. SMITH, DAVID W.: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. He also served in Company B, 48th Virginia Infantry.
Age 15, 1860 Washington County Census. SMITH, FRANK: Company
D. PWR. SMITH, I.: Company
H. PWR only. "Died POW at Rock Island." SMITH, JAMES: Company
H. Enlisted on 10/30/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted 7/20/64 at Staunton, Virginia. SMITH, JAMES H.: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted 3/25/64 at Salem, Virginia. Took the oath
in East Tennessee on 12/15/64, resident of Scott County, light complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, 5'8". Previously served in
Company I, 37th Virginia Infantry, enlisted on there 5/2/61 at New Garden. SMITH, JAMES Q.: Company
H. Enlisted on 9/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Detached 8/31/64, deserted by 10/31/64. Paroled at
Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 45, light complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, 5'10". Age 40, farmer per the 1860 Tazewell
County Census. SMITH, JOHN: Company
A/E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Transferred from Company E to Company A, 6/1/64. Age 23,
farmer, 1860 Russell County Census. SMITH, JOHN: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Reported as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. SMITH, JOHN P.: Company
G. Enlisted on 5/29/61 at Wytheville. Absent on horse detail 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. On 1920 Wythe County Pension
List. SMITH, OSCAR: Bugler,
Company A. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63 and 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. SMITH, WILLIAM A.: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. He also served in the 72ND Virginia Militia
from Russell County, Virginia. SMITH, WILLIAM: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. Absent on the 10/31/64 muster, but no reason was given. SMITH, WILLIAM L.: Company
H. Enlisted on 9/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Died by 8/31/64. SMITH, WILLIAM L.: Company
H. Enlisted on ?. Taken POW at Harper's Ferry 7/16/64, sent to Elmira, New York 7/23/64. Died there of pneumonia 1/31/65,
buried in grave 1750, Woodlawn Cemetery. SMITH, WILLIAM R.: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. SMYTHE, (name not given on roster): Company
C. Enlisted on ?. Absent on horse detail 10/31/64. SNEAD, PHILIP: Company
H. Enlisted on 10/30/63 in Smyth County. AWOL 10/31/63. SNIDER, WILLIAM R: 2nd
Lieutenant, Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 at Montgomery Springs. Present on 8/31/64, in the Hospital at Jeffersonville 10/31/64,
present on 12/31/64 and 1/10/65. SPEAKS, J. L: Company
B. Enlisted on ? at Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. SPENCE, JAMES H.: Company
H. Enlisted on 9/17/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted, and took the oath 2/20/65, then sent north,
age 20, resident of Smyth County, dark complexion and hair, blue eyes, 5’ 9 1/2". SPENCE, ZACHARIAH: 3rd
Sergeant, Company H. Enlisted on 8/1563 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 deserted 8/12/64 at New Market,
Virginia. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 2/21/65. Age 25, resident of Smyth County, dark complexion, hair and eyes,
5'9". SPENCER, NOAH: Company
F. Enlisted on 9/1/64 in Tazewell County, due $50 bounty. Present thru 12/31/64 muster. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia
6/12/65, age 37, dark complexion, black hair, blue eyes, 6'. SPENCER, W.: Company
H. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia as a deserter, on 2/20/65, age 25, dark complexion, eyes, and hair,
5’9". SPORLLS, JOSEPH: Company
C. Enlisted on 5/18/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Age 9 per 1850 Washington County Census. SPOTTS, GEORGE: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. He was present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. SPROULES, MOSES L: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/25/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Listed as AWOL on the 10/31,63 muster roll. STACK, EDMUND: Company
G. Enlisted on ?. Joined the U.S. Navy after being held as a POW at Camp Chase for an unspecified period of time. STACY, CLINTON: 1st
Sergeant, Company B. Enlisted on ? in Buchanan County. Present on 10/31/63. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 5/30/65,
age 34, fair complexion, light hair, blue eyes, 5'10". Resident of Buchanan County. Previously served in Company F(2), 21st
Virginia Infantry Battalion. On 1898 Buchanan Company Confederate Veterans Roster, then age 66 with notation enlisted in 1862
and served 3 years. Age 30, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census. STACY, PRESTON: Company B. Enlisted on ? at Grundy, Buchanan
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 5/30/65, age 30, dark complexion, blue
eyes, brown hair, 6'. On 1898 Buchanan County Confederate Veterans Roster, then age 60, with notation enlisted in 1862, served
3 years, and previously served in Company F(2) 21st Virginia Infantry Battalion, however, no file in the CSR of that organization.
