The statistics on this page are from Jeff Weaver's 22ND
Virginia Cavalry
Copyright © 1991, H.E. Howard, Inc. and Jeffrey C. Weaver
"My time is swiftly rolling on When
I must faint and die; My body to the dust return And there forgotten lie..."
Fom an Appalachian folk tune

Casualties in any Confederate unit can only be estimated
as record keeping was not standardized and most after action battle reports were written days or sometimes weeks later. Numbers
of killed, wounded , and captured are at best figures which are guesses in most situations. Below are the “official”
figures of the 22ND Virginia Cavalry, for its period of service.
possibly 38)
KIA) : 22(per CSA record)(No Federal record of capture)
POW: 119
Prior to Sept., 63------8
Oct.-Dec., 1863--------5
Jan.-Mar., 1864-------21
Apr.-June, 1864-------28
July-Sept., 1864----21
Oct.-Dec., 1864----123
Jan.-April, 1865----12
Unknown Dates:----21
*** Some
deserters were returned to the regiment under arrest. Some men deserted more than once. Desertion is defined as being absent
from one's unit for more than 30 days without proper authority, or if there was reason to believe that the person who was
absent had no intention of returning to duty regardless of the period of absence. Since four companies of this regiment have
no muster rolls taken after October 31,1864, it is more likely that total desertions were, in actuality, close to 350. Many
men of the 22nd Cavalry were listed as deserters for the period October to December 1864.
Prisoners Of War
Statistics on the prison camps where soldiers from
the 22ND Virginia Cavalry were incarcerated. Number held, exchanged, and percentage who died.
Camp Chase, Ohio: 43 held there. 20 were exchanged
before war’s end. 12 died while at Camp Chase. Death rate of 28%.
Camp Douglas, Illinois: 3 held
Elmira, New York: 4 held. 1 exchanged. 3 died.
Death rate of 75%.
Fort Delaware, Delaware: 5 held. 1 died. Death
rate 20%.
Fort McHenry, Maryland: 5 held. 3 exchanged.
Johnson’s Island, Ohio: 1 held.
Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C.:
1 held.
Point Lookout, Maryland: 29 held. 12 exchanged.
3 died. Death rate of 11%.
Rock Island, Illinois: 2 held. 1 died.
Death rate of 50%
Wheeling, West Virginia: 2 held.
York, Pennsylvania: 1 held.
Total held in captivity: 96
Exchanged: 36
Died: 20
Death rate while in captivity: 20%
Other statistics
Captured and released on oath: 4
Reported MIA by CSA but no US record: 22
(Probably Killed In Action)
Joined U.S. Army: 6
Desertions: 239. Most in the winter of 1864-65.