Age 24, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census. STACY, SEWELL: Company
B. Enlisted on ? at Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Age 22, laborer, native of Kentucky per the 1860 Buchanan
County Census. STACY, SHADRACK: Company
B. Enlisted on ? in Buchanan County. Present on 10/31/63. Previously served in Company F (2), 21st Virginia Infantry Battalion.
Age 38, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census. STAFFY, PLEASANT: Company
A. Enlisted on 10/15/63 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63. STAIR, ALBERT P.: Company
A. Enlisted on 5/15/64 in Scott County. Transferred from Nitre Department. Present on 10/31/63 Taken POW 11/12/64 at Ninevah.
Exchanged at St. Mary's Landing near Point Lookout. In Chimborazo Hospital on 1/28/65 Age 14, 1860 Scott County Census. Pensioner
in Cleburne County, Arkansas, died there 4/9/1900. Brother of Jeremiah Stair. STAIR, JEREMIAH: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County. Listed as AWOL on the 10/31/64 muster roll, deserted t» 12/31/64. Age 20, farm laborer,
1860 Scott County Census. STALCUP, JOSHUA: Company D. PWR. STALLARD, HENRY V.: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County. Detailed to nitre department by the 10/31/63 muster roll STALLARD, JAMES H.: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County. Deserted by 10/31/63. Paroled at Louisa, Kentucky 5/64 resident of Scott County, fair
complexion, blue eyes, light hair, 5‘8“. STALLARD, WILLIAM F.: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County. AWOL 10/31/63. Previously served in the 50th Virginia Infantry. STALNAKER, J. W.: Company
?. Enlisted on ?. In Hospital at Marion, Virginia 4/7/64, but NFR. STANFIELD, JOHN C.: Captain,
Company C. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 and 1/10/65. WIA 9/19/64 at Winchester.
Superintendent of the Washington County Alms House in 1871. Supervisor for North Fork District, Washington County 1883-87.
B. 1839 D. 1912, Washington County, Virginia. He also served in the Washington County Virginia Militia. STANFIELD, MELVIN: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Listed as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. STAPLETON, GEORGE: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Scott County. AWOL 10/31/63. Applied for pension in 1917 in Tennessee. Pre-war resident of Scott
County. STAPLETON, JAMES H.: Company
A. Enlisted on 5/15/64 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/64. Deserted by 12/31/64. He also served in the' Scott County Militia. STAPLETON, JOHN: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted, paroled at Louisa, Kentucky 5/64, resident of Russell
County, dark complexion, black hair and eyes, 5’9". He also served in the Scott County Militia. STAPLETON, WALTER: Company
A. Enlisted on 5/13/64 in Scott County. On horse detail 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. Resident of Washington County, Virginia.
A. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Scott County, Transferred to Company A, 4th Virginia Infantry on 10/4/64 per 10/31/64 muster. No
file in the CSR of the 4th. STARK, A. P.: Company
A. Enlisted on ?. In Wayside Hospital Richmond 1/28/65. STARLING, JOHN H; Company I. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell
County, Virginia. AWOL10/31/63. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 20, light complexion and hair, blue eyes,
5‘8". STATZER, JOHN M.: Company
A. Enlisted on 12/9/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Taken POW 9/19/64 at the 3rd Battle of Winchester, sent to Point Lookout
9/23/64, exchanged 3/15/65. Age 15, farm laborer, 1860 Russell County Census. Brother of Thomas J. STATZER, THOMAS JEFFERSON: Company A. PWR.
Resident of Russell County, Virginia. He also served in Company K, 48th Virginia Infantry. Age 19, carpenter 1860
Russell County Census. STEEL, CALVIN: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Absent sick on the 10/31/63 muster roll. STEEL, ELI: Adjutant, F&S. Enlisted on ?. NFR. Pendleton's History
of Tazewell County indicates that he was KIA in 1864, specific details are not available however. STEEL, JOHN W.: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. He previously served in Company G, 37th Virginia
Infantry, enlisted on 7/13/61 at New Garden, deserted 5/1/62. STEEL, SAMUEL S.: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Absent sick on the 10/31/63 muster roll. Age 28, farmer, resident of Hansonville
Community, 1860 Russell County Census. STEEL, SHADRACK: Company
I/H. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 in Company I, present on 12/31/64 in Company H.
On 1898 Tazewell Company Confederate Veterans Roster, then age 77, "served 3 years." STEEL, SPARRELL H.: Company I.
Enl. 8/13/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. STEPHENS, ANDREW: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. On 1920 Russell County Pension List. STEPHENSON, DAVID W.: Corporal,
Company H. Enlisted on 3/1/62, in the 29th Virginia Infantry, in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 8/31/64, AWOL
10/31/64, present on 12/31/64. Transferred from 29th Virginia Infantry 3/1/64. Resident of Smyth County. Buried in Ridge Dale
Methodist Church Cemetery, Chatham Hill, Virginia. STEPHENSON, JOHN M.: Company
H. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present thru 12/31/64 muster roll. STEPHENSON, R. B.: Company
F. PWR. "Discharged as over age." STEPHENSON, RICHARD D.: 1st Corporal, Company H. Enlisted on 8/15163
in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 as 1st Corporal, absent sick 8/31-12/31/64 as Private. Age 36, farmer per
the 1860 Tazewell County Census. STEPHENSON, THOMAS JEFFERSON: Company H. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Tazewell
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 muster roll, AWOL on the 8/31/64 muster, on horse detail 10/31/64, deserted on 11/20/64.
Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 46, light complexion and hair, blue eyes, 5'4". Age 39 farmer, per the 1860
Tazewell County Census. STILWELL, WILLIAM: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW at Snicker's Gap 7/15/64, sent to Elmira,
New York. Died there of chronic diarrhea 11/16/64, buried in grave 912. STINSON, ARCHER: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Previously served in Company G, 37th Virginia Infantry,
enlisted on 7/13/61 at New Garden, deserted 6/20/62. STINSON, ROBERT: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted 1/10/64. Age 28, farmer, resident of Hendrick's
Mill Community, 1860 Russell County Census. STOFFLE, ZACHARIAH JORDAN: Company
C/K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Lebanon. Present on 10/31/64 in Company C, present on 12/31/64 in Company K. Age 16 per the 1850
Washington County Census. STONE, S. CHARLES: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. On a clothing receipt 6/21/64. In the hosp. 10/23/64. Age 7 per the 1850 Washington County Census. STREET, ARVY: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Reported AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. STREET, BERRY: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. STRICKLAND, JOHN W.: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Carroll County. Present thru 12/31/64. Resident of Carroll County. STRICKLING, JOHN: Company
G. PWR. KIA at Moorefield 8/7/64. STUART, N. A.: Assistant
Quartermaster, F&S. Enlisted on ?. Appointed 11/16/63 to his position, resigned on 3/17/64. SUMNER, ELI: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Present on 10/31/63, absent on horse detail 8/31-12/31/64. Deserted 1/15/65. Resident
of Floyd County. SUMNER, JATHAN: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Present thru 12/31/64. SUMNER, JOSHUA: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Present thru 12/31/64. SUMNER, TAZEWELL: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. SUTHERLAND, HENRY: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 at Wytheville. WIA at Cumberland, Maryland 8/2/64, taken POW, sent to the field Hospital, with gun shot
wound in the skull. Exchanged 3/15/65. SUTHERLAND, JAMES: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 6/12/64 at Lynchburg, sent to Camp Chase 7/11/64,
released 5/8/65. When captured, age 19, resident of Wythe County, dark complexion, blue eyes, auburn hair, 5’9". SUTHERLAND, WILLIAM H.: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Absent sick 8/31/64 and 12/31/64, present on 10/31/64.
F. Enlisted on 7/1/64 in Tazewell County, due $50 bounty. Present thru 12/31/64. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/22/65,
age 19, light complexion and hair, grey eyes, 5"9'½". TARBER, JOHN M.: Company B. Enlisted on ?.
Enlisted in Company B, 5th U.S. Infantry, after being held in prison for an unknown period of time. TARTER, RANDALL: Company
G. Enlisted on 1/1/64 in Wythe County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. B. ca. 1847 in Wythe County, Virginia. TATE, A. H.: Company
G. Enlisted on 5/6/64 at Dublin Depot in Company B, 51st Virginia Infantry. Transferred to 22nd Cavalry 9/25/64. Paroled
at Appomattox C.H., Virginia on 4/9/65 with the Army of Northern Virginia. B. 4/21/44, probably in Smyth County, Virginia. TATE, ANDREW A.: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Transferred from 51s: Virginia Infantry. Absent sick
from 8/31/64 to 12/31/64. Resident of Smyth County. No file in the CSR of the 51st. TATE, CHARLES C.: Company K. Enlisted on
8/1/6-at Lebanon. Died in the hospital at Lynchburg 10/7/64 with typhoid fever. Transferred from 51st Virginia Infantry. Resident
of Smyth County. Originally enlisted 9/1/62 in Company B, 51st Virginia in Wythe County, Virginia. Age 5,1850 Smyth
County Census. TAYLOR, JAMES: Company F. Enlisted on 8/8/63
in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted 6/1/64. TAYLOR, SMITH: Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63
in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. He also served in the 72nd Virginia Militia from Russell County, Virginia. Age
31, farmer, resident of Hendrick's Mill Community, 1860 Russell County Census TAYLOR, THOMAS: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. TAYLOR, WILLIAM: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Previously served in Company I, 37th Virginia Infantry,
enlisted on 5/5/61 at New Garden. Deserted 6/15/62. Age 26, farmer, resident of Hendrick's Mill Community, 1860 Russell County
Census. TENNETT, ALBERT: Company
Sergeant, Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Present on 10/31/63, 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. AWOL 10/31/64. Age
5 per the 1850 Montgomery County Census. THOMAS, ANDREW JACKSON: Company
B. Enlisted on ? at Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, on clothing receipt 2nd Quarter 64. Age
20, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census. THOMAS, CHARLES: Company
H. Enlisted on 10/10/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Reported AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. THOMAS, D. P.: Company
?. On Sumners County "Official Directory of Confederate and Federal Veterans residing in the County in 1914." THOMAS, McCLARY: Company
B. Enlisted on ? at Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 8/7&: at Moorefield, sent to Camp
Chase 8/11/64, transferred to Point Lookout for exchange 3/26/65. When captured, age 19, resident of Buchanan County, dark
complexion, blue eyes, light hair, 5'10". Age 13, 1850 Buchanan County Census. THOMPSON, CUMMINGS: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Also served in Company G, 37th Virginia Infantry,
enlisted on 7/13/61 at New Garden, Russell County. Deserted by 6/62. On the 1920 Russell County Pension List, disabled in
service. Age 28, farmer, resident of New Garden Community, 1860 Russell County Census. Brother of Squire. THOMPSON, E. F.: Company D. PWR. THOMPSON, IZREAL H.: Company
C/H. Enlisted on 3/1/64 in Washington County, Virginia- Present on 12/31/64 in Company C. with notation, transferred from
Company H. THOMPSON, J. ALBERT: Company
C. PWR. THOMPSON, J.: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 at Lebanon. Present on the 12/31/64 muster roll, but no further information THOMPSON, J. L.: Company
B. PWR. Resident of Scott County. THOMPSON, JAMES A.: 2nd
Corporal, Company C. Enlisted on 5/20/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 Absent sick 5/21/64. Age 12 per
1850 Washington County Census. THOMPSON, JAMES: Company
F. Enlisted on 1/1/64 in Tazewell County, due $50 bounty. Present thru 12/31/64. THOMPSON, JAMES pj Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 8/31/64. deserted 12/31/64. Applied for a pension
in Virginia in 1915. THOMPSON, JEZREEL: Company
?. Resident of Favonia, Wythe County, in 1897 then age 62 per the Confederate Veterans Roster of Wythe County. THOMPSON, JOHN: Corporal,
Company F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, absent sick 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. Buried
in Burke's Garden Central Church Cemetery, Tazewell County, Virginia, no dates on stone. THOMPSON, JOSEPH: 2nd
Corporal, Company D. PWR. THOMPSON, RALEIGH: Company
H. Enlisted on 10/7/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63, deserted 6/20/64. Resident of Smyth County. THOMPSON, SQUIRE: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County. Absent sick 10/31/63. He also served in the 72nc Virginia Militia from Russell County,
Virginia. Age 25, farmer, resident of Lebanon Community, 1860 Russell County Census. THOMPSON, WILLIAM L.: Company
C. On 1898 Tazewell Company Confederate Veterans Roster, then age 52, which statea that he enlisted 9/64 and served 8 months. THURMAN, JAMES: Company
?. Enlisted on 1/1/64 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Absent WIA 8/31/63, Deserted 12/31/64. TIBBS, PETER: Company
H. Enlisted on 4/1/64 in Smyth County. In Charlottesville Hospital 7/26-28/64 with debility. AWOL 8/31/64. Deserted 10/19/64.
Taken POW 10/29/64 in Beverly, West Virginia, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio 11/29/64. Parolee 5/2/65, age 17, resident of Smyth
County, fair complexion, grey eyes, light hair, 5'7". PWR says "disabled in service." Resident of Bland County. TILLER, JERRY: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. AWOL on 8/31/64 muster, deserted by 12/31/64 TINSLEY, WILLIAM: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. Absent sick 8/31-12/31/64. TODD, ISAAC:
Company A. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. B. ca. 1843 in Washington County, Virginia. TOWNSEND, HARVEY: Company
C. Enlisted on 6/6/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, absent on horse detail 10/31/64. Age 14 per the
1850 Washington County Census. TRIGG, GUY S.: 1st
Sergeant, Company G. Enlisted on 7/12/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 as 4th Corporal, present on 10/31/64
as 1st Sergeant, present on 12/31/64. Applied for pension in Virginia in 1915. B. ca. 1845 in Virginia per the 1850 Wythe
County Census. TROWBRIDGE, FRANCIS: Company
E. Enlisted on ?, Taken POW 7/20/64, sent to Elmira 8/12/64, paroled 12/23/64. Born in England, "gave up, wants to be a fireman
on a government vessel." TURLEY, THOMAS: 2nd
Lieutenant, Company F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 as 3rd Sergeant. Taken POW at Strasburg, Virginia as Jr. 2ND Lieutenant on 10/19/64.
Sent to Fort Delaware, released 6/17/65, resident of Stafford County, dark complexion and hair, blue eyes, 6'. Age 32, farmer
per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. TURNER, GEORGE WASHINGTON: Company H. Enlisted
on 10/4/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. AWOL on 10/31/63 muster and listed as a deserter 5/23/64, arrested by Braxton County
(Union) Home Guard 12/4/64. Admitted to the murder of Charles Lewis, a Union man, age 36, resident of Braxton County, dark
complexion, hazel eyes, black hair, 5'8 3/8". TURNER, JESSE: Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63
in Montgomery County. Reported AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. TURNER, JOHN: Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63
in Montgomery County. Listed as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll, deserted on or about 1/1/64. TURNER, WILLIAM W.: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Absent sick on all musters. UTTERBACK, W. H.: Company D. PWR. VANCE, ABNER.: Company I. enlisted on 8/13/63
in Tazewell County, Virginia. listed as AWOL on 10/31/63 muster. VANCE, ALEXANDER: Company
G. Enlisted on ?. Paroled 6/12/65 at Charleston, West Virginia, age 22, light complexion, dark hair, black eyes, 5'10". VANCE, HARVEY: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Entry cancelled, apparently never served. VANCE, JAMES H; Company
I. Enlisted on 8/11/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. VANDERPOOL, JOHN hj 3rd
Corporal, Company E. Enlisted on 8/2/62 in Russell County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63. VAUGHN, AARON: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Grayson County. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 10/31/64, absent sick 12/31/64. Resident of Carroll County. VAUGHN, SIM C.: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 muster roll. VENABLE, THOMAS: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia, AWOL 10/31/63. Age 17 per 1850 Washington County Census. Brother of
William. VENABLE, WILLIAM: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Age 18 per 1850 Washington County Census. He also served
in the Washington County Virginia Militia. VERMILLION, J. W.: Sergeant
Major, Company A. PWR only. Served to 4/65. WIA in arm near Washington, D.C. on 7/12/64. VERMILLION, JAMES: Company
C. PWR. VIAR, LOWRY: Company
H. Enlisted on 9/9/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. VIAR, WILLIAM M.: Company
H. Enlisted on 1/1/64 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Listed as having deserted 5/25/64 in Smyth County. VIARS, JAMES V.: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Montgomery County. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted on 6/1/64. Age 4 per the 1850 Montgomery County
Census. VIARS, JOHN: Company
H. Enlisted on 10/7/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63, deserted 8/20/64. VICKERS, D. C.: Company
A. PWR. Resident of Russell County, Virginia. WADDLE, ELKANAH: Company F. Enlisted on ?.
Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 39, light hair and complexion, grey eyes, 6'. Age 32, farmer per the 1860
Tazewell County Census. WADE, HENRY: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 8/7/64 at Moore-field, sent to Camp Chase
8/11/64. Sent to Point Lookout for exchange 3/18/65. Age 14,1860 Tazewell County Census. WADE, THOMAS: Company
F. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Wilmington, North Carolina 5/22/65, on ship destination New York. Prewar resident of Tazewell
County, Virginia. WALK, ALEXANDER: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1,63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 6/18/64 at Lynchburg, sent to Camp Chase 7/11/64,
released 6/6/65, age 21, resident of Wythe County, florid complexion, dark hair and eyes, 5'9". WALK, WILLIAM M.: 3rd
Sergeant, Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63 as Private. WIA at Port Republic 9/25/64,
at home in Wythe County as 3rd Sergeant 10/31/64. PWR says WIA at Front Royal. WALKER, JOHN L.: Company
F. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age 18, light complexion, dark hair, black eyes. WALKER, ROBERT: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. Taken POW at Monocacy 7/9/64, sent to Point Lookout 10/6/64, exchanged 10/31/64, he had been WIA in the
right thigh in this battle. WALKER, WILLIAM: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 8/31/64, deserted 10/31/64. Paroled at Charleston,
West Virginia 6/12/65, age 43, dark complexion, black hair, hazel eyes, 5'10". WALKER, WILLIAM P.: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. AWOL 8/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. Paroled at Charleston,
West Virginia 6/12/65, age 38, fair complexion, gray hair, hazel eyes, 5'10". Age 33, farmer, 1860 Tazewell County Census. WALKER, WILLIAM T.: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 9/19/64 at Winchester, sent to Point Lookout
9/26/64, exchanged 3/15/65. Age 36, farmer per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. WALLACE, JAMES: Company
I. Enlisted on ?. Taken POW 9/12/63 at Jonesboro, sent to Camp Douglass 10/7/63. No record of death or release. WALLACE, JOHN J.: Company F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell
County, Virginia. Taken POW in East Tennessee per 10/31/63 muster. On 1920 Tazewell County Pension List. WALLACE, S. P.: Company E. Enlisted on ?. Deserted and
took the oath at Knoxville 11/29/64. Sent to Chattanooga for transportation. WALLACE, THOMAS: Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Transferred to Company B, 51st Virginia Infantry per special order 175/29, dated 7/26/64.
Taken POW at Leetown, sent to Camp Chase. Age 7,1850 Wythe County Census. WALLACE, WILLIAM: 1st Sergeant, Company
I. Enlisted on 8/11/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 6/12/65, age
26, light hair and complexion, blue eyes, 5'10". WALTON, CROCKETT: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. WALTON, JOHN: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on the 10/31/63 muster roll. Deserted 5/18/64. WALTON, LEWIS: Company
K. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Sick from 8/31/64 thru 12/31/64. WAMPLER, WILLIAM J.: 2nd
Lieutenant, Company A. Enlisted on ?. Taken POW 4/24/64 in Breathitt County, Kentucky, sent to Johnson's Island 5/12/64. Released
6/14/65, age 24, resident of Lebanon, Russell County, dark complexion, hair and eyes,5'11". WARD, ARCH T.:
Company H. Enlisted on 7/1/64 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia
6/12/65, age 33, dark hair, fair complexion, blue eyes, 5'10". His will was probated in Tazewell County in 2/1903. WARD, MATHEW: Company
H. Enlisted on 8/11/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. KIA 9/19/64 at Winchester. WARD, OTA H.: Company
C. PWR. Age 17 per the 1850 Washington County Census. WARFIELD, :
Company D. PWR. WATSON, JOHN W.: 3rd
Sergeant, Company G. Enlisted on 7/7/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Age 6 per the 1850 Wythe County Census. WAYT, NEWTON: Assistant
Surgeon, F&S. Enlisted on ?. Present on 1/10/65. WEIGHER, WILLIAM: Company
K. Enlisted on 9/1/63 at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. On detached duty 8/31/64 and 12/31/64. WELCH, JOHN:
Company D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, on clothing receipt 2nd Quarter 1864. WELLS, WILLIAM: Company
I. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Listed as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. WENSKILL, JOHN:
Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 10/31/64, deserted by 12/31/64. WHARTON, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Company
K. PWR. Resident of Montgomery County. WHITE, JAMES: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Absent 10/31/63, "arrest by civil authority." WHITE, JOHN W.: Company
B. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 2/65, sent north. Age 26, farmer, 1860 Buchanan County Census.
E. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Taken POW 9/12/63 at Jonesboro, Tennessee. sent to Camp Douglass 10/7/63,
released 5/16/65. Resident of Washington County, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, 5'11". Applied for pension in Kentucky
in 1907. He also served in the Washington County Virginia Militia. WHITEHEAD, JEROME: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/64, on clothing receipt 2ND Quarter 64. Age
14, resident of New Garden Community, 1860 Russell County Census. WHITLEY, WILLIAM J.: Company
H. Enlisted on 9/22/63 in Smyth County. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 8/31/64, deserted 9/20/64. Resident of Tazewell County,
Virginia. B. 11/12/1829 in Tazewell County, Virginia. WHITMAN, J. W.: 2nd
Corporal, Company G. Enlisted on 8/1/61 at Wytheville. Present on 10/31/64 and 12/31/64. Resident of Wythe County, Virginia.
Paroled at Appomattox C.H., Virginia 4/9/65. WHITMAN, JAMES W.: Company
G. Enlisted in 1863, in Company D, 45th Virginia Infantry. Transferred to Company G, 22ND Cavalry. WHITT, JOHN: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Paroled as a deserter 2/65 in Charleston, West Virginia,
age 29, resident of Russell County, sandy complexion, light complexion, gray eyes, 6'2". Age 25, farmer, resident of Rosedale
Community, 1860 Russell County Census. WHITT, OSCAR: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Previously served in Company I, 37th Virginia Infantry,
enlisted on 5/2/61 at New Garden. Age 21, farmer, resident of New Garden Community, 1860 Russell County Census. WILBURN, JOHN F.: Company F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Taken POW 8/7/64 in Moorefield, sent to Camp Chase 8/11/64. Died there of smallpox
10/10/64, buried in grave 294. Age 35, farmer per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. WILEY, ANDREW Jr.: Company
A. Enlisted on ?. Surrendered 2/25/64 in Wayne County, Virginia. Took the oath at McLean Barracks, Cincinnati, Ohio, resident
of Russell County, light complexion and hair, grey eyes, 5'8". Age 25, farmer, resident of Bickley's Mill Community, 1860
Russell County Census. WILLIAMS, ANDREW: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/26/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. B. ca. 1825 in Virginia per 1850 Washington County Census.
Brother of Jacob. WILLIAMS, GORDON: Company
C. Enlisted on 8/13/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Listed as AWOL on the 10/31/63 muster roll. WILLIAMS, HENRY: Company
G. Enlisted on 1/1/64 in Wythe County, Virginia. Taken POW 8/7/64 in Moorefield, sent to Camp Chase 8/11/64, exchanged at
Point Lookout 3/18/65. Age 45, miner, native of England per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. WILLIAMS, HENRY: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Absent WIA 8/31/64. Deserted by 12/31/64. WILLIAMS, JACOB: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/25/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. B. ca. 1823 in Virginia per 1850 Washington County
Census. WILLIAMS, JAMES: Company
C. PWR, AGe 15 per the 1850 Washington County Census. WILLIAMS, JAMES J.: 2nd
Lieutenant, Company E. Enlisted on ?. Deserted 10/25/64, DFR 12/6/64 per special order 24. WILLIAMS, JAMES J.: Company
A. Enlisted on 8/26/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Deserted at Woodstock 7/14/64 paroled in East
Tennessee 12/7/64, released at Knoxville, dark hair, fair complexion, dark eyes, 6'1". WILLIAMS, JOHN T.: Company K. Enlisted on 8/1/63
in Russell County, Virginia. On leave 10/31/63. No record of when or where captured, but died at Camp Chase of variola 10/9/64.
A. Enlistee! on 8/2S/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. B. ca. 1831 in Virginia, per 1850 Washington Countv
Census. WILLIS, S.P.: Company
E. Enlisted on ?. Deserted at Dublin, Virginia. Paroled in East Tennessee on 11/29/64, given pass to Jeffersonville, Indiana.
Light hair, fair complexion, blue eyes, 5'4". WILSON, HENRY S.: Company
A. Enlisted on 3/1/63 in Wise County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. MWIA (KIA) at New Creek Station, taken POW, died at U.S.
Army Hospital at New Creek, West Virginia 8/19/64 of his wounds, had been shot in the left leg. Inventory: 1 hat, 1 pair trowsers,
3 pair drawers, 1 blanket, 1 handkerchief, 1 testament, 1 canteen, 1 screwdriver, 1 pipe, 1 collar. WILSON, JOHN: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 at Wytheville, Virginia. Deserted by 10/31/64. WILSON, JOHN PATTON: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Previously served in Company E, 37th Virginia Infantry,
enlisted on 5/22/61 at Rose Hill. Deserted 7/1/62. B. 10/24/1844 D. 1942 in Russell County, Virginia. WILSON, THOMAS JEFFERSON: Company
A. Enlisted on 7/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63. Died of disease 5/1/64. WILSON, WILLIAM: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. WINSELL, JOHN: Company
G. PWR. WINSELL, W.: Company
G. Enlisted on 8/1/63 in Carroll County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. WINSETT, N.: Company
G. PWR. WINSTON, A. W.: Company
A. Enlisted on ?. Paroled on 6/12/65 at Campbell C.H.. Virginia. WISOR, JOHN G.: Company D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell
County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Age 28, farmer, resident of New Garden Community, 1860 Russell County Census. WITTEN, AUGUSTUS S.: Company C. Enlisted on ?. On clothing
receipt 9/4/64. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia6/12/65, age 28, light hair, dark complexion, blue eyes, 5'11". WOLFE, WILLIAM H.: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/14/62 in Scott County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63, then NFR. WOLFORD, JOHN W.: 2nd
Lieutenant, Company B. Enlisted on ? at Jeffersonville, Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. Three John Wolford's
on 1860 Buchanan County Census. WOOD, JOHN: Company
E. Enlisted on 5/4/63 in Washington County, Virginia. AWOL 10/31/63. Deserted 4/20/64 at Dublin. Paroled in East Tennessee
11/30/64, sandy hair and complexion, dark eyes, 5'10 1/2". (May be the same as the John Wood on Company C's PWR.) He also
served in the Washington County Virginia Militia. WOOD, JOHN: Company
C. PWR. Age 11 per the 1850 Washington County Census. WOOD, JOHN G.: Company
A. Enlisted on 12/2/62 at Estilville. Given medical discharge 5/11/63, age 39, resident of Scott County, fair complexion,
dark hair, grey eyes, 5'11". WOOD, THOMAS M.: Company A. Enlisted on 6/1/63
in Russell County, Virginia. Absent sick 10/31/63. He previously served in the 72nd Virginia Militia from Russell County,
Virginia. Age 22, farmer, Lebanon Community, 1860 Russell County Census. WOOD, WILLIAM: Company
E. Enlisted on 8/4/62 in Washington County, Virginia. Deserted 10/31/63. He also served in the Washington County Virginia
Militia. WORLEY, JOSEPH: Company
C. Enlisted on ?. On clothing receipt 7/10/64. Absent on horse detail 10/20/64. Resident of Washington County, Virginia. WORLEY, NATHAN: 2nd
Sergeant, Company C. Enlisted on 5/10/63 in Washington County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 10/10/64. Age 3 per the
1850 Washington County Census. WORLEY, Q. B.: Company
C. PWR. WORRELL, R. L.: Company
G. Enlisted on 2/1/64 at Wytheville, Virginia. Taken POW 11/12/64 at Ninevah. Sent to Point Lookout, where held until paroled
6/23/65. WORRELL, W. K.: Company
G. Enlisted on 3/1/64 at Marion, Smyth County, Virginia. Taken POW 11/12/64 at Ninevah, Virginia. Sent to Point Lookout, where
held until paroled 6/23/65. WYATT, C. W.: Adjutant,
F&S. Enlisted on ?. Appointed Adjutant 11/16/63, present on 1/10/65. WYATT, WILLIAM: Company
D. Enlisted on 5/1/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63. WYNN, A. W.: Company H. PWR. YOST, DAVID G.: 5th Sergeant, Company F. Enlisted
on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present thru 12/31/64. Age 37, farmer per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. Father
of Eldridge L. Yost, brother of John. Family history indicates that he was born in 1822. YOST, ELDRIDGE L.: 1st
Corporal, Company F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Taken POW 8/7/64 in Moorefield, sent to Camp Chase.
Died there of pneumonia 12/21/64, buried in grave 642. Age 14, per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. YOST, JOHN: Company
F. Enlisted on 8/8/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present thru 12/31/64. Age 40, farmer, per the 1860 Tazeweil County Census.
B. 1818 in Tazewell County D. 1883 in Tazewell County, Virginia. YOST, WILLIAM B.: Company
F. Enlisted on ?. Paroled at Charleston, West Virginia 3/9/65 as a deserter, age 33, dark hair, complexion and eyes, 5'11".
Age 27, farmer per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. YOUNG, ISAAC: Company
H. Enlisted on 10/6/63 in Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 8/31/64, deserted 11/10/64. Age 35, farmer
per the 1860 Tazewell County Census. YOUNG, JAMES: Company
H. Enlisted on 10/15/63 m Tazewell County, Virginia. Present on 10/31/63, AWOL 8/31/64 and 10/31/64. Absent sick 12/31/64. YOUNG, SAMUEL W.: Commissary
Sergeant, Company H. Enlisted on 7/25/63 in Russell County, Virginia. Present thru 12/31/64. Appointed Commissary Sergeant
1/30/64. YOUNG, WILKERSON: Company
H. Enlisted on 8/15/63 in Wythe County, Virginia. Absent sick. 10/31/63, then NFR YOUNG, WILLIAM: Company
E. Enlisted on 10/10/63 in Braxton County, West Virginia. Taken POW 2/6/65 at Balltown, West Virginia, paroled at Otter Creek,
West Virginia 2/65, age 20, resident of Braxton County, West Virginia, fair complexion. light hair, blue eyes, 5'6"
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